Linky with somemore info.
Sooo... if it holds true to the information given to us it won't be... bad...
Still a dumbing down again...
- Set 200 years after Oblivion.
- No class selection at the start. Also a level cap at 50.
- One can now dual wield weapons (and the fandom rejoiced!) ... hopefully this doesn't extend to bows...
- Down to 5 cities from 9 (if one can call Kvatch a city) in Oblivion
- Mysticism has been dropped. Does that mean no hope for Mark/Recall making a presence? Darn...
- Level-scaling is back... damn... damn it all to hell... (though if it is like Fallout 3... it could be tolerable to an extent).
- Once again, a celebrity appearance! As your (the player's) mentor... That right there almost guarantees he dies in the first 1/12 of the game.
- 18 skills down from 21 in Oblivion (and more in Morrowind). Wonder if that meant Axes and Blades are all now under "cutty stabby items" and light/heavy armor is just "armor".
- No tidbits of info on what options there may be for modding.
Overall, it looks interesting... and had a nice annoucement trailer.
Buuut... my heart still remains in Morrowind, and after my dismay at Oblivion... I'm not going to hold many hopes about this game.
But I will keep an eye on it.