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Child is born, with a heart of gold
Original poster
Writing Levels
  1. Adaptable
I'm wary of magic with lots of rules.

The phone purred in her hand. Her thumb hovered over the top right corner of the screen. It had drifted over the little skeumorphic icon of the camcorder, the skin so close to the glass, which picked up enough faint shivers of capacitance to activate. The front-facing camera struggled with the low light, covering her expressionless face in thick grain, but she swiped into the brightness menu and dialed it up a bit, banishing the freckles but leaving the way it softened her jaw. Her free hand drifted down to cup the little pile of embers that came three times a year, the one that Garth had listlessly sparked then tried to satiate with an envelope full of 'thank yous'. She slid into the pillows, using the friction to push the back of her dress up and the slack of her shoulders to send the straps falling down her arms to free her underarms. Glistening fingers tucked her hair firmly behind her ear, making sure the column of her neck and nape were exposed. The phone continued to purr in her hand, mixed with her own impatient groan. The words "you better pick up" floated on the surface of her mind like alphabet soup, a magic 8ball that she shook vigorously every time the letters threatened to coalesce, and she held the electronic mirror at the right height and distance to make it obvious what her other arm was doing as the overly jolly chime continued to fill the room.
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Before he could ramble more via typing, his phone began to buzz. Natalia was video calling him, with 0 warning. He fumbled with the buttons, nearly dropping his phone onto the windowsill, but he managed to catch it, scooting away from the window so he could see his screen better. It was a bit dim on her end and he had to squint at first to process what he was seeing, but once he finally understood, his face burned red, body going stiff where he'd plopped himself down on the bed.

Janvier wasn't a virgin. He'd jumped on the chance to sleep with an acquaintance or two a while back, believing that one night stands were normal and something that he definitely needed to do as an adult, but he couldn't say that he'd enjoyed the experiences all that much. Since then, it'd become routine for him to shy away from such opportunities, with shoddy excuses and spinning on his heels to sprint in the opposite direction. He couldn't say that people usually called him like this though, lips glistening with saliva, arm busy between their legs but slightly out of frame.

He tried swallowing the lump in his throat, but it wouldn't go down. "Um." he breathed out, blinking rapidly and trying to figure out if it was more appropriate to look (since it seemed like she wanted him to?) or to look away. "N-Natalia." He wasn't sure why he was saying her name. His tone wasn't one of scolding or being taken aback, but some sort cocktail of both awe and embarrassment.

"... You, um... Look beautiful." he murmured, but his ears were turning red now, his pulse accelerating and blood travelling everywhere he didn't want it to be.
code by wren.
Natalia's yelp was pitched between surprise and shame, and she could not have done it better had she been in were form. The view on Janvier's phone flipped and tumbled as the phone flipped out of her hands, and it ended up facing the ceiling of her hotel room: smooth and white, with a ceiling fan rotating lazily in the center, sometimes appearing to spin backwards, undecided if they were trying to cut the connection between them. For a hot second there was only silence between them, then the view of the ceiling was jerked away and came back to the were's face, hot, bothered, bangs just a touch messy and a few glued to her forehead.

"You weren't..."

"I wasn't..."

Only for him, she pretended to be shy. Only for him, she sometimes tried to dig up glossy, print memories of her time in Hallen.

"Hey." She wedged the phone upright between a pillow and the headboard, and crawled over to it, to the miniature version of Janvier that glowed on the little electronic frame. The dress was tight, engineered to reveal as much as possible without any malfunction, but her pose sorely tested it.

"Do you really think I'm beautiful?"


His mouth suddenly felt extremely dry. Natalia seemed to have dropped her phone, the yelp coming through his small phone speaker soft and muffled, the view of her hotel room ceiling less tantalizing than what he'd previously been greeted with but entrancing all the same. That ceiling fan spun in lazy circles for him until Natalia brought her face back to the camera, lips glossy and skin gently flushed. Her words were so dreamy that they were liquid, beckoning for his brain to mimic the transformation and lose its solid form.

She was crawling on the bed. Janvier resisted the urge to rub at his eyes or fidget too much, always too wrapped around Natalia's finger to dare to make a move that might irritate her. In the back of his head, he wondered why it was his attention that she sought currently, when obviously she was living more luxuriously away from him. It wasn't as though his work took him everywhere, like it did for her. Still, he didn't ask, the reflection of her body on the screen glimmering in his eyes.

