INVICTUS .//accepted characters

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Original poster

Something something here. Let's us know what is and what is not.



Premise: A secret organization that operates all over the world maintains order between the "normal" world and the "supernatural" world by any means necessary. Agents from all over are brought into the Texas facility melting pot to live and work.

Notice: The roleplay may be a bit slow, but has rather lax posting requirements. However, it is very plot heavy and requires communication between players and the GM. This is also considered a large rp with a large amount of players and larger amount of characters.

For all the important information, please click the INFO link on the left bar.​


Things to be added to this thread:
- Master list of all accepted character sheet links
- List of Supervisors, Assistant Supervisors, and Handlers
- Clear instructions on how to submit a character
- Clear instructions on how and when to post a mini-profile

Please note that this thread does not accurately depict all the characters that are currently in the thread
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Example of mini-profile after character is accepted:

Orbitron Inconsolata

name goes here || info goes here || info goes here || link to profile

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam faucibus, nulla ac viverra dapibus, justo eros luctus risus, non lacinia libero dolor placerat libero. Mauris mollis orci sed mattis feugiat. In ultricies neque est, ut tincidunt augue rhoncus quis. Pellentesque pharetra ipsum in commodo consequat. Duis in ipsum sed arcu feugiat euismod sit amet eu magna. Morbi nisi mi, iaculis sed magna id, elementum auctor arcu. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Curabitur tristique ultrices egestas.

Nam non purus et justo pellentesque pretium vitae eget ante. Phasellus malesuada ullamcorper lacus non pharetra. Nunc imperdiet ligula vel lectus faucibus tempor. Vestibulum non justo sed nisi tincidunt pellentesque sit amet quis sapien. Pellentesque volutpat porta imperdiet. Donec ut pellentesque ligula. Ut id gravida magna.

© layout made by rissa for the use of Invictus roleplay
Orbitron Inconsolata

leo de luca || senior agent || clear. 4 || link to profile

Brief Description
Gun-toting Italian Heartthrob mixes Casanova, Sherlock Holmes and a Quickdraw Cowboy all in one. Generally suave and collected, tends to follow his gut feelings and is prone to mood swings, hair-trigger aggression, and bouts of immense stubbornness. Good to have when something needs to be solved, needs a tanky dps, or trainer/mentor.

Weapons & Abilities
Dulce and Maria - dual custom made 6-shot revolvers that Leo calls "his girls". They never leave his sides. He likes to say they have personalities of their own, where Maria has a temper and is quick to anger. Dulce is the calm one, but the more lethal of the two.

Guadalupe - occasionally if Leo is particularly angry or things have gone pretty foul, you will see him toting around a r&d-invented custom shotgun.

Molecular Regeneration - the ability to regenerate even through death, so long as there is some molecular remnant left. It is a passive ability and Leo can't control it. He still feels pain as he regenerates. Complete incineration, molecular disruptors, perpetual drowning or asphyxiation, and freezing temperatures are his weaknesses.

example of one filled out; also one of Dao Ma's accepted characters
Orbitron Inconsolata

white foster || veteran agent || clear. 5 || link to profile

Brief Description
Forgotten goddess that grew up and decided to do something more with her forgotten existence, and became healer extraordinaire. Very responsible and mature in most situations, but tends to enjoy watching others get into mischief as well as indulge in sadistic healing tactics. Amazing with a weapon however is an excellent healer and terrible if you need a damage dealer.

Weapons & Abilities
Large-ass Metal Medical Kit - it's bigger than her torso and heavy af, but she totes it around with ease. It usually had all the medical supplies she may need in a pinch, but it may also carry some other tools used to help her heal more effectively.

A Baseball Bat - she usually keeps this in her office until the situation calls for it, but in every way it is a normal baseball bat. though if she hits someone with it, they will heal because of her ability.

Immortality - because of White's status of being a goddess, she naturally has immortality, in the sense that she will never die of age, illness, or normal mortal wound. Like many other gods in the universe, she has the possibility of dying through supernatural means.

Healing Touch - White can touch, hit, bite, or by any means of forceful physical interaction--heal a person. The harder she hits or intends to inflict damage, the more she heals. This also applies to any object she is holding or using so long as she is continuously touching that object. The downside is that she can't actually harm anyone. In this regard, she requires an assistant if she wants to properly do medical procedures that require surgery. However, if the person is undead (or considered as such), she will have the opposite effect and harm them.

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Orbitron Inconsolata

storm kelly || senior agent || clear. 4 || link to profile

Brief Description
A Doppelganger that killed his other self in self-defense, and as a result was forced to take his other's place. Shows an incredible amount of disinterest in most things except for sleeping in odd places and potentially strong people. Excellent as a Trainer to push New Recruits to the limit and for spy and defense work.

Weapons & Abilities
Sigils - Storm has a series of sigils that draws on himself every day with a semi-permanent ink that allows him to use his abilities more efficiently and without harm to himself.

Pen, Paper, Cigarette - he tends to use these objects to help him write out the sigils he needs for his magic to work. He keeps them on his person at all times.

Reflection - Storm has the ability to reflect (use) whatever ability he sees in action. However, he must be able to see it being used. Just looking at someone that has super strength wouldn't be enough. He would have to see them lift a truck in order to reflect the ability and be able to use it himself. This ability also allows him to replicate the combat style of the target. it works with every ability, much like a mystical mirror would be able to reflect anything. He is able to use the powers and combat style of his targets, and may combine them if there are multiple targets in view (unless their powers conflict one another). If the target is much less skilled or has less control of the abilities in question, he is still able to use it at an equivalent of his own potential instead of the target's current potential. The person he is reflecting must be within visual range. Once he loses sight of them, he cannot reflect their ability.

Sigil Magic (General) - eyond his natural ability of Reflection, Storm has the knowledge of sigil magic. Through creating sigils (seals or symbols) by any means, he is able to activate spells that would help him in various situations. Every sigil he creates does something different and he could use multiple at a time. Sigils are guaranteed to work for him without backfiring (though how individuals respond to them will dictate whether their actions are a success or not). He can use as many as he wants. The magic only works so long as the sigils are written or drawn in one shape or form. If they are broken, erased, washed away or otherwise destroyed, the spell will disperse. Most of the stronger sigils must have time to prepare or must be prepared in advance.

Sigil Magic || Argus' Eyes - Storm created a special sigil in which he can place on surfaces and objects and will allow him to see around a certain area. Talk about having eyes everywhere. Each eye sigil will give him another normal human-range field of vision which he can sync up to his own eyes. Although he can see several places at once, it tends to leave him vulnerable because it requires him to stand still the more he views. He has a maximum of 100 sigil eyes he can use, but he can't possibly view them all at once. He can only view at the absolute most, ten at a time (not including his own natural vision), though the imagery may be distorted. The sigils can easily be destroyed by fire or washing away (depending on how and what it's written on).

