Interacting nations RP.

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The Philosoraptor

Original poster
Create a nation of any technological advancement, of any age, help it grow, and defend against, learn under, ally with, conquer, etc. Again, you can be stone age or space age, techno-lords or Neanderthals. Take the perspective of a character living in your empire, tribe, kingdom, nation or whatever. Create a whole cast of characters if you like, or make one, drop them, and make another. No CSs required for those characters, just your nation and species. All you need know is that I am the boss. The single most advanced thing in the whole universe. If you do something completely wrong (break the RP rules), I make a move. In extreme cases, I cause a mass extinction. However, I am, like you, another nation. You CAN attack me. If you dare. I'll take as many people possible, so no application limit. However, this is just an interest check. I need some people to say yes for this to kick off. Any hands?
I am interested.
I will want a desert nation, of course.
I am interested.
I will want a desert nation, of course.

Start thinking on it. Remember that it doesn't have to be just a nation on a planet. It could be a planetary or even galactic empire if you wanted.
Hm...but if I do a stone-age nation on a planet, how do I interact with other nations?
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