In the Home of Demons (Peregrine x Huntress)

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After the first demon fell, their numbers continued to topple all the faster. For every fight that came to an end, the other remaining guards would swarm upon the leftover demons, using their numbers and increased firepower to drag each demon to their deaths. After the first ten had fallen, James found himself no longer really needing to interfere with a large majority of the fights, and shortly after that there were only a few demons left in the city at all.

When the holy net covering the city dissolved into a shower of golden light, which dropped down upon the streets before vanishing, it was a sign to the remaining occupants of the city that it was now safe to come out. They emerged in twos and threes, staring at the ruins of their city with shocked eyes and gaping mouths. And those were the lucky ones.

Somewhere in the southwestern quadrant of the city, James found the remains of what looked to have once been an inn. Now, however, it was nothing more than a ruin, flattened under the fallen corpse of a thirty foot demon. The air was full of the scent of blood, and the remnants of someone's leg stuck out from under the flattened building.

As though to spit on the misfortune of the fallen, the carriage house that stood behind the inn was completely untouched. Even perched on the neighboring rooftops, James could hear the panicked screams of the horses trapped inside, driven half mad by the stench of demons. James took a deep breath, before slowly making his way towards the double doors that would grant access to the stable. Now that the demons were defeated, the city was going to start trying to recover from the damages, and there was no reason for James to stick around any longer. He'd been intending to head out on foot but... well, the owners of these horses were no longer in a position to miss them.

It took James well over ten minutes to calm the animals enough that he could hitch two of the large draft horses to one of the carriages, and still longer after that for James to switch out the merchant's trade goods for far more useful supplies like food, water, and blankets. He kept the wagon mostly empty and light, having little need for many of the things normal travelers would choose to bring with him.

The two black Friesians nearly panicked again when they were confronted with the corpse of the demon that waited outside the carriage house, but James' touch, voice, and a small burst of healing magic calmed them down enough for James to lead them out onto the streets.

For now, he still hadn't stepped up into the driver's seat of the wagon, reluctant to put that much distance between him and his new horses until they were further away from the city, the guards, and the remains of the demons. Instead, he led them off towards the south gate, fingers rubbing against the palm of that same hand.

The city would doubtless be going on lockdown now that the threat was over, in a dual effort to trap anyone who might have been related to the sudden appearance of the demons, and to keep the civilians who would be needed to help rebuild from bolting off into the countryside. James didn't know exactly how long he had been away, but unless he had been gone a lot longer than he expected, the mark of a mage of Talindor would probably be enough for him to force his way past any checkpoint.

If it wasn't... well, they still wouldn't be able to trap him here. But he was reluctant to give away the supplies he'd just gone to the effort of gathering, if he didn't have to.
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With her jaw clenched and a stern expression on her face, Selena carried on down the alley, sounds of guards still fighting shrieking demons echoed through the city. She was sure she could also hear the whispers of civilians bouncing off the stone walls that surrounded her and Caitlyn. Looking left and right as she leaned out of the alley the raven haired guard stepped out and started walking towards the gate. Glancing over her shoulder she narrowed her eyes as she couldn't spot the thief.

"Night time in a ruined city makes for great coverage when shadowstepping."

The voice was clear in Selena's ears as she looked around with a raised brow. Feeling a force stop her from moving forward, grey-greens looked straight down at her chest and attempted to follow an imaginary line of where she assumed Caitlyn's arm was. Paying close attention as she huffed she studied the near impeccable cloaking spell before picking up on the smallest hint of distortion to the scenery she looked upon. There was a shimmer of two orbs that reflected the moon's light in a reddish colour, the force against her chest dropping.

"The gate is open but guarded. I'm going to assume that they're not letting anyone in or out until the city gets back on its feet." Caitlyn spoke.

The feeling of her presence faded as Selena exhaled sharply. The guardswoman did not move from where she stood, her eyes flicking to the gate as she muttered a curse under her breath. Chewing her bottom lip she turned around and headed back towards the mouth of the alley. She was quick to spot the strawberry blonde locks as Caitlyn was leaned against the wall, arms crossed, amber's on the guards.

"There will be a moment where they either doze off or change shifts. We'll make our way out." the thief's words were rather monotonous as she seemed focused. "I'd offer to go and collect the information on my own but I have a sneaking suspicion that you won't like that plan." Caitlyn humphed with a smirk as she watched Selena press her back against the wall and slide down to a seated position.

"Looks like you do have some brains after all." grey-greens were focused on the guards as her knees came up, elbows resting upon them after pulling her hood back. The holy net above them pulsated, both women looking up in sync and both seemingly confused. Ignoring the spectacle Selena brought her attention back to the guards. If the demons were being killed off, the net was probably simply reacting to the energy that was being released from the corpses. Not everyone was able to concoct a holy bomb of purification like they had witnessed earlier with James. Come to think of it, Selena wasn't sure she had ever witnessed something like that. It didn't matter, as long as she kept her distance from him she'd be safe; if he was tracking her down for whatever reason.

Silence came over the two women, both lost in their thoughts, occasionally paying attention to the two guards that stood by the gate. Selena knew that they most likely wouldn't change shifts till dawn, but she also didn't want to have to force her way out of the city. Tophia was still her home, she knew these people and she didn't want to hurt them, she didn't like hurting anyone in truth. From the corner of her eye Selena caught movement, looking at Caitlyn she watched the woman roll a barrel over to their position. Pressing it against the wall the blonde took a seat upon it. Their eyes met briefly as Caitlyn simply shrugged before her attention returned to the guards. Leaning into her palm Selena sighed heavily as she kept her eyes straight ahead.