Sigil Magic || Chaos Realm "Negate" - This is a spell that Storm uses quite often, especially when dealing with new recruits. The sigil is drawn with the smoke from his cigarette, and more or less looks like an 'S' when drawn in the air in front of him. It is able to negate whatever attack is directed at him. It can negate physical, magical, and projectiles of most degrees. If the attack in question is far greater than the spell (near op level of attack), then the spell may "shatter" and push him back a few feet. Every time he wants to use this instant spell, he must draw the sigil with his smoke. If he doesn't have a cigarette to draw it with, he must use something else to physically draw the sigil in front of him. Unless he is fast enough to draw multiple, it usually only works the direction he is facing and has a funnel effect of protection, leaving his back open for attack.

Sigil Magic || Ekecheiria's Cessation - This is a stronger negation spell which has an area of effect. When the sigil is activated, a 20 meter radius dome will appear around the target and negate any ability they have activated. This includes physical and magical abilities. The area of effect is protected, so that the target cannot leave it easily. It cannot be dispersed unless Storm deactivates it or a stronger outside force breaks it. If the ability being negated is caused by technology or by a natural means (not supernatural or magic) it will have no effect.

Orbitron Inconsolata

venn charles || junior agent || clear. 3 || link to profile

Brief Description
Depeche Mode loving, angst to the Max, King of Grumps and lowkey Louisiana boy all funneled into the son of a Voodoo Queen. Has a strong connection with the spirit/astral plane and is highly prone to possessions a-la mediumship. Great for treasure hinting, errand missions, and small skirmishes but horrendously sensitive to anything spirit related.

Weapons & Abilities
Gloves x2 - he has two types of gloves-- one a fingerless pair with enforced knuckles for fighting, and another that are full gloves meant for touching artifacts without harming himself.

Mediumship - Venn is able to see, hear, speak to, and interact with spirits and other-plane entities that are otherwise invisible to the naked eye. This is a good way to gather information or help those dealing with spirits. Because the spirits can figure out that Venn can interact with them, they constantly want his help or to use his body. He is highly susceptible to possession and becomes, for all intents and purposes, a supernatural magnet.

Astral Projection - This is the ability to separate one's spirit from their body. Because Venn is so in-tune with the spirit world, he can easily slip out of his body (intentionally or accidentally) and enter the astral plane. By normal and intentional means, all he needs to do it meditate and focus on activating the ability. However, by accidental means, if a spirit or entity has a stronger willpower than his own, they might be able to push his spirit out and occupy his then empty-vessel of a body. He is able to travel through walls, float, and otherwise be intangible and invisible (seeing that he is technically in the astral plane, which lays on top of our plane of reality like trace paper). Though Venn can go long distances away from his body, his body is pretty much left vulnerable while he is in astral form. It is an empty vessel in which any spirit or entity strong enough can take over his body and use it for their own. Venn would then have to literally fight with himself to regain his body. Also, he cannot be seen or heard and cannot be touched (unless the other person has the ability to do so).

Token-Object Reading - With this ability, Venn is able to read the emotions and see very short snippets of memories of a person by touching an object that had once belonged to said person. Every object possessed by someone leaves some kind of imprint whether it be emotional (a sentimental object) or a memory (used for something for held for some reason). By asking the Loa to grant him access, he is able to read into an object. The stronger value the object is (or was) to a person, the more emotion and memories Venn will be able to draw from the object. It may allow him to gain more clues on a situation where there otherwise would be none. Venn actually feels those feelings and, in a sense, has those memories. It can get disorientating and can incapacitate him if they are too strong. Also if there is a malevolent spirit attached to an object, he is prone to possession if had not taken the necessary precautionary measures. Also depending on how strong the emotion or memories will dictate the duration of which Venn feels those respectively.

Voodoo Magic - hough this isn't necessarily a power, Venn is capable of doing various voodoo magics. It ranges from meditations and trances, to creating totems, effigies, herbal potions and incense, and making sacrifices. He generally doesn't use his magic to fight. Rather, it is used for support. It is versatile, and allows him to do various things such as gain insight from the Loa, locate and keep track of fellow agents, clear an area of malevolent spirits, create protection charms and seals, and medicines. This is a natural magic, and so generally takes natural materials to do anything. It also consumes a large amount of time. So Venn would have to prepare everything in advance, and it could take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours. It may also leave him vulnerable depending on what he is doing. There had been more than one occasion of a Loa hijacking his body while he was meditating or in a trance.

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Orbitron Inconsolata

gabriel baraniq || junior agent || clear. 3 || link to profile

Brief Description
Highly optimistic energizer bunny of a manchild with slight puppy syndrome. He seeks to please and to be acknowledged, and hopefully to one day be taken seriously since despite his personality, he is a strong force to reckon with. Great for combat heavy situations and endurance matches, but be prepared to feed him and give him morale boosts.

Weapons & Abilities
Reinforced Skinsuit - because Gabe refuses to use guns or any kind of weapons, he was made a custom suit to protect his body from destroying itself while fighting. It looks something like a mix between a light-armored skin suit and body paint that he could wear under his clothes. It is compact and discreet, and he often will forget he's even wearing it. It pretty much just makes sure his fists and limbs don't break upon impact (which has definitely happened before).

Experimental Power Suit - Gabe is helping the Science & Tech division test an experimental armor suit, however he has not been permitted to take it out of the department. They did, however, let him take the helmet, which he predominately uses to bring up his own personal stats (and gaming stats), display emoticons when talking, and to listen to music.

Energy Absorption - Gabe's body passively absorbs energy from any living thing and uses it as like a battery pack. The energy that is absorbed is generally small enough amounts to where it has no effect on the people and things that are being absorbed from. Though, it does give Gabe enough energy to go beyond his normal human physical limitations. Because of this, Gabe has high endurance and stamina, and can do physically demanding tasks for long periods of time without tiring. It enhances his strength and agility by pushing his body to the limit and even sometimes exceeding that. It also stimulates his body to heal quicker than a normal human, and allows him to overcome obstacles that should have put him out a long time ago. This is not an ability he can turn off. It's constantly on. But because of this, he as acquired an extremely high metabolism, and must eat large quantities of food. If he exerts himself too much, there is a possibility he may crash (think of being on an energy drink high and then suddenly crashing when it wears off) and fall into a very deep sleep. Another side effect is that if he does not expend energy regularly, then his body may have the possibility of freezing up like a form of muscle paralysis or just completely blacking out all together. The energy absorption has also created an almost ADHD trait in Gabe.

Adrenaline Inducement - one thing Gabe has learned how to do by tapping into his innate ability is to induce adrenaline. By psyching himself out and pushing himself to the limit in a short amount of time, he can trigger the adrenaline effect. It is something that usually happens naturally in a person, but his is amplified and much more potent. His strength, speed and endurance are increased tenfold. During his inducement, he can't feel pain. He is prone to more injury, since he can't feel pain. After the adrenaline wears off, he becomes fatigued.