"… Hi." He managed to say, but it was almost so quiet that he was nearly certain his phone mic barely picked it up. "O-Of course. You always are." His laugh was nervous, jittering as it faded off. His pants felt too tight for comfort. He tried to ignore it. "Are you…?"

Janvier trailed off, not even sure how to finish his sentence. Are you okay? Are you touching yourself? Are you sure it was me that you wanted to call? None of the options seemed particularly right at the moment, turning his mouth into a useless hole and his tongue into a flopping organ that couldn't seem to articulate anything important. His neck flushed red with his cheeks.
code by wren.
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Are you:

- Lonely?
- Fishing for compliments?
- Touching yourself because you're frustrated?
- Looking for cock?
- Fishing for something easy?

Natalia slowed her crawl. With her hands planted on either side of the phone, she leaned forward to close the final centimeters. The top border of the screen clipped her face, leaving only her open mouth, her lolling tongue. The first sign that something was different were the points of her incisors that slid back into view, oscillating in and out with her panting. The growing fur on her body cinched the dress tighter and tighter around her breasts and midriff. Her body fought against its polymer sheath, and her face dipped back into view before pressing its snout deep into the sheets just under the camera's view, while she raised her hauches and wedged the bed post between her cheeks. Something between a moan and a growl filled the room, joined with the scuffle of cotton, the creak of wood, the squeal of springs, as everything in view was blurry before the phone smartly decided to shift its focus to what her behind was doing. The wood cock was persistent enough, finally nudging the rim of the dress over her ass as she began to attempt to varnish the wood in earnest.

"What are you waiting for?"

It was a command, a plea, almost lost in the muzzle of the bed sheets if it were not for the deeper tone that carried it past all the cotton and down feathers in the way. From the mess one eye peered at the screen. It was impossible to discern the expression of the face it belonged to.

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She was shifting. Janvier was not sure whether to be afraid or aroused at that point, but perhaps the two emotions were more happily married together than he'd initially thought. Natalia rarely unravelled herself like this in front of him. He wasn't sure how she was with others, but she had always had some untouchable elegance to her aura, one that made her feel like she just wasn't from the same realm as everyone else. It was what separated her from people like Janvier, people who fumbled through the day and stuttered when picking up calls from pretty women.

Her mouth was open, tongue lolling and glistening with saliva, shining faintly in the dim light of her hotel room. Janvier swallowed, hard, but it provided no relief. He could not look away. He could see the pointed tips of her incisors, the way that her dress threatened to burst around her shifting body, her skin a kaleidoscope of different textures, soft skin and bristling fur.

The camera, a silent observer, made sure to show him Natalia's hips gyrating. The creaking, the growling, the moaning, the panting; they all became a symphony, following the rhythm of her hips. 'What are you waiting for?'

He didn't know. He couldn't know. He couldn't think.

Janvier's fingers trailed to the front of his pants, bulging and desperate for attention. "Does that feel good, Natalia? Can I touch myself?" His voice refused to lift above a whisper. He was still too polite to do so without permission, even while watching the tantalizing scene she was serving him through the screen.
code by wren.
Does that feel good, Natalia mouthed into the sheets, out of sight of that prying little peephole at the top of the phone screen, the thing that flashed slightly red in the darkness of the room as it bathed her in infrared light and mapped the texture of her body.

Does jerking off feel good? The wooden post to the bed, so archaic and out of place, so kitsch against the wallpaper that, although not peeling, was just beginning to peek up at the seems, was cold against her spot, a melodramatic metaphor for her loneliness as it did nothing and expected her to do all the work of warming it up, getting it wet, and even after that, it mocked her by refusing to enter her; does it feel good, Janvier?

The bed sheets were soft and refused to yield to her teeth, folding and crumpling around her bite. She rearranged her mouth, pushing them against the mattress so she could get a firm mouthful to hide her mounting frustration. Her eyes still glared out into that peephole and whatever it could capture, as her lips down south began to finally respond to the rough sliding, an equal mix of forced enjoyment and irritation and inflammation that her body forced upon her multiple times a year.


It sounded almost painful, the violent jerking of Natalia's hips against the bedpost. Janvier could see the bed lurching slightly from her weight being displaced so fervently, her body surrounded by a sea of crumpled white sheets, bunching up around her limbs. Those eyes of hers were wild, not solely overcome by pleasure, but also by a certain desperation. She didn't answer his questions, only writhing and grunting. He couldn't tell how lucid she even was, not all too educated on were heats, but it did make him feel guilty to pass his palm over the bulge in his pants without gaining her explicit consent, especially when he felt himself twitch. His body was more shameless than he was, that was for sure.