"Can't we just knock them out?" the thief asked.

"I don't hurt my people." Selena responded.

"Was that thought process running through your mind when you were stomping around the city?" a thin, dark blonde brow came up.

The guards attention turned to the thief as she dropped her arm and clenched her jaw. "I'd be careful with your words Felicitari." Selena sighed. "It was unfortunate collateral damage but also required to better help the city. If I had a different option I would've gone with that." she swallowed back. "Not that I need to explain myself to you." her tone was a little harsh.

A sigh escaped Caitlyn as she looked down at Selena. Choosing not to respond to her she started to turn her attention back to the guards but stopped as she caught a faint pulsating glow from the corner of her eye. Furrowed brows and narrowed eyes of confusion formed on her face as she hopped off the barrel and stepped passed Selena slightly to look down the alley. It seemed that she had caught the reflection of whatever had been glowing on the opposite wall at the top of the path. Caitlyn could see the, apparently multiple sources, of the bright violet-red lights. "What is that?" She muttered. It was unlike any form of magic she had seen before.

Selena had followed the thief's actions, unsure why the woman had suddenly got up and moved to the side. Standing behind her and watching from over the top of the other's head, the guard was only confused for a second before realizing what this was. "Again?" she questioned aloud but in a quiet whisper. The somehow sentient orbs of energy seemed to realize how close their target was and picked up speed. Caitlyn's eyes grew wide as Selena stepped around her and blocked her. The bright orbs raced forward. As they grew closer, Selena realized that they varied in size but were all smaller than the one from earlier in the night. One by one they rammed into her torso only to bounce off her form. Grey-greens watched in confusion, Caitlyn standing off to the side and watching with even more bewilderment.

Just what exactly was going on here? Both women seemed to have a similar expression on their face, both also most likely thinking the same thing. The ever-curious thief stepped closer. She studied the apparently solid forms as they hovered before the other, pulsating, waiting? Caitlyn pondered. Was it some sort of living entity? If it was waiting, what was it waiting for? Why had it sped straight towards Selena? The questions were piling up. Her eyes shifted from the orbs to the guardswoman and back, as if she was expecting some sort of explanation. Reaching forward to touch one, the thief was abruptly and painfully stopped, Selena's grip threatening to shatter her wrist. The blonde tried to hide her pain as she glared at the other.

"I might not be able to explain it, but one thing I know for sure is that this is some form of demonic energy." Loosening her grip she pushed the other back a little forcefully. "You're aware of what happens when a human comes in contact with energy from the demon realm yes?" Caitlyn swallowed back and nodded as she rubbed her wrist and created distance between them. Selena's attention was on the orbs some had floated up closer to her face as she had been speaking. The last time this happened the energy had forced its way into her. Now it seemed to be waiting and she wasn't sure why. The glow reflected in her eyes, tendrils of red pushing out from her pupils, smokey black wisps seeping across the sclera of her eyes. Reaching forward she took hold of one of the smaller orbs, it was no larger than a marble. Eerie whispers she couldn't quite make out echoing in her mind. In all of her years she had never experienced this, she also hadn't faced many demons in her time, which could very well be the reason as to why this was happening now. Was there any way she could avoid this situation? Could these compressed forms of energy be purified? Could they be destroyed?

Placing the orb in the palm of her hand she squeezed tightly until she felt it shatter like glass. Opening her clenched fist she looked down in surprise, shards of the orb jutted out from her skin as it seemed to force its way beneath the surface, the glow lighting up the veins in her hand as it started to spread through her arm. Her blood felt like it was on fire, her whole right arm tensing up as she winced against the sensation. A grunt of frustration escaped her as she couldn't move her arm. Baring her teeth with a snarl she tried to exert more force to move the limb but the action only cause her to tremble.

The other orbs of various sizes began to tremble before starting to ram themselves into Selena's body. Some of the smaller ones managed to shatter on impact, creating more entry points and an amalgamation of glowing veinwork. Her left arm seemed to still be under her control, bringing it up to protect her face from the assault she began to swing it in an attempt to thwart the irritating swarm. The action only caused more orbs to shatter, the last few larger ones finally managing to strike with enough force to break against various parts of Selena's tense form.

Forced in place and almost glowing like a beacon, the guardswoman could do nothing in the following moments but groan from her frozen position. As all the pressure and heat grew more and more intense she whimpered before feeling that odd sensation of release. Limbs finally dropping to her side as sweat beaded across her forehead and upper lip. A wide-eyed Caitlyn stood with her back almost against the opposite wall. Her expression was one of awe and confusion, a spine-tingling sensation of fear causing her to shiver, as if a cold breeze had just blown over them. Selena's grey-greens looked upon the stones beneath her feet as she panted. The thief's figure in her peripherals as she turned her head slightly and glanced towards the other. As the blonde went to speak, Selena stood up straight and tilted her head back with a deep exhale, eyes closed, the relief evident on her face. "I don't know." her voice was coarse and dry sounding in an attempt to answer the oncoming question that she knew was rising in the thief's throat. Turning her attention back to Caitlyn she clenched her jaw.