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Orbitron Inconsolata

yuri zotov || new recruit || clear. 0 || link to profile

Brief Description
Semi-paranoid Russian hunter turned werewolf and left to die ends up becoming one of the newest agents. Stoic, yet attentive and secluded, but also willing to help others. Incredibly useful for tracking, and overall hunting but is still a new recruit and getting used to the groove of things.

Weapons & Abilities
Mosin Nagant - a rifle his father had given him.

Hunting Knife - As a hunter prior to becoming a werewolf and an agent, Yuri would use (and still uses) knives like these.

Transformation - every full-moon, Yuri will transform into the Wolfman. It grants enhanced speed, stamina, strength and senses. During this time, he will not have complete control over the beast, and thus can be dangerous to friend and foe alike. And silver can severely injure him or kill him in this state.

Orbitron Inconsolata

sorin m. valas || rookie agent || clear. 1 || link to profile

Brief Description
Picked up by Invictus after found carrying a box of donuts... and weapon housing a divine being that has been passed down in his family. Very chill and down to earth, soft spoken, and willing to learn. Relatively fresh, but his potential for growth is immense.

Weapons & Abilities
Malla-yuddha - a martial arts style developed by the nomads of the dark lands. It originated as a way to defend oneself using bare hands against armed attackers. With the passage of time, what began being a few tricks ended up becoming a very well structured and complex art. At the present time, the secrets of this martial art are usually transmitted from family to family as a tradition, so its number of followers is very few. The style is based on the agile movements of arms and legs, with the purpose of turning aside or absorbing with ease armed attacks and finding a hole in the defense of the adversary. On more than one occasion, an expert swordsman has asked himself how it is possible, with only the palms of the hands or the fingers, to stop the edge of a sword in the incredible way the fighters of the Malla-yuddha do.

Empyrean Hyanoa - a beautifully crafted greatsword that houses a nearly divine spirit of the same name that was trapped centuries ago. The spirit inside the sword freely manipulates wind and electricity being able to conjure storms and direct their fury at those who oppose its wielder. However seeing as Sorin's training with the weapon was incomplete before he was forced from his home he is as of yet incapable of wielding the weapon to its fullest potential and simply holding the hilt in his hands causes him to be shocked by the spirit within so he has to battle through the electrical sensations just to use it.

Wield The Storm - Sorin has found himself in a situation where his bare hands simply wont cut it and is forced to to rely on Empyrean Hyanoa. Drawing the blade from its sheath he can use it to make attacks based on wind and lightning. The blade of Empyrean Hyanoa becomes super charged with electricity and each swing of the blade generates howling gales that force those around him away. Strikes from the blade become even more deadly as the electricity arcs off the blade and passes through his opponents body. The longer that Sorin wields the Empyrean Hyanoa lacking his proper training and spiritual ties to the spirit within the power that courses through the blade will also turn on him. If he relies to much on the sword it has a very real possibility of frying him as well as his opponent.

Blinding Tragedy - Drawing Empyrean Hyanoa Sorin raises the blade into a thrusting stance as the power of the spirit collects into the edges. Once it hits critical mass he thrusts it forward into his opponent who bears the full brunt of the spirits wrath. This ability of the blade works as a gap closer and upon impact all of the stored power is forced upon his opponent causing massive damage. The longer that Sorin wields the Empyrean Hyanoa lacking his proper training and spiritual ties to the spirit within the power that courses through the blade will also turn on him. If he relies to much on the sword it has a very real possibility of frying him as well as his opponent.

Ruler Of The Storms - Drawing on Empyrean Hyanoa's latent power Sorin can change the weather to call a storm that envelopes an entire area. This ability allows Sorin to use the Empyrean Hyanoa to generate storms that rage around the area. Bolts of lightning will actively try to strike his opposition and the gales of wind will force them away as well and helping Sorin move freely within the area that the storm occupies. The longer that Sorin wields the Empyrean Hyanoa lacking his proper training and spiritual ties to the spirit within the power that courses through the blade will also turn on him. If he relies to much on the sword it has a very real possibility of frying him as well as his opponent. Additionally this ability only works properly when outdoors. If used in a building or while underground the most that will happen is that the air will simply allow Sorin to move more freely though even then to a lesser extent.

Indignation - Partially undoing the seal that contains the spirit Empyrean Hyanoa she manifests herself into the world and grants her power to the Wielder of the blade. When this power is activated the wind kicks up violently around the wielder and the power of storms manifests through them causing untold destruction to the surrounding area as Empyrean Hyanoa's fury is unleashed. This ability doubles the effectiveness of every other ability of Empyrean Hyanoa. The blade is charged to capacity with the power of the spirit and every swing could sunder the ground with the force behind the swings. The area that generated storms is increased and the area within them can be devastated by the howling gales and bolts of lightning that shatter solid objects. The free movement granted by the wind is not restricted in any way and Sorin can more freely through the air as well. Sorin doesn't even actually know this ability is possible with his current level of synchronization with Empyrean Hyanoa. Secondly this ability would be extremely taxing on his body and even with proper training once it came to a close he would certainly be put out of commission for a extended amount of time.

Orbitron Inconsolata

eliza moria bitter || new recruit || clear. 2 || link to profile

Brief Description
Demon Hunter for The Order of the Seraphic Vigil who was sent to the future by the very demon she was hunting. Conservative, generous, candid, yet conservative, proud and bellicose, prejudiced and stubborn. Eliza is a wonderful marksman and with her tenacity, great at singling out targets, however demons are her trigger.

Weapons & Abilities
Silver Plated Throwing Knives - she carries several of them.

A holy feckin bible - pretty self explanatory when dealing with demons.

A pair of highly customized pistols - complete with laser sights, integral suppressors,and extended magazines. Includes a couple extra magazines.

Her trusty old flintlock pistol - while it may seem like it'd prove ineffectual, it's actually loaded with a single heavily blessed round. The enchantment done to this round is particularly old but incredibly strong to boot. That being said it would more than likely slay unholy entities with extreme ease if it hit them. The one caveat being she only has one of these and is saving ti for the demon that ruined her life all those years ago.

Human - makes one an actual factual, for real and not for fake, human being. You can drink holy water and probably not die, among other neat human traits that revolve around not being a demon or something. Getting shot in the head and or other vitals means you're like super dead

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Orbitron Inconsolata

albert fieraru || veteran agent || clear. 4 || link to profile

Brief Description
Actual factual vampire that used to be, once upon a time, a blacksmith. Pretty much an asshole a la sarcasm, insensitivity, and confrontational, however is rather protective of those that he likes. Very useful as a combatant on the field, very knowledgeable, but is prone to detouring to indulge in his own agenda.

Weapons & Abilities
Felul vieții -Albert Likes to keep his load out simple. He carries a sword with him that he has had for centuries. It has been reinforced several times with various forms of magic. It is extremely durable and capable of interacting with magic and incorporeal beings.