The bed post, a stoic partner in all of this, began to glisten from Natalia's repeated humping, giving it a varnish that Janvier nearly gawked at. His fingers cupped his dick through the fabric that was still restraining him, his lips pressing into a thin, thirsty line. He stopped his hand. "Does it... hurt?"

It looked like a mix of both pleasure and pain. His brows drew together. "I... I don't know how to help you, Natalia."
code by wren.
It was an itch, a compulsion, a desire. Sometimes it was pain, worse than an empty stomach, a void that gnawed at her belly until something was stuffed inside of it. It could creep up on her unannounced, slamming her awake in the middle of the night, or it would telegraph its intentions well in advance, wrapping her gaze like a tight nightgown around every body she walked past. She lost her preferences, looked at them all indiscriminately, even Janvier, the haze from rubbing her eyes dry on the bedsheets obscuring those stupid straps that he always wore, thinking about what it would be like to treat him like a massive, throbbing meat dildo and jerking his body, stiffened with rigor mortis, with both her hands grabbing his straps like playground netting and pumping his cock into that hunger, all for it to end with nothing solved as the thing she really wanted came out of her wrapped in a little rubber doggy bag, because these weren't the days anymore when you could fuck it out and shit a baby out in the woods and hunt for it while it hid in an alcove in the trees.

Today was a day just like that. Garth had left after his perfunctory exercise. His dead manner betrayed his obvious alibi, and although most days she could stomach the payment in coin and not cum, either the estrus had driven her to hope today would be different, or maybe it had tricked her into trying anyways.

"Yes, take your cock out," she nearly spat at the screen. It took everything she had to keep the snout inside her, keep that face the boy on the other side of the peephole was familiar with, while her fingers performing the same tired exploration of herself had long ago lengthened into their thicker digits as the fur around her snatch became matted with frustration. "Come on, Janvier."

  • OMG
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Despite having inwardly wishing for her response, it still felt like a shock to his system, hearing her ask- no, command him to pull his dick out, with not an ounce of shame or hesitation. Janvier's eyes widened, but he scrambled to do as he was told, unzipping his pants and half-shimmying out of them with one hand, the other wobbling as it held up his phone for him. He didn't even manage to get his pants fully off, letting them hold the ends of his legs together in a tight embrace, his underwear getting the same treatment. He hissed quietly when the cool air hit his cock, standing at full attention despite the meagre amount of attention it had gotten.

His free hand held his length, brushing his fingers over it to elicit a shiver from himself, both excited and nervous of disappointing her. "Y-Yes. It's out. Sorry." he apologized without even thinking about it, her insistence sending all traces of reason straight out of his brain and trickling out of him through his beading sweat.
code by wren.
It wasn't even that big. At least, the phone didn't make it look big. It looked barely thicker and longer than her morphed finger, yet the idea of that thing being stuffed into her was much more pleasing than her own matted digit. She didn't quite care about the size; she liked that it was seeking. She tried to smell the desperation coming off it, as it always did, but the phone offered her no substance.

"Why are you shy?" Natalia hissed at her friend. "It's not like I haven't seen you naked before. You know I get like this. It's not like I mind. God-" 'God', what an offensive slur, how desperate she was to utter such a profane word- "don't be such a coward!"

She bit her lip, her fangs puncturing two holes at each corner, as her transformation receded and her estrus leaked around her now human fingers. She smeared her lips red with bloody lipstick and sat upright, leaning back onto the bedpost so she could piston her fingers inside of her at the same rhythm as he was supposed to be thrusting. She found her nipples, pert under the dress, and pinched them hard, throwing her head back so the dark consumed her face as she let out a throaty howl.


She was angry. Janvier cringed internally, suddenly regretting that he'd picked up. Sometimes, Natalia was ever so aloof with him, a mysterious upwards tip of her smile here, a flutter of her seemingly disinterested fingers there. When she was in heat, every ounce of patience that she'd ever seemed to harbour for him fell away, as if it'd never existed in the first place. He didn't envy her, but it didn't make it any easier for him to find his stride when it came to sexual situations, his fear of rejection and disgust boiling up and rising so closely to the surface.

"S-Sorry, Natalia..." he could do nothing but apologize again, trying to be motivated by the request that he stop being a coward for once in his life, but even that proved to be a challenge. Instead, he focused on staring at the screen, where Natalia writhed and crumbled under her own ministrations, touching himself as he was told. It was becoming unclear who was following who at this point, hands mimicking each other in a feedback loop, but with his pulse quickening and sweat beginning to build on his skin, he found himself not caring about the distinction.