"Hopefully those guards weren't looking this way. You practically lit up the whole alley with whatever that was." the thief stated as she assumed it was safe to move closer to Selena. The blonde's arms folding across her chest. "So you're not human. That's rather obvious." she started "Yet you're in this realm and you seem totally normal. I'm not quite grasping the situation here." Caitlyn continued to vocalize her thoughts.

"I am human. I was born in Argenhurst. It's just—"

"I know where Argenhurst is you don't need to tell me that. What I would like you to tell me is what exactly you are." she was demanding with her words.

Flaring her nostrils with a harsh exhale Selena kept her eyes on Caitlyn. "I'm human." she responded firmly.

Caitlyn scoffed with a roll of her eyes. "I don't know why you think I'm going to accept that as an answer. Humans regardless of affinity cannot shapeshift into collosal, city-levelling demons. Humans, do not absorb potent, foreign, solidified forms of demonic energy like the way you just did. Even the most powerful dark magic using, demonic summoning mages aren't capable of a fraction of what I just witnessed. So, I will ask again." The amber glare was vicious and determined.

Selena's jaw was clenched as she stared back at the thief. Her breaths heavy, heart pounding in her chest. She was being challenged by this woman, she could feel it. The tension between them grew even more heated with every passing second of silence. "I don't know." the sweating guard responded bluntly.

Amber eyes faltered and narrowed, the frigidly serious expression fading to confusion and disbelief "What do you mean you don't know?" Caitlyn almost sounded offended.

"It means, what it means. I don't know, I have no answers, I have no explanation, I don't understand it therefore I don't know. Does that make it any clearer for you?" now Selena seemed irritated.

"How can you not know? Were you not taught about your family's history? Your bloodline? I find it hard to believe that anyone, let alone a parent would just decide to gloss over a, literally, giant detail like that. It doesn't make any sense. Have you not tried to figure it out? Have you not asked your family?" The thief was growing heated with her words, as if she had the right to be frustrated with this situation that, in truth, wasn't something she needed to worry about really.

The guard looked away and clenched her jaw with a sigh. This wasn't a conversation she wanted to be having with anyone, let alone a random thief that tried to steal from her. Selena shot one more glance at Caitlyn before turning to walk away. She didn't need to share details with her. Up until the Felicitari tried to take her necklace she was doing just fine. She had come up with a work around and had no problems with anything. Gritting her teeth she began to unclasp the cloak she had borrowed from the other. Selena had been so determined to find the person behind this mysterious order for her necklace that she hadn't fully thought things through. Perhaps it would be better for her to just abandon the quest and stay here in Tophia, she'd be of more use helping rebuild the city than going on a hunt for someone who she didn't even have a name for. "Here," she gave the cloak back to the thief. "I don't need this. I've changed my mind about this whole ordeal." she swallowed back and turned away from Caitlyn. She didn't need to explain herself anymore, she was done with this.

The blonde looked at the cloak in her hands with confusion, her attention returning to the woman who was walking away. "What?" she questioned aloud. "Why are you changing your mind?" Caitlyn asked as she approached Selena and stood before her. There was a hint of worry in her voice as she clenched her jaw and looked at the other. "Are you willing to trust me?"

Grey-blue's just stared in response to the random question that seemed to change the whole atmosphere around them, almost as if Caitlyn was hoping that Selena would say yes.

"I need you to trust me. I know we got off on the wrong foot and I'm the one to blame for that, but please, take my word as I can guarantee you it's more than just a double crossing thief's word. We don't need to go to Sorth," she began to explain. "I can't join you but if you can make it to Talindor this can all be explained to you. Look for a mage by the name of Gurto, he can give you information and then maybe you can better understand my situation." she sighed. "You would be a game changer to this whole ordeal. I don't need to see what a giant demon can actually do to know that you can help. I beg you to consider this. I swear on my tribe, my family, my blood, that I am not the bad guy here." Caitlyn's eyes were hopeful, her words genuine and true.

Selena simply watched the other with a clenched jaw. What the hell was she going on about? Where was all this suddenly coming from? Her eyes narrowed as she raised a brow. The thief was asking for trust, when she was making a complete one-eighty and speaking about not being on the bad side. She wasn't quite sure what to believe in this moment, all Selena had was more questions. "Care to explain?" the guards words were a little dry as she folded her arms across her chest only to watch the thief shake her head.

"I can't." the words were almost inaudible to even Selena's supernatural hearing.

Her gaze remained on Caitlyn, utter confusion across furrowed brows as the blonde had grown stiff where she stood, her shimmering eyes flicking to the right before returning to meet Selena's gaze. Blinking as she shook her head slightly the raven haired woman was slightly taken back by another sudden shift in the surrounding tension. She tilted her head to the left just a tick before dropping her arms and turning to look to where Caitlyn had glanced. A sudden sharp jolt of pain in her lower back had her gasping for a moment before it turned into a groan. Selena felt the thief's strong grip around her neck.

"Go to Talindor. Speak to Gurto." she whispered in her ear as she tried to grip the amulet.

There was more pain that was followed by a whimper from Selena as the serrated blade scraped its way out of the fresh wound. Baring her teeth with a snarl she gripped Caitlyn's wrist before flipping her over and slamming her into the ground with enough force to crack the stones beneath her. Growling at her as she gripped her shirt she raised her up from the ground slightly. "You filthy cowa—" Selena's words were cut off as she gasped for air after a serious blow to her throat. Coughing and choking she reached for the sore spot on her neck as she tried to swallow back the pain of the scraping air ripping through her esophagus. There was a deep breath as she cleared her throat and looked down to see no one beneath her. Growling through teary eyes she wheezed for a moment before her breath caught in her throat at the sound of a soft whisper.