Standard Issued Sidearms - they're just standard Invictus issued firearms.

Vampiric Physiology - Being a Vampire Albert gains all the benefits and Hindrances that come with it. Albert enjoys much higher strength, speed, endurance, reflexes and senses than a normal human being as well as lacking the need for food or sleep. Albert can see in the dark as it were normal day time and is keenly aware of spiritual happenings going on around him. While the benefits of being a Vampire are numerous there come with it several draw backs. Albert needs to feed on blood at regular intervals or see himself weakened until death. The Sun will burn his skin without properly protecting himself with clothing and being sufficiently fed. Being undead Albert is weak to most holy magics that provide protection from them as well as deal damage to them.

Combat Expert - Having been alive for as ling as he has Albert has picked up on a wide variety of different combat abilities and styles ranging archaic European Sword styles to Modern day martial arts. This makes Albert very versatile in most any given situation and allow him to react in ways that would be unconventional for most fighters. Albert usually tends to let his near immortal body take most of the punishment while in combat and so while he is skilled in many forms of combat he lacks in defensive capabilities more than most other combatants.

Vampire's Intimidation - This ability allows Albert to force his will onto other mortal beings and force them to bend to his will. This makes Mortal beings bend to Albert's will and he can give them commands that they will follow. This ability doesn't work on people with exceptionally strong wills and even for those who are effected Albert can not issue them orders that are completely against their nature or that goes against their sense of self preservation.

Life-Force Absorption - With being a Vampire Albert has the ability to ingest the "Life Force" AKA Blood in order to heal his wounds and to boost his abilities in large doses. When at peak ability Albert can boost his strength, speed, endurance and reflexes when he ingests the life force of another living being. And when he is injured he can redirect that energy to heal himself. This ability does not work on beings who are undead in nature for obvious reasons. Secondly when he uses this ability to boost his own abilities he can over work his body by using to much. If he over gorges himself this can lead to shutting down of his body which makes him lethargic and slow to react.

Darkness Manipulation - User can shape and manipulate darkness and shadows. By itself, darkness is mostly used to cloud everything into total darkness, but by accessing a dimension of dark energy it can be channeled to a variety of effects, both as an absence of light and a solid substance: one can also control and manipulate the beings that exist there, create and dispel shields and areas of total darkness, create constructs and weapons, teleport one's self through massive distances via shadows, etc. This power is extremely versatile and can be used to all manner of effects ranging as far as Albert's Imagination can reach. This ability is also empowered at night when Shadows are more prominent. The main problem with the power however is that it requires shadows to be present in the environment as it can not generate them itself. It is also much weaker during the day time as the presence of the sun diminishes it significantly.

Orbitron Inconsolata

dragovich asgar vollrath || junior agent || clear. 2 || link to profile

Brief Description
Hardened and tormented ex-soldier of The Red Tide that controls the Czech Republic. Calloused, cynical and jaded by his own life's events, but still impassioned and vehement even through his explosive temper. Drago is incredibly strong with a combat-geared skillset that makes him the perfect strong point in the battlefield, though he is still learning and exploring his Fenrir side.

Weapons & Abilities
Bergentrückung: - an extremely heavy greatsword close to the size of Dragovich himself that is magical in nature. Being made of Fenrir's own bones has made this weapon damn near unbreakable and exceptionally sharp. It has also bonded with Drago on account of his soul and thus cannot by any means bring harm to him, were he struck with it nothing would happen, not even blunt force trauma. The sword also seems to have a will of its own and it refuses to be separated from its owner or used by anyone else. It will not only mysteriously teleport back to him should it go missing for long, it will also lash out and attempt to seriously harm anyone who touches it without permission by way of a viscous spiritual assault on the transgressor. Wounds caused by this weapon seem to have a great deal of trouble healing in a timely manner, often slowing the body's healing down for roughly an hour before returning to normal.

Suyanta - a martial art taught to many of the Red Banner soldiers that when used in tandem with Noght is capable of harming an opponent on both a physical and spiritual level. It seems to be a modified much more aggressive derivative of Tai Chi.

Machine gun - Drago has a fondness for heavier firearms and typically can be seen with the era's equivalent of a PKM which is a type of general purpose machine gun that he has added some personal touches to.

Fenrisúlfr 's Legacy - Harboring the souls of the ancient great wolf has granted Drago the same power that was once within Fenrir. The most notable of changes being the great deal of improvements to his physique and potential for growth. Despite what his body would imply he's a lot stronger and sturdier than he already looks. Additionally he will one day begin to cease aging entirely. With supernatural strength and vigor also come complications as he suffers from complications outlined below.
- Supernatural physique, strength, and vigor. Gradually improves in these aspects over time. Suffers from periodic growing pains that can range from mildly annoying to totally debilitating (though he physically doesn't grow much in the process), doesn't have complete control over his strength and runs the risk of breaking things or seriously hurting people if he isn't careful, his body is particularly resistant to sedatives and other medications.​

Noght - Noght at its core is a force opposed to all the principles of existence, something foreign to the world and the essence of the vital flow that life represents. It is even beyond the emptiness: an absolute nothing that denies and devours reality itself. Training in the use of Noght allows the user to manipulate this forces of apathy, emptiness, and nothingness as a weapon but primarily as a powerful form of defense. Noght allows the user access to a small arsenal of powers that center around debilitating foes and bolstering the user, all the facets of which come with their own specific pros and cons as follows:

Nihil - Nihil is the name of a technique that is core to the application of Noght. By coalescing the emptiness around themselves the user of this technique can create a kind of armor around their body. The armor neutralizes or at least reduces the effects and impacts of attacks and the like directed at the user be they supernatural or otherwise. Sufficiently powerful attacks can weaken and breach the armor but not without having part of their over all potential eaten away at.
- The armor is invisible and takes rather significant abuse from outside forces, it is particularly useful for combating supernatural attacks like for example psychic blasts or magical fire balls. It also provides protection from physical attacks as well. The ability cannot differentiate between friendly or hostile and therefore while using this power he cannot be aided by his allies by supernatural means. While the armor can take a serious beating too much of one will cause it to fail, during such a time the armor will be unavailable for a few minutes.​

Dead Zone - This ability allows the user to externalize an aura of emptiness, creating an existential cold around himself that affects all who come near him. The glacial chill is not a literal drop in temperature but rather something spiritual that eats at the very soul and mere existence of those within. This zone cause those within to lose focus of their goals, corrodes their will, and brings their movements within down to a crawl (like moving through really thick subzero gelatin), extends up to 30 feet from the target and gets more intense the closer one gets to the center.
- The user is immune to the aura's effects, the aura significantly slows enemies, it gradually eats away at concentration making enemies more prone to mistakes, it also wears down the morale of those affected over time. The aura is ineffective against long distance combatants and while the user is immune to the effects, his allies would still be impaired since he cannot pick and choose targets.​

