I've never seen Star Wars

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Beautiful like a Forest Fire
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It's true. I have never seen a full Star Wars film.

Oh I have seen bits and I have seen clips. I know broadly what happens from reading the Wikipedia entry but, I have never in all my years, seen the full contents of a Star Wars film. I don't know why, it's just one of those things that hasn't happened for me.

What film have you never seen that everyone else has?
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Hey Applo, I highly recommend Star Wars. William Shatner's mastery of body language and subtle nuance is a wonder and really elevates the movie.

For me: most of the newer Pixar films (Inside Out, etc). I like that kind of animated movie a lot, I just don't take the initiative to go see them.
Until three years ago, I hadn't watched Star Wars A New Hope. And until last month I hadn't seen Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back. :bsmile:

I haven't watched any of the Avenger movies, any Thor movies, any Ironman movies, any Xmen movies after the first trilogy.

I haven't watched Pulp Fiction.

There's probably a whole lot more to be honest. ^_^'
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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I'm on the same boat as you, Applo! I never watched any of the entire movies of the Star Wars. I even attempted, but for some reason I always end up having to leave in the middle of the movie or something comes up. All my friends are apparently horrified.
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Almost every movie ever that isn't a romantic comedy.

Now, if I was the one to choose which movies to watch, we probably wouldn't have watched any at all.
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All my friends are apparently horrified.
My friend was disappointed T.T So I forced myself to watch. I have to say I'm actually happy I did :3
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Eh, I've only seen the newest Star Wars movies. Not sure if the old ones are any good, but the new ones certainly put me to sleep from sheer boredom. But I might be a little biased...*cough* star trek's better *cough*

I've never seen Ghostbusters, The Breakfast Club, or the Harry Potter movies, something my friends seem to think is sacrilege.
I'll try one day! If fate doesn't keep stopping me.

That's pretty much what I always say but if I'm being honest it'll only happen if someone gives me a dvd or they turn up on Netflix XD
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I haven't seen either of the Bladerunner movies. I'm interested, I just haven't had the time.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Eh, I've only seen the newest Star Wars movies. Not sure if the old ones are any good, but the new ones certainly put me to sleep from sheer boredom. But I might be a little biased...*cough* star trek's better *cough*

I've never seen Ghostbusters, The Breakfast Club, or the Harry Potter movies, something my friends seem to think is sacrilege.
Why does everybody make the Star Wars/Star Trek comparison? o.0 I've watched a lot of stuff from both franchises, and I genuinely do not understand the feud or whatever. They're both good.

That said, the new ones are definitely not the same as the old ones. (Rogue One is still excellent though.)

As for movies I've never seen...hooboy. Probably too many. Just to start...the X-Men movies (kind of want to but also don't), the Lord of the Rings movies (really don't want to but will probably get dragged into it someday), most classic animated/Disney movies (whatever man), the Blade Runner movies (planning to ASAP), most classic children's movies, and way more stuff I can't think of right now.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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The Harry Potter movies bore me to tears. At least, the most recent one did, so I never bothered to watch the rest of them. I'm not particularly bothered though.

As for you missing Star Wars... for shaaame.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Why does everybody make the Star Wars/Star Trek comparison?
It's apples and oranges. Because the only real thing in common is the word Star and the space travel theme.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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I've only seen the first Star Wars movie, hated it, and have no plans to watch the rest of the series.

Tbh I've not seen a lot of movies. I don't really like movies. :' ) That's not to say I dislike them; there are some movies that I adore that have made a big impact on me, like Pan's Labyrinth. I just rarely go out of my way to see them, and half the time I fall asleep part way through. Haven't seen any of the Marvel/DC movies other than the original Thor. Most of the classics I haven't seen. Sometimes I just put silly movies on as background noise when doing tedious work. If I watch other movies, almost always it's with a close friend or my family. And that's rare.

Mostly I just watch documentaries like a fuckin' dweeb.
I've only seen the first Star Wars movie, hated it, and have no plans to watch the rest of the series.

Tbh I've not seen a lot of movies. I don't really like movies. :' ) That's not to say I dislike them; there are some movies that I adore that have made a big impact on me, like Pan's Labyrinth. I just rarely go out of my way to see them, and half the time I fall asleep part way through. Haven't seen any of the Marvel/DC movies other than the original Thor. Most of the classics I haven't seen. Sometimes I just put silly movies on as background noise when doing tedious work. If I watch other movies, almost always it's with a close friend or my family. And that's rare.

Mostly I just watch documentaries like a fuckin' dweeb.




What kind of alien creatures are you -keeps a cautious distance-

Ferreal though, nothing wrong with not liking movies.
There are a lot of "pop culture" things that I just never ended up seeing.
This includes (but is not limited to):
Breaking Bad ( I did watch like the first half of the first episode, I guess, I know more or less what happens from the internet)
Game of Thrones (I read the first book? Most of what I know about it is from internet memes - aka as much as Jon Snow :D)
Adventure Time/Steven Universe/Rick and Morty (the fanbases made the inner hipster in me defiant)
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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There are a lot of "pop culture" things that I just never ended up seeing.
This includes (but is not limited to):
Breaking Bad ( I did watch like the first half of the first episode, I guess, I know more or less what happens from the internet)
Game of Thrones (I read the first book? Most of what I know about it is from internet memes - aka as much as Jon Snow :D)
Adventure Time/Steven Universe/Rick and Morty (the fanbases made the inner hipster in me defiant)
I can relate to a good deal of this as well, heh.
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