"I'm sorry."

The thief's voice was clear as day in her ears. Selena's fist tightening as she was quick to swing her arm around in an attempt to hit the shadowdancer. She made no contact as she spun around and gazed upon nothing but darkness. Her surroundings were quick to change colour as she sought the orange energy that the woman had emanated when the two had first met. Catching Caitlyn's fading figure as she ran through the gates Selena grew even more frustrated as she stormed in that direction. Confusion, anger, pain and irritation were just a few of the things she was feeling in this particular moment. She really didn't care what the guards would have to say to her, she had to track that double-crossing thief down.

All her life she had never been given answers to anything she had questioned. This woman had raised a whole lot of questions and Selena wasn't okay with getting no answers from her. Especially after literally being stabbed in the back by the same woman. Reaching for the tender spot she applied a small amount of pressure to the mending wound, clenching her jaw she huffed a growl and continued on in the direction of the gate.

The sound of hooves clopping against the stone path had her attention. Looking to her right in confusion she wiped her slightly bloodied hand on her pants as she focused on the approaching carriage. Who was trying to leave the city at this time? Analyzing the figure and eventually getting to the familiar face, the tension in her body dropped as she grew unimpressed and shocked somehow. "HIm again?" She muttered. "What impeccable timing this man has…" the words oozed sarcasm as she spoke only to herself. "Where did he find a carriage and horses in this disaster?" Selena pondered aloud.
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As James grew closer to the city gates, he suddenly noticed a figure blocking the road in front of him. He slowed, tugging gently on the horses' reins to get them to stop moving. Both horses tossed their heads restlessly, once more growing anxious at the surrounding smell of demons without James' constant directions to distract them.

James' attention, on the other hand, was focused on the figure in front of him. At first he'd thought her one of the guards, there to interrupt anyone who was looking to make it to the city, but no. He could see the armored guards standing right near the gate, hands resting anxiously on the hilts of their swords. This woman also wasn't dressed like one of the city guards.

A split second later, as she turned to face him, James suddenly recognized her. It was Selena again, the young woman he'd seen twice now. She looked anxious, on edge, staring at him as though she was about to start spitting fire.

"You again," he said, words flat comment rather than accusation. "Did you lose your armor?"
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He spoke to her, Selena turning to fully face him, her hands were on her hips as she clenched her jaw and stepped closer. "You seem to have a knack for showing up at oddly particular times." she spoke rather dryly and evidently unimpressed. This man had helped her earlier, it was true and she herself had also tried to help him, despite the mage not needing any assistance, but recent events had showed her that being nice to people and trying to trust stranger wasn't a good idea, why she ever thought it was, was beyond her. She had gotten herself in a serious mess with that thief, all because she didn't want to take a life.

Staying in the same spot she Folded her arms across her chest and sighed heavily. "Just so I don't get stabbed in the back again, or worse; answer me this. Are you too coming after me James?" Selena raised a brow. "As per your question, no I did not lose my armour" she cleared her throat "I removed it so I can get out of the city." grey-blues eyed the uneasy horses for a moment before returning to the mage's browns.
James couldn't help the look of bewilderment that crossed his face at Selena's accusatory words. "Why would I be coming after you?" he asked, eyes drifting up and down her armorless form, before glancing towards the guards at the gate. She was leaving the city? After the catastrophe it had just suffered?

Frankly, James wouldn't be surprised if there were a lot of people trying to skip town right about now. There were few things people wanted to deal with less than demons. Under normal circumstances, James would have just categorized Selena among the deserters, people who'd come to be city guards because they thought it would be easy and safe, and now that it was getting hard they were bailing. However, he couldn't quite shake the memory of the demonic energy that had swirled around her, and the horns that had started sprouting from her head.

He could even see her wanting to leave the city to get away from the demonic energy, but she'd been so insistent earlier that it was just a one time thing. That there was nothing left for her to worry about. If that was true, why was she so eager to leave now?

A second later, and James sighed internally. It wasn't as though it really mattered. Best case scenario, she was innocent, and simply wanted to get away from the crowd of demons. Worst case scenario, and she had something to do with the rift splitting open over the city, there wasn't much a couple of gate guards were going to be able to do to stop her. And even if he intervened, fighting with her here would cause far more collateral damage than it would in some out-of-the-way road.

"I don't think they're going to want to let you past," he finally said, indicating the soldiers blocking the path out.
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"I wouldn't know your reasons for coming after me. I was simply being optimistic and hoping you'd actually tell me if you were. Which...I don't think you would, nobody would." Selena muttered the last bit of as she looked away from the man who seemed to be studying her. A sigh escaped from the womans lips as she returned one hand to her hip, the other hanging by her side. Her caution and the situation she was in was both her fault and not. On one hand she wasn't necessarily wrong in hoping for the best in someone, on the other hand it was that, almost naivety, that had put her in this very situation. Her gaze came back to the the man as she clenched and unclenched her jaw.