One With The Nothing - As a final step, the body of the character completely fuses with the energy of Noght, causing the emptiness and his physical form to be a single one. Consequently, he finds himself beyond bodily pain and most physical damage; no matter the type of wounds that he might suffer, his energy will always maintain its original form. Therefore, if the character receives a wound that mutilates his arm, Noght will keep what is left of it attached. Even if the damage is so serious that the extremity is amputated, one of pure energy will form that will work exactly like the original one. Theoretically, with this ability the user can survive while he has his head and a few vital organs left. It does however cause the body's natural healing factors to come close to a stand still and therefore his body is unable to repair damage done by normal means.
- this ability significantly increases his ability to tolerate physical pain and his ability to take large amounts of bodily harm, cannot be dismembered or bleed out. has no effect on pain caused by supernatural effects or mental or spiritual damage , his body cannot repair itself through natural means, while he is extra durable he is still susceptible to his heart, lungs, and brain being damaged or destroyed.​

Abstruse - This ability put simply makes the user difficult to read, contact, or locate via supernatural means. Being as surrounded by the nothingness has a way of suppressing their presence and for lack of a better word jam their signal. Typically the ability doesn't completely hide the user or make them unreachable, it merely muddles things and makes it rather difficult to pick up on things from them, effectively giving vague approximations that can scarcely be seen as accurate.
- Makes it easier for the user to conceal themselves on stealth missions and hide their intentions from enemies during interrogations. makes it difficult for allies to locate the user in the event of capture, also complicates the potential for communication among some of his peers, and lastly the ability it self could be thwarted by a particularly powerful or determined individual.​

Emptiness Extrusion - Through this ability one exudes an aura of nothingness that coats their body and weapons, this way it is possible for the user to physically touch energy and and interact with usually immaterial things such as spirits and the like. It allows the user more easily penetrate modern conventional defenses with both melee and ranged weaponry, effectively making it possible to punch through things like Kevlar or metal combat armor. Damage caused by this ability leaves wounds that are cold to the touch and particularly painful, along with having the nasty side effect of sapping away at the individual's very spirit. Supernatural defenses are still as effective as normal against this method of attack and this ability cannot help but be lethal and therefore is strictly prohibited in any mission where killing the targets is not an option.
- cuts through armor, can interact with energy and the ethereal, damages more than just the physical body. supernatural defenses like magic barriers can stand up to this ability just fine, this ability cannot be used to non-lethally subdue a target.​

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Orbitron Inconsolata

otto kraus || junior agent || clear. 2 || link to profile

Brief Description
WWI German ace pilot trapped in a mannequin. Optimistic, boisterous, but still charming and respectful in his own way. A very formidable agent, pilot, and overall a fun person to be around, however, his body may be prone to damage.

Weapons & Abilities
Luger Pistol - aside from standard issued items like a knife and other pistol.

Spiritual habitation of a mannequin - Otto has gained several good bonuses and not so good bonuses from being a spirit haunting a mannequin. No need for rest, food. Near infinite stamina, and incredible durability. He still has human level strength, and while he is durable. Anything that affects his spirit can put him out of action temporarily, or for good. And his mannequin body can be taken apart like a Lego figure, which if he completely taken apart, he can stuck that way til someone puts him back together. This has led to certain incidents. (Refer to: "Keep away with his head." And "He has been disarmed.")

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Orbitron Inconsolata

sibylla cymone anastacia || junior agent || clear. 3 || link to profile

Brief Description
Young mage artificer turned ex-soldier of The Red Tide turned agent. With vast passion for knowledge and learning, she has an intensity unrivaled and complemented by a good heart. Perfect for utility work, reinforcing others and protecting, but also decent enough on the battlefield.

Weapons & Abilities
Chorus Feram - a scythe modified to be a bit more practical in battle scenarios, the blade leaking an icy mist when wielded. It has been magically enhanced to be used as a magical conduit for her spells, and holds the attribute of ice to both augment her attacks as well as allow her to cast ice-based magic easier.

Canace - a shortbow of exceptional make, it has been enchanted with the power of the wind, concentrated amounts allowing for arrows fired from this bow to pierce more armor than it would normally.

Srebro - a longbow of exceptional make and decor, it has been enchanted to grant the wielder incredible perceptive abilities, allowing them to effectively spot and snipe an individual from up to a mile away with the naked eye alone. Any arrow fired from this weapon is considered to be of a superior quality and holds a light aspect, making it highly effective against creatures of the darker persuasion.

Beretta u22 Exélixi - a 22 Long Rifle semi-automatic pistol. The magazine has been enchanted to refill itself using ambient magical energy, as well as give the ammunition fired from it a debilitating stun effect. Made to handle non-supernatural opposition in as non-lethal a way as possible.

Magic Node - Sibylla's existence generates a plethora of magical energy, allowing those within a wide proximity of her to enjoy increased reserves for the sake of spell casting and the use of magical items. Sibylla is able to bolster magical units and magical devices by being within roughly a 50' radius of them. Being within her area of influence also appears to have the secondary effect of strengthening positive emotions (hope, peace, joy, etc.). Sibylla is unable to stop the flow of energy from herself, and as such can potentially strengthen enemies as well as allies. It's hypothesized that, if something were to somehow stem or cut off the flow of magical energy within her, her body may overload from the sheer amount and cause her great injury, if not death. Something similar could happen if she were to ever have a vast amount of her magical energy used up at once, as it's theorized it would place her into a state of shock.

Magus - Using theorem and formulae, incantations and gestures, Sibylla is able to weave magical energy to cause various effects. Sibylla is highly adept at spell casting. Aside from generalized utility spells and a few singular picks here and there, Sibylla's shown to specialize in areas that have been labeled "Illusion", "Literature" and "Blood".
- Sibylla at the very least needs to be able to recite her incantations in order to cast, though being able to gesture is nice too. As per many things that involve suggestion and sensory trickery, those of a stronger will can see through the illusions and/or ignore the commands given. Once interacted with and disbelieved a person cannot be fooled by the same illusion again, and become harder to trick for some time afterwards. Some of her Blood spells involve the sacrifice of her own blood, and when used in this manner it makes it impossible to heal back by supernatural means, only by the natural processes of her body.​

Illusion - These spells focus on deceiving the five senses of an individual. Whether it's creating a sound down the hall, phantom scents in a room, manifesting a creature of myth in the center of town square, trapping someone in a box of eternal space, or convincing someone that they've taken more damage than they've actually sustained, this all falls under what Sibylla is capable of doing. This section also leans onto the deception aspect of illusions by including spells that make someone more convincing, even if they might be blatantly lying.

Literature - Using writing as a medium, the spells in this area involve a mixture of creation and manipulation in regards to reality. From transporting letters to known individuals, to imposing suggestions upon others in written form, to manifesting a shield of words; all these fall under this category of what Sibylla is capable of.

