Iwaku Sale!

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Original poster
Hi i'm Teacrusader and I'm a character artist.

You may have noticed my art shop banner from time to time, and if you are so inclined you may have checked it out and seen that i've got a bit of a steep price tree.

I do however now have a cheaper, albeit simpler, option.

Character arts for $5


Now because I love you guys. I am going to offer any Iwakiuns who are interested the second one for only $5.

So you'll get the $10 cleaned up line drawing for only $5!

All you have to do is put through a $5 order on Fiverr (see the link above) and send me a pm here on Iwaku. I will do you a nice cleaned up artwork for the price of the basic sketch.

I look forward to hearing from you guys!

Ps - as a note I will happily draw your character in the same genre they are native to, it was more to differentiate me on the site.