"I know they won't let me through. That's my problem. I need to get out of here. If it wasn't urgent I wouldn't be trying to leave. The city is much safer for me than out there." she explained. "If your sudden appearance is nothing but unrealistic as that seems, can you help me get out? It looks like you intend to leave and are quite confident that they'll let you out...carriage and all." she motioned to him and all the things he had managed to find in the remnants of the city. "I'll find my way once we're passed the gates." Selena wasn't all too sure on what to do in this situation, she didn't want to hurt the guards if she didn't have to. "I don't want to hurt them to get through. They're my comrades, they're just trying to do their job." Her words were genuine and true. She wasn't sure he would help but she could hope.
James studied Selena for a moment as she finished speaking. She'd said a lot of words, without conveying much beyond the fact that she wanted to leave the city, she'd get out through any means necessary if it came to it, and that she was all but paranoid about being followed. Frankly, James was still uncertain what he'd done to warrant such suspicion on her part, but he also doubted she'd tell him if he bothered to ask. It was better for him to simply focus on getting out of the city right now.

"Sure," he said, casually. "Sounds like you're getting out of the city one way or another, so I might as well save those guards a bit of pain. Hop on." He gestured towards the carriage, before patting the horses and starting to move towards the gate again.

Unsurprisingly, the guards noticed his approach almost immediately, and one of them stepped forward, hand aggressively placed on the hilt of his sword. "Gates are closed," he snapped. "You'll have to turn around."

James didn't dignify that with an answer, or at least not a verbal one. Instead, he extended one hand, palm up, ignoring the way the guards flinched at his gesture. It wasn't surprising they were still so on edge after the demons' attack, but James didn't give them time to do anything more than simply panic. Instead, a collection of colored lights began to gather above his hand, before transforming into a glowing, rotating image of a sun shaped like an eye, vertically positioned on a five point shield.

"Are you really going to block the passage of a mage from Talindor?" he asked, sounding almost amused.

The guards gulped, glancing between James' face, the shield slowly revolving over his hand, and each other. The guard who stepped forward earlier hesitated, "I..."

"You're going to move aside," James stated calmly. "Unless you're going to accuse me of consorting with demons, in which case you'll immediately take me to see your superiors, where I'll receive a proper answer for such an accusation."

The symbol of Talindor was not something easily gotten, or lightly given. It was a mark of status that was valid the world across, and not only because no country wanted to offend the city-state known to possess some of the most powerful mages the world across. The people who received that symbol had been vetted by the High Council, and no black mage could slip through such scrutiny.

Of course, no one would dare to guess that James had forged his symbol, skillfully enough that it would even fool a member of the Talindorian Academy, let alone these gate guards.

"..Of course not," the guard finally begrudgingly acknowledged. "You may pass."

"Thank you," James replied with a smile, stepping forward, horses' reins firmly held in hand. Before the guards could call for the gates to be pulled open, a rush of silver energy, richer in color than the grey air energy that he'd shown such proficiency in earlier, emerged from the folds of James' clothes, before twirling around the metal of the portcullis. With clear ease, the gate was lifted off the ground, far enough for the horses and carriage to pass below.

The guard in the back gasped in shock at the casual display of magic, while the front guard hurried out of James' way, reassuringly patting his own chest, seemingly in self-satisfaction for having picked the right choice. James clicked lightly to the two black horses, who tossed their heads and pulled the carriage out of the city.

James allowed the gate to slowly dropped closed behind the wagon, as the sliver energy dispersed from around the gate like evaporating morning mist.
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Looking at him with furrowed brows and a slightly agape mouth Selena was confused and surprised at how easily he had agreed to help her out. He had stated that he too didn't, in a way, want the guards to be caused any pain. Obviously the man, like Selena herself, wasn't a fan of collateral damage. Swallowing back and clenching her jaw without a response, as it didn't seem necessary, Selena walked passed the uneasy horses, which grew even more restless as she moved to the back of the carriage. Climbing in she sat on the seat and kept her eyes on the man as he lead the carriage forth.

The guards were quick to step forth and stop them, this was no surprise to her. The brunette stayed silent, her eyes on the scene before her. Genuine surprise came over Selena's face, the glowing light of the emblem before her not as shocking as the name she heard. Talindor. She had never met someone from the academy city. Like everyone else she knew the name but that was it. The odds of the situation before her were so miniscule that she wasn't sure how to react, what to say or think. Her suspicion only grew as she couldn't just simply place all this on coincidence. No one was that lucky. Swallowing back she clenched her jaw, grey-greens looking at the wood beneath her feet. How was she to take this? What did she do? The conversation between the guards and the man became garbled noise in the background. She paid no attention whatsoever, her eyes unblinking as she processed and attempted to formulate a plan and try to understand how all this was falling into place so easily.

It wasn't until the carriage started moving that her head came up and watched the gate close behind them before she turned to look towards James. Clearing her throat as she intertwined her fingers, Selena kept her attention on the other. "You are a mage from Talindor?" she asked "Are you headed that way by any chance?" another question. Could this man, suspicious or not, help her find the mage that the thief had spoke about? And if he couldn't, would he be willing to help her get to the city? Things had been working out so far, as odd as it all seemed. If Selena allowed herself to believe that all this coincidence was indeed just that, would her luck run out? She was about to find out.
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For all the damage, blood, and death that had been constantly in sight within the city, the outside land seemed almost pristine. While the exterior of the city was nowhere near as well-developed as it's interior, it was still clearly well-managed. A small town had been built up on the outside of the gate, to trade with people entering the city, before it gradually transitioned into rolling farmland.

If it wasn't for the giant footprints that had ruined some of the nearby fields and the utter lack of people, it might have almost seemed like the demonic invasion had never happened.

