Inevitable War (Jalapeno x Shelby)

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Giving her daughter a slight pat on the cheek, Odella smiled reassuringly. "Just remember that you are an Eburhart. Somewhere in your heart lies the strength and passion of a woman born to lead. After you are through with him I have no doubt your dear husband will come to understand why you would make a much better queen than a woman with no titles or land to her name." In truth Odella still did not see the backbone in Lyanna that any true queen should possess. But it was possible for her to grow more comfortable with the role the longer she remained with it. Certainly if she swayed Avram the way only a woman with Lyanna's beauty could, she would gain a little more confidence in herself. And hopefully that would be well before she gave birth to an heir. A young lord needed as strong a mother as he did a father. If Odella had her way then a daughter would be just as ideal. But women did not own land except in rare, odd cases. More often than not, however, she found herself wishing she were one of those odd cases. Of course being married to a prominent lord was the next best thing. And Lyanna had a better position than her mother ever would.

As Lyanna stood so did Odella. "I'm glad you stopped by. It is always an honor to have a visit from her majesty." She placed both hands on Lyanna's cheeks and beamed warmly. "Don't forget what I told you. Avram may be the head of this kingdom. But you are the neck. With the right movement, you can make the head to whatever you want. I wish I could tell you more about queenly duties but unfortunately I know nothing of the sort. But I am sure Meredina will give you some advice when she finds the time. You know Avram has named her Spymaster for the royal council. Probably helps to keep her mind away from thinking about her husband." She frowned for a moment, wondering if she should even be discussing that. But her smile returned without hesitation. Lyanna was the queen. She was sure to find out sooner or later, and it might as well be sooner. Besides, if she developed into a proper queen she would have her own spies one day. "I hope to see you again before I depart." When Lyanna left, Odella turned around to inspect the room. The walls really were the most ugly color she had ever seen.

The council did not take very long to assemble, much to Avram's pleasure. In fact only Orfin was not present when he finally arrived at the council chambers. All others were ready and intent to hear about the king's plan for recruiting one of their country's oldest enemies in what was likely to be a civil war. When the Steward finally stumbled in he was muttering to himself about merchants and fools, but he immediately fell silent when he heard no one else speaking. Byron clicked his tongue with impatience until Orfin finally took his seat. After that however, no one pushed Avram to tell them what his plan was. They waited as if it was time for supper and the kitchens were running behind schedule. The king scanned the letter in his hands three more times before finally peering up at the council members.

"It should come as no surprise to any of you that we are at war," Avram began clearly and succinctly. This was not a time to beat around the bush and trip over words. "Maryn Lodar is leading an army towards the capital as we speak. Our banners have been called of course, as I am sure your's have as well, Lord Corlan. But not enough of them will reach us by the time sixty thousand men are knocking at the main gate. There is only one way we will catch them by surprise, and that is if we meet them at the Bloody River in a way they do not expect. We need a navy." No one said a word in response. Most of them already knew he intended to negotiate with King Mikken about a temporary truce in order to put down this rebellion. Although if Avram had his idea run perfectly there would be nothing temporary about the alliance. Even the oldest of enemies could become friends if they fought a common enemy. The trick was to make sure Mikken Carre knew which of his enemies was the real enemy, a concept easier said than done.

"Tur owns what many consider to be the grandest fleet in the known world. For years the kings who sat this very seat before I did have tried to bring Feora and its might into out kingdom, but to no avail. But that is because we have never offered them anything worth their honor. We have only tried to conquer them in the past. Even before they built a massive navy we still failed. It is time to offer the Carres a gift they cannot refuse." That earned him a few quizzical looks. Even the emotionless Corlan Eburhart raised his eyebrows with intrigue. Avram could not help but smile at the looks of utter confusion when the next words spilled from his mouth. "Two of the late Feldon Barkwer's children are wedded. As for the third, I think Trinity will make a suitable wife for King Mikken's son." He was not sure the commotion in the council chambers had ever reached such a volume in its history.
(Just posting here so we don't accidentally let it get thrown away.)