Infinity OOC

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The Slightly Villainous One
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
Fantasy, Modern Fantasy
[ Synopsis ]
Taking place in a familiar cyberpunk context, Infinity is the story of anotherwise unrelated lot of unfortunate individuals whose humanity is taken from them by the curse of unwilling circumstance. Each becomes silently and inexplicably ordained with the capacity to forgo the accepted laws of nature in favor of their own unique laws. They are neither psions nor supersoldiers; they are as the very infinities that describe the universe.

Each protagonist is spontaneously thrust into the spotlight when something about them is changed. They develop an absolute law which outright dismisses the conventional intuition of day-to-day life. What they possess is no biological function, and it relies on no technological crutch; instead, what they have is the realization of a dream, something which in many ways is representative of their psyche and in others of something deeper within.

The nature of a law is precise and unyielding, but abstract and unexploitable. As if the powers themselves conspire to limit their charges, the protagonists are forced to take advantage of their unique law in very specific ways and in others must rely on their own resourcefulness and human ingenuity. What defines and enforces these laws is totally devoid of immediate explanation, but the structure of each is fairly uniform.

A law is first defined by an assertion and then its caveats. The assertion is an absolute fact for which the forces of nature will bend, break, and conspire to uphold, while the caveats describe those situations for which the law does not apply. There is no force which can defeat a law, except another law.

Some are tactile — a character who shrugs off the impact of a locomotive, or one for which distance is of no concern — while others are more abstract — somebody with an uncanny degree of luck, or another that always manages to make spare time — but all are exceptionally potent; and equally limited, for each is subject to exceptions which often contradict their most intuitive uses. The indestructible is vulnerable when there is intent to harm; the omnipresent cannot appear where they are unwelcome; the lucky is a doomed gambler; the early bird is late when they are missed.

In the end, the laws are only as good as their charges. These everyday victims of circumstance will become involved in a boiling pot of conflicting interests when their laws catch the eyes of those who could benefit from their exploitation, and when those responsible attempt to reclaim their creation.

- The universe is one big collection of codes. Each entity has a separate line of code from each other entity. These lines are held together at the center of the universe by a massive four-dimensional energy mass. This mass is quite unstable, and shifts occasionally. When it shifts, it damages a few lines of code. Usually, a damaged line of code will replace the damaged section with a working section, but in the case of some items, it does not, and continues to read the damaged section of code.
- This means that these items do not obey certain principles of physics in quite the same way as normal items, and can use this to their advantage. These items are known as Exceptions. Most items will not ever know they are exceptions, and will dismiss their strange experiences as being tired or hallucinating, or simply fantastic luck. Exceptions need not be sentient, and can be normal objects, such as an unbreakable glass. If the code is damaged twice, it is possible for items to become Exceptions of multiple Laws or to have the amplitude of their one exception be magnified, although both of these are very rare.

Recently, an organisation was founded that appealed specifically to Exceptions. Entrance conditions were very tight and only those who experienced physics differently ever got recruited. This organisation takes the guise of a private investigation company. The head of this company is the mysterious Director, who only rarely shows himself, preferring to communicate through a speech only conference call, with a voice modifier applied. This company has ulterior motives however. They watch the Exceptions they employ very carefully, trying to learn the nature of this hypothetical code, so that they can figure out how to control it. How to make custom-order Exceptions. Some of their clients may be good, some may be evil. They don't care. Be it infinite renewable energy by opening a portal to another universe or an army of supersoldiers who can teleport and repel all incoming attacks, as long as they get paid, they can't lose.

(We still don't have a name for the city, though.)

As for characters - it's a sufficiently mysterious setting that backstories aren't necessary. As long as you put down a name, an appearance, be it description or image, and of course, the mechanics of how their law works, it'll be fine. Don't forget that all laws have their limits.
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I'm still on board for this. :) Did you want me to post up my CS here as well?
Yeah just so it's organised better.
Here goes mine.