James brought the carriage to a halt after they were out of sight of the city, both to enable him to climb onto the little wagon, and to give Selena a chance to get off, should she so choose. However, James didn't really intend to just let her casually walk away if she did get off. He was still incredibly suspicious of her, and if she did have something to do with the rift opening, as grateful as he was for being able to get out of the demon's realm and back to earth, he wasn't particularly inclined to let such a powerful black mage just wander away.

Luckily for him, a quick glance seemed to indicate that she didn't really have any plans of leaving. Instead, her gaze was focused on him. He locked eyes with her as she cleared her throat, before his eyebrows twitched slightly in surprise. "I am," he agreed calmly. Technically not a lie. He was a mage, and Talindor was the closest thing he had to a base of operations. Therefore, he was a mage from Talindor, even if he knew full well how she had meant that question. "On both fronts. Why do you ask?"
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Both her brows came up as he asked his question. Adjusting in her seat slightly she cleared her throat again. "I uh…I was told to seek a mage in Talindor. It's in regards to a personal matter." she explained as vaguely as she could. "I've never personally travelled much outside Tophia, I know where Talindor is but uh…if you're headed that way may I stay with you?" she asked. "You don't by any chance know of a mage by the name of Gurto, do you?" another question. If she could seek help from James, despite not knowing his intentions, she would. The outside world was dangerous, she knew that much. The chances of her stumbling into any more demons or demonic energy were slim, but being alone, especially upon arriving to a city full of magic users was a little intimidating. All it took was one encounter with the wrong person and well, if she didn't decimate the city, they would surely kill her. Looking away she swallowed back as she tightened her fingers together in worry just at the thought of what could happen.
"I see," James replied slowly, studying her again. From her behavior before, it didn't really seem like she was making up this story just to stick with him, or she wouldn't have been so eager to part ways before he'd shown off to get past the gate guards. Nor did he imagine a black mage would be willing to go to the headquarters of some of the most well known white mages in the country.

"I don't know anyone by that name, I'm afraid. But you might as well come with me. Another person certainly won't make any difference to these guys." James patted the flank of one of the horses, before hauling himself up into the driver's seat of the wagon.

He clucked to the horses, getting them moving again with a light tap of the reins, before he turned to glance back at this new travel partner of his. If she was going to be traveling with him, he might as well see if he could get any more information out of her tightly sealed lips. "Does this 'personal matter' have anything to do with the reaction of the demonic energy you so adamantly insisted would be a one-time thing?"
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There was a flash of disappointment that came across the woman's features once James admitted that he did not know anyone by the name of Gurto. Clenching her jaw Selena exhaled slightly from her nose. It seemed the coincidental luck was over. "I see." She muttered mostly to herself. Surely if she entered Talindor and asked about she would be sent the right way…or so she hoped. There was nothing wrong with having some faith in others, ignoring recent events of course. Taking a deep breath once again she sighed and leaned back slightly where she sat.

Turning to look at James as he spoke to her again, Selena looked away as her hands rested on her stomach. Keeping her eyes off the man she went to speak but stopped herself, grey-greens flicking towards him. He was helping her, and he had the right to ask questions. Could she trust him enough to give him a true answer? Blinking a few times she looked away again with a small exhale. Clearing her throat one final time before speaking she made her choice in what to say before sitting up straight. One arm stretched across the carriage behind her as one leg crossed over the other. "In a sense…yes." she spoke simply.

Shedding some light on the situation could perhaps keep James intrigued enough to maybe want to stick around and help Selena with this whole ordeal. The thief had made it seem like it was an important matter, something that may potentially be a large threat. People didn't often swear on everything that was close and dear to them. Then again Caitlyn was a thief, and they, more often than not, did what they had to do to get what they needed. Clenching her jaw she exhaled heavily again. It irritated her that the thief had managed to get to her so easily, that Selena had chosen to trust her so easily.

"I was told that this Gurto, could give me some answers in regards to this whole fiasco." Selena explained and met James' eyes. That was all he would get for the time being. If he proved to her that she could trust him, perhaps she'd divulge him further.
One of James' brows lifted slightly in response to Selena's answer. "Honesty," he said, voice colored with both surprise and humor. "How unexpected and... refreshing."

Whether he'd noticed Selena's intention to not speak any further about the matter or not, James stopped prying at that point, turning his attention back to the horses and the road. It was going to be a several day journey before the two would be able to reach Talindor, but luckily for James they were in one of the adjacent countries to the Academy City. He could have been far less lucky than he'd been, and ended up in an entirely different city.

Their journey that day passed in silence and relative isolation. There were few enough people on the roads on a normal occasion, and word seemed to have already spread that Tophia had temporarily closed their gates to visitors and merchants alike. The few other parties they did encounter did little more than move to the side of the road and exchange silent nods before they both went off their own way.

James and Selena didn't speak either. James was far too used to traveling alone to feel the need to engage in conversation with his new traveling companion, and it seemed she either felt the same, or was too afraid he'd start asking more questions if she broached any conversation with him. Throughout the day and into the evening, both were only accompanied by the sound of the horses and their tack, the low rumble of the wagon wheels on dirt and stone, and the sound of birdsong and the wind in the wilderness.

James was incredibly relieved to see that the human realm didn't appear to have changed much in the time he'd been gone. He didn't know exactly how long that had been, there was no good way to tell the time when most of the realms didn't even have something resembling a sun to mark the passage of time, but Tophia had seemed like any other city in the little time he'd spent in it, and a city of approximately that side had been on the maps he'd studied before he left. He'd be able to figure out exactly how long he'd been gone once they reached Talindor and he was able to find Taron.

