Italians Can Give You Head

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Oh. So we could do that.
I'm interested in seeing the fool that would be willing to have that procedure tested on him. At least this gives me something to look forward to in two years
I'm interested in seeing the fool that would be willing to have that procedure tested on him. At least this gives me something to look forward to in two years
Did you read the opening post? How is he a fool? His condition is serious.

Seriously people, just google the name of the Italian surgeon and the Russian guy to check Asmo's sources.
Don't bring legitimate research methods into this, Torsty. People identities are at stake.

Wouldn't say I agree with understanding what's going on being that big of a factor in surviving, but that's neither here or there.
Of course it is. Animals panic at unfamiliar things. But humans have a soul. Souls survive head transplants all the time.

Also, I'm glad we brought Nazism into this.

If Hitler had had a different head, we would have lost WW2, because the Germans would have used gas, which is something the real Hitler didn't want to do, because his mustache broke the seal on his gas mask in WW1 and he almost died, so afterwards he cut his mustache into the square shape and refrained from using chemical weapons on the Allies.

If Hitler had had a different head, we'd all be Nazis now.

That's probably why these Italians are doing this. To clone Hitler and give him a non-mustache head.

And that's also why the monkeys died. Because they developed right-wing mentalities and suffered genetic shame.
Well that's pretty cool. Can't wait to see what the next couple decades bring us in medical science.
Reminds me of the flat worm studies in cell regeneration, though that's a different subject altogether.
Yes it is. Kindly stop talking about it.
All that I'm personally saying is that the current results are way too weak/lackluster for us to even remotely consider/expect success with a human patient.
I'll grant that it's a volunteer, so if said volunteer truly wants to try then go ahead.
But judging by the results given in the OP? It looks like he'd just be signing a death warrant.
That's not me trying to argue Morals, that's me looking at current results and saying "We haven't gotten close to figuring this out yet".
Well, if someone can get me Kit Harington or Bradley Cooper's head for my body, then I would pay. Maybe. XD
No personal statements, please. We talk on behalf of all people who aren't as clever as us.

The science presented in the "OP" (or first post, as I like to call it, because typing 7 extra letters doesn't kill my inner child) has every potential to be correct. Therefore head transplants are possible, and we should frolick gaily through the verdant fields of WhatIfia. Maybe get some roleplay ideas, think about cool future scenarios, reflect on whether we, ourselves, would favour a change of torso, or indeed a different variety of smug, dead-eyed grin.

But if you all want to murmur "bullshit" and shove your hands in your pockets and look down so that greasy hair can cover your pimples, and kick dejectedly at the dirt while refusing to play catch with your younger brother, that's cool too.

I shall stand on the porch and yell at you to come inside for Dream Dinner, and you shall huff and rattle your jean chains and say I just don't get it.

But the food will still be there, wafting the pleasant smells of unconditional fantasy.

And as we sit together, and little brother Tommy asks about those strange magazines he found under your bed, and questions why the women have been rendered to little more than non-threatening pansexual monochromatic binary code, I shall chuckle lightly with my smoking pipe and say...

"Enjoy your childhood, Tommy, and don't worry about that stuff."

And then Poncho, the family dog, will rush in and drop a morsel of Beauty on your lap, dampening slightly your Debate brand logo. So you'll stab the dog with your fork, and he'll run, yelping, into the yard.

But we all know he'll come back.

For Poncho is loyal.

And he loves you.
No personal statements, please. We talk on behalf of all people who aren't as clever as us.

The science presented in the "OP" (or first post, as I like to call it, because typing 7 extra letters doesn't kill my inner child) has every potential to be correct. Therefore head transplants are possible, and we should frolick gaily through the verdant fields of WhatIfia. Maybe get some roleplay ideas, think about cool future scenarios, reflect on whether we, ourselves, would favour a change of torso, or indeed a different variety of smug, dead-eyed grin.

But if you all want to murmur "bullshit" and shove your hands in your pockets and look down so that greasy hair can cover your pimples, and kick dejectedly at the dirt while refusing to play catch with your younger brother, that's cool too.

I shall stand on the porch and yell at you to come inside for Dream Dinner, and you shall huff and rattle your jean chains and say I just don't get it.

But the food will still be there, wafting the pleasant smells of unconditional fantasy.

And as we sit together, and little brother Tommy asks about those strange magazines he found under your bed, and questions why the women have been rendered to little more than non-threatening pansexual monochromatic binary code, I shall chuckle lightly with my smoking pipe and say...

"Enjoy your childhood, Tommy, and don't worry about that stuff."

And then Poncho, the family dog, will rush in and drop a morsel of Beauty on your lap, dampening slightly your Debate brand logo. So you'll stab the dog with your fork, and he'll run, yelping, into the yard.

But we all know he'll come back.

For Poncho is loyal.

And he loves you.

r u ok
Praters gonna prate.
I would like to see the results of this in the coming years. As some people are seeming to forget that success AND failure are both valuable to science. Either way we learn something and we move forward.

Also, the guy who's volunteering, I really feel for him. I can understand why he would make such a desperate attempt.
Did you read the opening post? How is he a fool? His condition is serious.

Seriously people, just google the name of the Italian surgeon and the Russian guy to check Asmo's sources.
You are looking at this from a purely scientific standpoint, but the fact is, the odds of this person coming out of this surgery unscathed is very much astronomical. Electrical impulses from the brain are a large part of how we function. If this procedure is even successful there is a good chance that he would lose his personality, memories or even his overall sense of self. And of course their is the possibility that he will live out the remainder of his new life in excruciating pain. Sometimes, death is better.
Head transplanting is so last year.

From a very reliable source I know a doctor who is working on a project that will connect three patients gastrointestinal tracts. I'll provide source if requested.
You are looking at this from a purely scientific standpoint, but the fact is, the odds of this person coming out of this surgery unscathed is very much astronomical. Electrical impulses from the brain are a large part of how we function. If this procedure is even successful there is a good chance that he would lose his personality, memories or even his overall sense of self. And of course their is the possibility that he will live out the remainder of his new life in excruciating pain. Sometimes, death is better.

You didn't google the names, I take it. Or read the summary good ol' Jorick gave us. The dude is already in a pretty shitty state as it is. He's in constant need of attention and care because of his illness. He very well could be in constant pain now. Not to mention he's had it since he was a young boy, so I imagine forgetting memories of your body and it's major failings might not be a bad thing. Overall, I would hardly call him a fool. Desperate, maybe. But who wouldn't be?
I'm hoping for this best in this operation but I honestly think it's too farfetched to work
You're hoping for the best, but also interested in "seeing the fool"?

I dunno what's real anymore, man.
You are looking at this from a purely scientific standpoint, but the fact is, the odds of this person coming out of this surgery unscathed is very much astronomical. Electrical impulses from the brain are a large part of how we function. If this procedure is even successful there is a good chance that he would lose his personality, memories or even his overall sense of self. And of course their is the possibility that he will live out the remainder of his new life in excruciating pain. Sometimes, death is better.
What? How am I "looking at this from a purely scientific standpoint"?

I reacted to your post calling the guy who was willing to undergo this high-risk procedure a "fool". As if he was a person with a healthy body to begin with.

In all seriousness, I find this to be fascinating. It could lead to many possibilities good and bad down the road. However, in time, we can always learn to take care of at least some of the bad ones.

Go science!
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