Name: Thomas "Tom" Anders

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Physical description: 5'6'' and 130 pounds, is physicaly fit and has an average athletic build. His iris has a smoked cocoa coloration and short brown fair hair. A collection of bangs linger on his forehead which tends to be brushed towards the right side of his head. His face is clean shaved. As a distinctive feature he wears thin square optical glasses and tends to wear a light blue hoodie with jeans.


-Stretching time/Spare time. A law that only functions upon its necessity. Time will bend and stretch for the person to meet their objective by generating time to spare. Ex:" Getting late for work. The law will afford spare time for Tom to get there."

-It only works at a fixed objetive at a time." Ex: That if Tom is trying to have enough time to get to work he still might not have enough time to catch the bus."

-Objectives can be of any length and size, be it getting late to an appointment, reacting to a punch, Escaping from a timed bomb or even solving a puzzle .

-Time will not stretch to protect him of effects and events which he cannot perceive or aknowledges, meaning, he has to be set on which is his objective.

-This law does not disrupt the normal flow of time. It just stretches from point A (fixing on the objective) to point B (accomplishing it). People will perceive it as though time flowed naturally not interfiering with clocks, although, it could be perceived as if the sensation of the actual progression of time is sluggish ( it could be compared to when you used to be at school and some of the class session felt longer than they actually were).

Notes: There could be more to this depending how the plot thickens and Tom gets to learn more about his Law. This ammount of knowledge on it is not proportional to the characters knowledge on his own law but rather what I established so far about it.
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Just put this one up here too:

Name: Referred to as Kiyumi, although since she has no family name, it's clearly an alias.

Gender: Female


Law: Absolution

Absolution, as she named it herself, is a Law she has seen no other possess the ability to use. Essentially, it works miracles, and she suspects that this Jesus figure, as well as other prophetic creatures, may have possessed the same or a very similar Law. Provided there is a chance of an event occurring, Absolution will cause that chance to become 100%. This can also work in reverse, so the chance of something not occurring can also be made 100%. It does not matter what the original chance was. Even something as unlikely as the next lightning bolt hitting a single blade of grass can be made 100, and because of this, one of her favourite hobbies is gambling.
On the other hand, something that has zero or 100% chance of occurring cannot be altered. The chance of occurrence must be somewhere between 0 and 100. She cannot use it to force the impossible or prevent the inevitable.

As for this Director character... He's not going to get a CS because then he wouldn't be mysterious.
I know I was quiet for the whole plot discussion, but I figure now is a good time to reäffirm that I'm joining this.

I'm just having a lot of trouble thinking of a law. Open to suggestions, though.

Name: Unknown
Gender: Male

He goes by the alias Kevari
He wears a full-body protective suit for various reasons, most of which have to do with staying alive in his line of work; He can never be too careful.

Law: Uncanny degree of luck
- It is constantly at work so long as it is not being called upon.
- It is most effective when it is least expected.
- It may normally appear as unlikely coincidence, but the more potent luck will defy probability.
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I know I was quiet for the whole plot discussion, but I figure now is a good time to reäffirm that I'm joining this.

I'm just having a lot of trouble thinking of a law. Open to suggestions, though.

I suppose i could leave you some conceptual ideas from which you could expand upon.

- Plenty/Full Infinity law : Basically it interacts with objects or creatures which the exception looses sight of IF even for a second or even less. Upon looking back the object or creature would be fill or full with whatever was filling it prior to cutting sight. Ex: Drinking a glass of wine, turning to look elsewhere and when you look back the glass is filled with wine again.

If you wonder what sort of battle application it could have, think of having a weapon which requires ammunition (guns, bows or even holsters with trowing knifes.) and filling it again to produce seemingly infinite ammo.

- Fissure Law: A law which acts upon the space which divides a thing that is currently in contact from another, allowing for other things to fit inbetween sending them to an alternate void known as fissures. This fissures are individual and only exist when this part of an object/creature "A" is in physical contact with the other part of an object/creature "B". The content that is introduced in a fissure can then be removed from it back into reality. Fissures would not make distinction for things regardless of their width and height, they just fit in regardless.