As the sun dropped lower down the horizon and the evening began to turn towards night, James began to look for a place for them to spend the night. He eventually pulled the wagon off the side of the road in a clearing with a small stream, before hopping down from the wagon and setting about caring for the horses. For the first time since their brief conversation earlier that day when Selena had asked to join him, James' eyes turned towards her, and he cleared his throat somewhat hesitantly.

"There's food in the back of the wagon," he said. "Since it didn't look like you packed much. I'll be sleeping in the back of the wagon, but if you'd like to set up a bedroll or a fire or something, you can get started on that while I take care of the horses."
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At first the silence had been uncomfortable. It felt thick and heavy, awkward. Which wasn't a wrong assumption, the two knew each other's names and they had a common destination. Selena was utterly terrified of the man that led the carriage. Although he had done her no harm and his words seemed genuine the few times they conversed in Tophia, she had seen what he was capable of and that was enough for her to be weary of him, lest he turn out like the thief.

Eventually she had grown used to the silence and Selena found herself listening in on the sounds around them. Finding rhythm patterns in nature and perhaps testing her own hearing, which as far as she knew, seemed to be beyond what a human was capable of. There was an odd sense of calm upon adjusting to the silence. She wondered if it was that feeling that led others to resort to living solitary lives in the wilderness. She knew temples had a similar quality of life, but priests and clerics had rules to follow, hunters, hermits and perhaps lonely farmers did what they did on their own time. Selena lingered on various thoughts and concepts as they rode along, her eyes occasionally shifting to the back of James' head, his attention focused on the road.

As night descended, the calm in the silence remained but there was a hint of excitement that came with the darkness. New sounds came forth as the birds slept and the nocturnal fauna came to life. There seemed to be much more movement across the grass and trees, skittering in the dirt and splashing through the water. Was it the subtle but natural chaos that frightened people at night? More questions, as she pondered. Her thought process was eventually interrupted as James cleared his throat to speak. Selena not even noticing that they had stopped, she had been so lost in her mind. She looked at him almost in surprise before swallowing back and nodding slowly.

"I definitely wasn't prepared for the trip." She commented simply as she stood up in the back of the carriage and hopped off upon James mentioning that he would be sleeping there. "I'll uh—" it was her turn to clear her throat. "I'll figure something out, don't worry about me." Selena nodded again with the smallest hint of a smile which was intended to show James that he need not fret about her sleeping arrangements. Placing her hands on her hips she glanced at him quickly before turning away while muttering an 'okay' towards him. She didn't put much distance between them.

The stream rushed to her left, not much further ahead from where she faced, the trees began to grow thicker and higher. Walking towards the forming forest she looked around on the ground. Kindling and a few decent pieces of wood were gathered in her arms before she returned to the spot that would be her bed for the night. Her father had taught her a lot of things in regards to survival. She hadn't needed it much, but she was glad to know what she did, in case she ever did require that knowledge.

Setting the quick-catching sticks and small bit of brush in a slightly dug out hole, she placed the larger pieces of wood on top, supporting each other vertically and leaving a small opening. She knew how to start a fire naturally but she chose to use a simple spell instead. The core of the teepee-like structure popped and whooshed to life with a dark purple flame, grey-green's grew wide as she swore that she heard a shrill screech come from the flame before it echoed into nothingness. The deep, sinister purple hue turning to the brilliant orange of a normal fire. Clenching her jaw she swallowed back and glanced towards the carriage before pushing herself back slightly and laying down on the damp grass and earth. Her eyes remained on the flickering flames, her left arm beneath her head as she waited for the hypnotic dance of the fire to let her fade to sleep.

There was darkness for a while, or so it felt, but as Selena opened her eyes she was blinded by the bright yellow light of the sun that pierced through the canopies.

"You must always be aware of your surroundings Selena. Focus."

She looked towards the comforting and familiar voice that caused her to gasp, heart skipping a few beats. The man before her stood tall. Much taller than she. His shoulders were broad, his body thick. His hair was half pulled back, half left down, it brushed just passed his shoulders, dark brown in colour. His eyes were also brown beneath thick brows. A kind, soft brown. The shape of his jaw was defined by a well-trimmed beard that was gathered into a short braid at his chin. Selena's cloudy emeralds gazed at the man in pain and sadness, she felt as if tears were threatening to pour down her face. The man's expression softened as he approached her. Coming down to one knee before her, the two now at eye level, he placed the make-shift wooden sword on the ground. Rough calloused hands that had seen years of battle reached for her. His right cupping her face, his left taking hold of her own hand.

"Sometimes you will have to do things you do not like." the hand cupping her face pushed back some hair before returning to her cheek, his thumb gently running across her skin. "I know you don't like fighting, but the reason I'm showing you this is because, at the very least, you must learn to defend yourself." he explained. "Come," he stood up and gripped her hand tightly, his right picking up the wooden sword. "we won't practice anymore today but we have to go see Farah." he nodded.

Selena responded with her own nod as he led them on through the forest.