"Câlisse..." Janvier's swearing was tinted with need, breathing laboured. He would never dream of Natalia wanting him outside of when her body forced her to want, but the fantasy flickered to life as his teeth sunk down into his lower lip, mirroring her fangs. Precum leaked down from his tip, slicking up the skin of his hand and shaft, painfully visible through the camera.

quebecois swear - pertaining to the chalice, taking catholic concepts/words in vain
code by wren.
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1693193611143.pngOf course she caught that validation, perhaps a subtle detail to some but exactly the compliment that she so desperately craved. As he spread it over the other rigid display of his appreciation, it finally added a bit of pleasure from the satisfaction of feeling seductive; she had never been in doubt about herself, but this was a particularly disastrous estrus, and any slight wounded her nearly to venom.

The shared blasphemy of taking god's name in sincerity, the idea that they together prayed to the source of all evil and suffering just for a connection so they could masturbate in sync, filled her pot nearly to the brim. A pressure began to build in the spot that she had been rubbing. It was so slick that she could hardly feel anything before, but the mental stimulation pushed her clit up high enough and exposed the itch so she could attend to it. She squeezed it, oscillated it, did anything she could do with both of her hands as sounds truly began to leak out of her throat completely unbidden.


Her hair had fallen forward, forming a screen curtain over her eyes. Strings of saliva bridged the gap of her open mouth. Her panting was building a foam at the corner of her lips. Her tongue was hanging out as she hyperventilated to try and cool her overheating body.

"You have to cum!"

"Right now!!"


Natalia took to the pleasure like she was tumbling down a hill, uncontrollable and loud, body at the mercy of gravity and physics. They touched themselves as though they were oathbound to it, unable to do anything else but pant and moan in each other's ears, swallowing up each frame of each other through bright, synthetic screens. Janvier never allowed himself the audacity of believing that others actually found him interesting or attractive in any way, not when he was but a mote of dust in a galaxy of stars, but in that moment, Natalia's feral, wild eyes and trembling body convinced him momentarily.

She wanted him. She'd called him. He could see it now, the both of them partaking in the unholy, uncaring about anything outside of friction and pleasure, neither above or below redemption but somewhere in between. "I-I am, I will-" was all he got out in response to her commands.

Janvier's final breath before la petite mort was uneven and brought no relief. His body contracted, thighs stiffening and stomach tightening, before the pressure finally released, cum dribbling down his hands and nearly finding a new home on his bedsheets. His tongue felt slack in his mouth, head lolled back against the backboard of his bed, but he managed to snap out of his stupor, reaching over to his bedside table in a panic. Tissues in hand, he did what he could to clean himself up despite the lightheadedness spreading through his consciousness.

euphemism for orgasm, "the little death"
code by wren.

Natalia is on the screen. The phone has slipped a bit forward on the sheets, showing a perspective like one would expect if they were buried in her pussy. Her fingers slide out of her hole, the fur slipping back into the skin but leaving behind the grool, Her slit twitches; the clit is swollen, it doesn't look satisfied at all.

Her eyes rotate downwards from the back of her sockets. The pupils are glassy and unfocused, and her chest is heaving. But on her end, Janvier's scrabble doesn't go unnoticed. Her eyes snap down to look through the camera, through the electric waves, and out Janvier's screen to bore into his soul, or more accurately his still dripping cock.

She's lapping at the screen now, dragging her long wolfen tongue across it. The camera is at level with her eyes, and she's working the screen below like giving a blowjob, trying to suck the cum out of the screen.

Janvier's hand and motions break the spell. She recoils with saliva dripping off her chin. She can't hide the shame: it starts at her nose, a quirk of her Were physiology, making her look like a drunkard or a certain deer that delivers gifts at that particular time of the year, and it spreads through her cheeks then races to her ears. She's stuttering now, holding the phone as far away as possible. The screen goes black. She's ended the call.

The screen mirrored her face back. The battery was close to dead. She swiped away the video chat app and fell back into the pillows, forearm over her eyes, feeling the lazy breeze from the ceiling fan above. In the void of silence left by the call she hated her own ragged breathing, every shudder proof of the way she had just abused Janvier. The shudders stayed and became heaves as tears of shame ran down her face. Where was the stability that the money on the envelope was supposed to provide? She was more alone in this concrete jungle than she had ever been in the forests up north.

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  • Hit Me in My FEELS
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