If you didn´t like these two i could suggest more later.
Done. I'm ready for this.

Honestly, dunno why it took me so long to post... I'm sort of recycling a character and had thought of that law when I first joined the fray.
Oh, yeah.

I finally thought of a law. No progress on the actual character yet, but:

"I am always right, but only when I believe it."

Could be an interesting power, not sure how it would work though. Like, if the character decides something is true and fully believes it 100%, then it will become true? If that's the case then it probably ought to have a limiter on it. Otherwise, if the character's some kind of religious extremist there could be a lot of problems :D
Also, one thing to consider is how your character (or the investigators, though they're less of a concern) will be able to tell that they have something abnormal. If she's always right because she believed herself to be, then how would she become aware that its part of her exemption and not just everyday life?

I mean, it would be REALLY difficult to make something true even when you know it's not but you choose to believe it to make it true. It's one thing to say "I believe" and another to deeply, truly believe it.

I was having a similar issue with my law when I first thought about it. I thought, if he's just really lucky then how can he tell it's not normal? Especially when at the beginning everybody's law is not going to be fully developed/controlled and only at the beginning stages of development (from what I recall... I dunno if this changed, somebody back me up D:)
For this reason, I added that the law is constantly at work to minimize the idea that it's just coincidence. I don't plan on going OP with this part, just through random mundane acts and such. Plus, in cases of dire circumstance the law defies probability. This way I can have my character's background be him going through some experience that pulled out potent luck resulting in something unbelievable that began to make him question this whole luck thing and how it's not normal.

Hope this helps.

sidenote: I really like that Plenty/Full Infinity law @Kingofheart =D
I think they'll probably be semi-adept, but still with a long way to go. The powers themselves won't be any weaker or stronger, it's just really learning how to apply them effectively.
As for the belief thing - it's widely considered by psychologists to be near if not completely impossible for people above the age of 18 to be able to change their mind about something. Thus, past 18, if you believe in the existence of God, you will always believe in the existence of god. When people say they used to believe but they don't anymore, what they really mean to say is that they still think there's a God out there, but now they think he's an asshole. That's why theres still so much problem with discrimination too. It's sort of like force of habit and the best you can do is hide it, you can never eliminate it completely.
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Could be an interesting power, not sure how it would work though. Like, if the character decides something is true and fully believes it 100%, then it will become true? If that's the case then it probably ought to have a limiter on it. Otherwise, if the character's some kind of religious extremist there could be a lot of problems :D
Yes, reality corrects itself to fit the beliefs of the character. But "believing" isn't just saying "I believe" or even internally pretending to, it has to be legitimate. I could agree on some sort of limit to that, but I don't know how to rephrase it to have one without violating the format.

Also, it could be discovered easily because it would quickly be obvious that the character's expectations are never subverted.

Actually I'm thinking that, for some sort of limit, they have to interact with it before something can be affected. For example, if they expect someone to have a certain personality, they won't necessarily--until they meet that person. In this way the character could have whatever philosophy they want and not re-structure the universe.
I don't think expectation works properly, because you can still have doubts about that. It'd have to be something you truly 100% believe, as if it were a full fact that it was like that. Otherwise it'd be really problematic from an RP point of view if you could use that to change the personality of other Player Characters or even some NPCs. For example, if you'd grown up always believing that it had to snow on christmas day, or it wasn't christmas, then it would probably have always snowed for you on christmas day.
The expectation example probably wasn't a very good one, I think. That kind of situation would be rare. But you get my drift with that limit.
I was somehow hoping the characters to start aknowledging their laws when it all started, to give meaningfull time to learn about them. Well I suppose I might do that with my character if it doesn´t conflict with anything pre-established.
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Sorry guys, I've been concentrating on revising for exams, an activity I hadn't planned to do. I'd been hoping to let some other people put up their CS's but it seems they've lost interest so I'm not entirely sure where to go from here.
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