Creation - By using her magical energy, Sibylla can manifest and sustain objects, as well as create small familiar-like creatues with their own traits and abilities. This form of magic also includes some healing aspects, such as mending wounds and enhancing one's natural healing capabilities.

Blood - Forced to learn this during her time in the ranks of the RedTide, Sibylla has the capability of using blood to cause various effects. She can slow one's blood to calm a person, help stop bleeding and heal wounds, aggravate wounds further, drain life from those she attacks, and even create items from her own blood.

Sanctum Sanctorium - Upon dedicating a portion of her magical power, Sibylla has created what has been equated to a special dimension the size of a town, where her abilities as a magic caster are increased exponentially. She can gain access to it through a ring that's connected to the Sanctum Sanctorium, thus creating a doorway, and can both open and close this doorway mostly where she would like. She tends to create a more permanent link to the location within the Magic & Occult branch of the INVICTUS HQ she finds herself in.
- While within her Sanctum Sanctorium, Sibylla enjoys a multitude of perks that enhance her magical prowess. Spells that she uses while within this area are naturally stronger, and is able to suppress the magical capabilities of others who enter the Sanctum Sanctorium. She can even deny entry to supernatural creatures, and the location is imperceptible as a supernatural area to anyone that Sibylla does not wish to know of it. Sibylla is able to recover from fatigue at an exponentially increased rate, as well as negate her need for sleep, allowing her to continue with her studies and work for extended amounts of time without needing to break. Sibylla is also able to teleport anything around the area of the Sanctum Sanctorium as she wills it. The Sanctum Sanctorium is a stationary location, and as such she must be within the location in order to enjoy the perks it gives. People within the Sanctum Sanctorium can be teleported as well, though more willful individuals can resist it if they so wish. Though she doesn't require sleep she does require food and water.​

Artificer - Sibylla is capable of enchanting objects, giving them abilities far beyond what they would normally have. By spending time imbuing an item (weapon, armor, toothbrush, etc.) with magic and intent, Sibylla is able to grant effects to said item. Perhaps she could make a sword be capable of cutting incorporeal creatures, or make a gun generate its own ammunition, or cause a scarf to make others more apt to heed one's word.
- Components. Aside from the item she wishes to enchant she needs components that hold some level of magic within them. This could be anything from fairy dust to oni horns, and the more powerful the effect she wants to create the more magical the components must be. The longer she spends on enchanting an object the better, a week appearing to be a good baseline for success, as any faster has shown to increase the risk of failure. While minor failures can cause simple mishaps, such as a magic container to slowly leak magic or an item needing a charge of some sort before activating, larger mishaps can cause anything from small explosions to the creation of powerful but malevolent cursed objects.​

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Orbitron Inconsolata

vigdis reyes || new recruit || clear. 1 || link to profile

Brief Description
Norwegian victim of a demon ritual gone mad while becoming the anchor for the demon Garr. Eccentric, bold and brash, violent and overall manically rowdy. Vigdis is a double edge sword when it comes to combat; excellent for destruction, but may cause a little too much carnage without strict supervision.

Weapons & Abilities
Garr - a sentient bio-weapon that was first summoned from elsewhere by Vigdis' father years ago. In order to remain in this realm he must devour still bleeding flesh, as well as form a pact with a creature from that realm. Any non-pacted creatures that attempt to handle Garr find him to be just heavy enough to not be lifted, no matter how strong said individual may be. Normally he remains in a state of slumber until he feeds. In his waking moments he's mentioned that he was made for a specific purpose, but what that purpose is has been lost to him.

Superhuman Physique - due to her pact with Garr, Vigdis is clocked in at being stronger, more durable, healthier, and overall more athletic than the average human being. Has the effective physique of a high tier Olympic athlete. Only has this as long as she maintains her pact with Garr, and Garr remains within the same realm as herself.

Devorabit - by sticking Garr into the still bleeding flesh of a creature - living, dead or otherwise - he rips a part of their mass away and absorbs it. The more flesh is absorbed over a period of time, the more physically powerful Garr, and by proxy Vigdis, becomes. Garr can only absorb roughly 3% of one's body mass at one time, on top of whatever flesh is making physical contact with the blade upon activation. Absorbing flesh brings Garr into his Awakened state, thus beginning to influence Vigdis's state of mind. The more flesh is absorbed, the more susceptible Vigdis is to entering a berserker-like state where she finds friend and foe indistinguishable.

Transformation - from what has been gathered information-wise from Garr, different abilities can manifest depending on the one that he pacts with. In the case of Vigdis, she has the capability of changing Garr's weapon type on the fly. Vigdis can change Garr's appearance at will, such as switching him over from a greatsword to a halberd, thus giving her greater versatility in a fight. By default Garr is a serrated greatsword, and Vigdis can only change him upon awakening Garr via absorbing flesh. Garr can only change into bladed weapons, cannot be split into multiple blades (i.e. knives, dual swords, etc.), and cannot exceed his greatsword mass in any given form.

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Orbitron Inconsolata

melisent amber nobili || veteran agent || clear. 4 || link to profile

Brief Description
Young-yet-aged summoner whose string of unfortunate events lead to her being partially possessed by a powerful supernatural entity. While rather petty and selfish, her capabilities of reading others and using this information for the betterment of agents earned her the current position of Supervisor. Her versatility given from her various summons makes her an asset on both the back and the front lines of a conflict.

Weapons & Abilities
Skeleton Keys - The physical manifestation of the beasts she has bonded with in the past, each one holding a different shape and design to represent the creature it's connected to. Using them as a medium allows her to summon them much more reliably.

Armatix iP9 - A .22 semi-auto long rifle pistol. Just because she prefers to let others do work for her doesn't mean she can't pop a bish.

Aging Suspension - Melisent's connection to the creature and the realm it comes from has given her a form of immortality. The passage of time does not affect Melisent, be it natural or imposed by supernatural means. All it really does it keep her from aging or dying of old age, not from dying of things such as disease and bodily harm.

Fear Empowerment - The being connected to her enjoys feeding off of negative emotions, being especially attached to fear and panic. Strong instances of these empower the entity to a degree, and as such empower Melisent in turn. Sources of fear and panic empower Melisent, enhancing her physical and supernatural capabilities the more there is. If in the presence of a strong enough source Melisent's identity may take a backseat to the entity attached to her, resulting in strong personality shifts and erratic - sometimes violent - behavior. In such scenarios the sedative device may not be enough to bring the entity back under control, thus demanding some agent intervention.

Summoning - Melisent has a special connection to a parallel dimension she calls "The Wake", allowing her to call upon creatures that call the plane home. Using herself as a form of bait she can lure entities forth, and by giving over a part of her consciousness she can bind them to do her bidding for a time. Smaller things she can summon and maintain easily enough. Larger ones require more time and effort both to lure and to bind, demanding that a manifestation of The Wake be present for them to come forth. Some common ones seen in use by her are:

  • Φ Grasping Hands - Dark ethereal arms that inhabit Melisent's shadow. Normally hiding among tall grass in The Wake, waiting to snatch and strangle anything weak enough to not break their grip, Melisent maintains a cluster of these most always to aid her in menial tasks she deems to be "below her" - if she can't get one of her subordinates to do it.
    Φ Beady Eye - Small creatures capable of flight, the most marked aspect being the single, large eye that makes up the majority of their faces. Melisent has the ability to tap into their vision, allowing her to see what they're seeing. She says she uses them for monitoring others in the base who're known to cause trouble, but has mostly been known to use them to gather dirt on those that she feels have slighted her.
    Φ Paladin Beast - Medium-sized dog-like creatures with an emaciated appearance, pasty skin pulled taut over spiked bones, long snouts holding rows of sharp teeth and their head holding multiple sets of eyes. Melisent says that they are creatures left behind in The Wake by violent religious zealots. Supposedly they grow to be much larger than the ones that she summons regularly.

All entities above a Level 1 classification (things she can be seen summoning around base) require express clearance from her superiors, Level 3 entities needing direct authorization from Upper Management. Entities from The Wake are not a fan of sunlight nor the atmosphere of the human plane, and as such tend to stay within the sphere manifested from Melisent during daylight hours. The stronger the entity the more of her conscious self she has to give over. If she gives over too much, a sufficiently powerful being could potentially strain and break the bind that it places on them, thus allowing it to run wild(er) as it so pleased. If such a scenario were to occur, it's theorized that this might cause more damage to the identity of Melisent than what is already in place, potentially threatening to give full agency to the other presence inside her.

Nightmare Eyes - Melisent is able to switch her vision, allowing her to see the world as it's reflected in The Wake according to the entity she's connected with. As The Wake is a reflection of the human realm, by finding people and places within it one can find emotional imprints in various places throughout. For Melisent in specific, fears, phobias, manias, even dark thoughts and dark deeds from one's past can be picked up on and revealed to her eyes. As it is but a switch of her vision, Melisent must be in the presence of a person or thing to be able to see how they are represented within The Wake.

© layout made by rissa for the use of Invictus roleplay
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Orbitron Inconsolata

nike hope deschain || senior agent || clear. 4 || link to profile

Brief Description
Strong willed gal who has special powers straight out of a popular shounen manga. Whether it's climbing trees, messing with the PA system or coaching the newbies around the base, Nike is usually always doing something and doing it with both spunk and enthusiasm. While her spiritual abilities can help in many a situation, her charisma and morale boosting capabilities are just as helpful in pulling even the toughest missions through to victory.

Weapons & Abilities
Gear - Aside from her Soul Weapon, Nike usually has a handgun and a utility knife on her, simply because it became habit after her training.

Strong Soul - Nike is in possession of a potently strong soul. At her core, Nike generates neutral energy at an increased pace to fill an extremely large pool of energy, which she can tap into, then convert and manipulate to perform various tasks far beyond that capable of a normal human. It grants Nike a vastly wide array of utility that can carry her through many a scenario -- as long as she keeps her head on straight.
  • - A sound soul dwells within a sound mind and a sound body. If Nike doesn't keep herself healthy both physically and mentally it can and will have an effect on her power. For instance, if Nike begins to tire in a fight because she stayed up all night playing the newest BlazBlue game, the imbalance could be enough to keep her from manifesting her weapon properly, thus leading it to break under heavier blows.
    Though Nike can do cool things like make barriers, make platforms appear out of thin air and make her bokken an actual blade of energy that's, like, fifty feet long, all of it has to start from her. She can't just point to a place ten feet in the air and make something appear there. Now if she were ten feet up in the air and she wanted a platform literally right under her feet, then that'd totes work.
    Nike has placed seals on portions of her energy pool, effectively breaking it down into three tiers. The first tier is small enough for her to summon her signature weapon and maintain it without much effort. The second tier requires a key phrase, to which Nike curses her choice for said key phrase to this day, as it's ruined a song for her "for the rest of forever". Her third tier demands complete commitment, and as such she has placed a two part requirement in order to tap into it; a pact of sorts. Through a short ceremony with a willing individual, Nike will offer her sword to them, and the individual will give her a task to complete in their name. Once Nike offers her sword she cannot refuse what is asked of her, even if she doesn't agree with it, and as such tries to keep from asking random strangers unless completely necessary.
    Despite the years she's had to work it out, Nike still hasn't grasped completely the ability to use her energy efficiently once she has access to it all. She just burns through it at 100% output. As of date, Nike has been recorded to be able to maintain this heightened state for a maximum of eight minutes before exhausting her pool.

Soul Weapon - Utilizing her soul's potential, Nike is able to summon forth a weapon of significant power. Nike can make this weapon appear as long as she has reserves of energy left in her. The weapon made of her soul cannot be destroyed completely, and it will always return to her if lost or tossed away in battle. The weapon in question takes on the form of the strongest aspect of Nike's soul, which in this case has chosen to be a bokken. She cannot summon her weapon in any other form. While Nike's Soul Weapon can't be destroyed as long as she lives, with enough effort and under certain conditions, it can break. When this happens Nike's body goes into shock from the trauma of watching her damn spirit break in front of her, rendering her immobile and vulnerable until given enough time to collect herself.

Spirit Eyes - Every one that she has seen has turned out to be a super of some sort, but Nike's holding out for the day she sees an actual ghost. Nike is capable of seeing invisible and incorporeal beings via the energy they use. She has a range of 100 ft. and must knowingly activate this ability for it to be of use.

Orbitron Inconsolata

sable mereworth || senior agent || clear. 4 || link to profile

Brief Description
Demon of hatred with a penchant for kindness, Sable is an incredibly friendly person with a not-so-friendly connotation. Often considered a father figure by other agents, as well as an older brother, Sable is one of the more outwardly caring Agent Handlers who loves to watch his recruits flourish and become independent of him or other Handlers. Mistaking his heart for weakness is a grave mistake, as Sable is deadly in a fight and can hold his own against multiple enemies, despite his dislike of weapons.

Weapons & Abilities
Shadow Control: Sable can control shadows, or darkness, around him. While he cannot manipulate them into any kind of physical form, he can usually spread the shadows around a wider space. He can blind people temporarily using them as well. He can use them to darken an area, or even lighten an area, and can create crude illusions with them as well. If he is hard pressed for shadows, he can use his own "blood", which is a dark, wispy substance. However, using too much of his own darkness can drain him quickly, and bring about the primal demon inside of him, of which he will have no control over.

Enhanced Physicality: Sable is much like any other human, except he is more physically perfect in nearly every way. His senses are heightened, he is stronger and faster, and due to his demonic nature has a specific sense in which he can "feel" souls. He says that sensing a soul just feels like a small tingle in the back of his head, and he doesn't pay much attention to it unless he actually concentrates on it.

While he cannot lift huge amounts of weight, or see an ant from a mile away, he does have moderately enhanced physical traits. He can lift more than an average person could lift, but not more than someone who actually uses super strength. All of his enhancements are not much more than what one could do if they were gifted or trained incredibly hard.

Pain Inducement: Sable's only true offensive ability outside of his full demon self. Sable can cause pain of all sorts in a person's body, and can kill someone by doing so. While he tends to only need to make a person hurt enough to faint, he can absolutely kill a person from the shock of the pain. He doesn't like to hurt people, so tries to not use this ability, but he isn't shy about using it when needed. His abilities can be negated by those with the ability to block out pain, and it cannot affect those who cannot feel pain, such as robots. He needs to have line of sight or be directly touching the body in order to cause pain to his attacker. He can cause pain anywhere from the head to the foot. Those who have experienced his pain inducement have claimed it feels like claws digging into their skin.

Demon Transformation: Sable can transform into his full demon form in one of two ways. The first is completely his own decision. He can sacrifice most of his own darkness to transform, resulting in him gaining immense strength, devastating natural weapons, and the ability to kill someone instantly by ripping their very soul, or life force, from their body. Ripping a soul from someone is something he has vowed he will never do again after the first and only time he had done so. He hates transforming, as his own blood lust becomes unbearable, and he has little impulse control.

The second way Sable can transform is when he is unwilling. If Sable is nearing the brink of death, or if the thing inside him feels threatened while Sable is unconscious, it will transform in order to fight for its own survival. If it feels it cannot win against the current threat, it will use its enhanced shadow abilities and flight to escape to somewhere safe. Sable is not able to control it in this state, and it is free to do what it pleases.

When transformed, the demon has enhanced shadow abilities. It gains the ability to meld into shadows in order to escape danger or sneak up on a victim. It can also fly, using its large wings. It is only in this form that Sable can rip souls from people and consume them to gain in power.

Orbitron Inconsolata

atticus quinn || junior agent || clear. 2 || link to profile

Brief Description
Family man turned assassin via coercion, well versed with guns of many sizes, Atticus is a cybernetically enhanced human in search of one thing: his family. With a rough exterior gained from his line of underground fighting and mercenary work, he has a soft spot for younger people, especially children, and his shell can be easily broken to find the fun loving person he used to be. His cybernetics allow him to manipulate magnetic fields and he is proficient with many firearms, particularly rifles, making him an excellent choice for reconnaissance.

Weapons & Abilities
Firearm Training: Due to his time as a mercenary, Atticus is rather good with most guns put into his hands. He prefers rifles, but can make use of just about anything. When on missions, he prefers having automatic rifles with a scope, as well as a sidearm semi-automatic pistol.

Hand-to-Hand Combat: Atticus is an ex-street fighter and he has retained many of his fighting techniques for use in the field. He is an incredibly good hand-to-hand fighter, using no real style of fighting and instead just using street fighting and kickboxing.

Magnetic Manipulation [active]: Due to his cybernetic installation, Atticus has the ability to create magnetic fields in his hands. While he can only affect those wearing metal or metal objects, it is quite effective in disarming foes. He can throw and move metal objects, so long as they don't weigh too much. He has been known to lift things up to 136 kilograms, but usually he can only lift things around 90 kilograms. He uses this ability for stealth by wearing metal plates on the bottom of his shoes, and allowing for the magnetic field to make it so he is basically walking on air. He can also shoot "balls" of this magnetic field to push back anyone wearing magnetic items. This is an active ability, meaning it is not always "on". He has to activate his cybernetics in order to use these abilities.

Magnetic Manipulation [passive]: Atticus' cybernetics not only allow him to tap into them to use them, they also provide him a passive ability. There is always a slightly more powerful magnetic field surrounding him than others. While this is not enough to stop a bullet, it can usually stop metal objects from doing as much damage to him when thrown, such as throwing knives.

Magnetic Shielding: By expending the majority of the power stored inside his cybernetics, Atticus can make a decently large force field of pure magnetic power. The magnetic power of the force field is so great, that it repels even a normal human's natural magnetic field. This is only a last resort ability, as he will be utterly useless until his cybernetics cool down and recharge once again. This can cause him lasting brain damage. He has used it twice, once while defending his boss, once while escaping.

Orbitron Inconsolata

matsui yuka || senior agent || clear. 4 || link to profile

Brief Description
A human robotics engineer with a closeted obsession for anime, Yuka is an exceptionally talented agent, even if she doesn't have any abilities. With a sarcastic yet optimistic view on life, Yuka takes things as they come to her, and tends to get way over her head with projects and promises she made to other people. Despite not having any sort of special ability or magical weapon, the small Japanese woman can hold her own if worse comes to worse, and can often get out of troublesome situations with both her robots and her intelligence.

Weapons & Abilities
Pistol and Taser: Yuka carries a sidearm pistol and a high voltage taser. She's not very good at using either, but it's better than nothing.

Tomomi (朋実): Not a power, but a robot. Tomomi is Yuka's companion android. Unlike what many assume, Tomomi is not an AI. She has a limited amount of responses, even though there are many. Tomomi's main purpose is to help Yuka work. She has some tools stored inside of her made for quick repairs on robotics. They are smaller tools, and thus not made for large scale projects. Tomomi also has a wireless link to the internet and can search anything with an authorized voice command. She can project holograms and plain images and videos. The cat ear headphones are made to project sound, and the headphone pieces allow Yuka to talk to her remotely. Yuka is the only person who can command Tomomi, but she can transfer command to someone if she needs to. Tomomi has a kill switch that can be activated remotely or manually to keep INVICTUS secrets out of the wrong hands.

As for fighting abilities, Tomomi was not built for combat. She does know basic Aikido, but not enough to be put into a combat role. If given a gun, Tomomi will shoot at targets that Yuka tells her to, however because Tomomi is not an AI, she has a limited ability for this. For example, if Yuka were to tell her "shoot anyone who comes through here", Tomomi would do just that; friend or foe. Yuka cannot tell her to shoot enemies, because Tomomi does not know who is an enemy and who is an ally. For this reason, it is best to keep Tomomi out of combat.

Puchi (プチ): Again, not an ability, Puchi is Yuka's current project. It is a small robotic turret about the size of a basketball. It is mobile, and can move to a position, and it can also anchor itself to a position for full turret abilities. Currently, Puchi is not lethal, and is mostly an advanced alarm system. It can spread an electromagnetic "net" in a five foot radius, and if the net is tripped, it will sound the alarm.

Even though Puchi is not lethal, it isn't defenseless. Yuka can set it up so anyone in its line of sight will get struck in the face by a blinding laser, and will attempt to hit their eyes using facial recognition technology. It doesn't do permanent damage (as far as she knows) but it can disorient and hurt like a bitch. As of now, Puchi is not voice activated, and can only be controlled manually. She can maneuver and arm it using a controller, or she can place it somewhere herself and put it into turret mode.