The temple had been on the edge of a cliff, a long stairway with a very minimal incline leading to it. Few trees surrounded the white stone building, its accents were in gold and muted yellows. The two walked in silence, the chirping birds loud enough to fill the void of no words. Selena skipped a step here and there, the man, her father, picking her up and swinging her with a single arm on every hop and skip. Her childish giggle joining the birdsongs. They approached the large, pale wooden doors, one opening slowly. The sound proved just how heavy they were. A deep groan as the hinges strained.

A beautiful, tall and thin woman stepped out. Her flowing gown and robe was a mix of soft whites, parts of it opaque. Gold and yellow jewelry and accessories adorning the woman's arms, neck and hair. Her almost golden locks were gathered up in a bun, few strands hanging loosely. Her eyes were a piercing ice blue. The woman smiled brightly as she saw the two approaching figures, lowering herself she opened her arms wide. Selena broke free of her father's grasp and rushed towards the priestess. Her hug was tight as she looked at the other woman with a joy filled grin.

Words were exchanged but the young girl paid no attention to them as she walked into the temple, glancing over her shoulder she spotted their silhouettes in the doorway, both looking at her. Their eyes began to glow, a bright vicious red. Blood was running down their forms and across the spotless, white marble entrance. The child's expression formed into one of sheer terror as she looked down at the thick crimson that raced towards her feet, defying the natural laws of this plain. Taking a few steps back to avoid the blood that followed her she tripped backwards. She knew that she should have hit the floor but instead she started falling into an infinite abyss.

The light above her grew smaller and smaller. Twisting in the air she now faced the nothingness she was plummeting towards. Screaming as she felt like she was moving faster and faster she eventually collided with something that felt solid for a moment before the splash exploded in her ears. Now she was underwater, or so it felt. Flailing where she floated her feet hit bottom as she surfaced with a gasp. Reaching up to clear her eyes she panted where she stood, sloshing around in whatever she was within. Gasping as she tried to regulate her breathing she slowly opened her eyes, peering through a thin, crimson veil of liquid that quickly faded, Selena was now breathing heavily through her nose.

"Father?" she questioned aloud. But it wasn't the child's voice that spoke. Looking down at her hands as her surroundings grew brighter she swallowed back. Analyzing her adult self, her heart still raced, the reverberating sound of disturbed liquid catching her attention. Looking up to her left she saw a darkened figure approaching. Stepping back in the almost hip deep water she watched in fear as her arms were outstretched to feel for a wall.

A crack appeared within the cavern, white light pouring through, looking up towards it she covered her eyes and looked down. The pool she stood in was not water, it was blood. Gasping she looked up towards the still approaching figure. Backlit by the white light, Selena squinted hoping to make out more details of the shadowy being. The figure turned their head away from the light. The profile of the, now evidently masculine face, warranted a whimper from the brunette. His attention was on something he was holding. Looking down towards his hand Selena recognized the shape of the wooden sword. Raising the weapon slightly his head whipped in her direction. The movement was fast and disturbingly jagged. It looked like it was shaking, burning red eyes glowed to life. The guard's heart raced as she stared in horror.

A couple more steps back and she found herself pressed against a wall. Hands were on either side, her panting growing more ragged as a deep, echoing laugh bounced throughout the cavern of death that the two stood within. There was a sickly snap, Selena's back arching off the wall as she gasped. Groaning as she gritted her teeth the woman eventually clenched her jaw shut. Fingers digging into stone as she closed her fists up, the flickering figure before her still in the same position. A small grunt escaped her as she gulped past the scraping dryness in her throat. The next, wet sounding crunch warranted a grimace from the woman as she held back the sound of pain with a sharp exhale from her nose.

The figure shuddered and disappeared into wisps of smoke.


The sound was to her immediate left, or so she swore as she whipped her head in that direction. Her heart jumped into her throat as she almost keeled forward in pain. An unfamiliar burning sensation creeping up her back. The whimper was hard to hold back.


This time she felt the breath on the back of her neck as she tried to look over her shoulder through the pain, a difficult task as she grunted.


There was an unknown force that heaved her up through the musty air, her back slamming against the stone wall she had found moments ago. The sound of the rocks shattering on impact was deafening in the cavern which was now exploding with the repeating sound. Dust surrounded her as the air had been forced out her lungs. Coughing harshly, her ragged breaths joined as the cloud from the impact began to settle. Before she could regain the air in her lungs she was choking again, a sudden vice grip around her throat. Reaching up as she was suspended from the bloody pool she gripped the arm that held her tightly.

A face came before hers, familiar but foreign. Glowing red eyes peering into her own.

"Father?" She choked.

Blood oozed from his nose, ears and eyes. As if he had been crying crimson. His flesh was discoloured. He wore his armour, it's colour a matte obsidian, the opposite of the silver and gold trimmed suit she had been familiar with. Lines and shapes ran across plates and fabrics, a pulsating red. Baring her teeth she tightened her grip on his hold.

He shifted closer, armour clanking as his elbow bent. His enraged expression fading to sorrow. "Sometimes," closer. "you will have to do things" the words were followed by a searing pain that stabbed into Selena's stomach. "you do not like."

She whimpered against the pain as one hand dropped down to her father's wrist. She held the armoured limb tightly as he tried to pull the blade out, she wouldn't allow him. Selena swallowed back as she tried to pant, the pain in her stomach spreading, while the grip on her throat, was still making her breathing harsh. She winced as she felt more of that unfamiliar searing pain. Her father's gauntlet began to glow, the back of his hand forming a shape before breaking off and starting to run up his arm. As she watched the red lines move she found herself feeling that burning sensation running up her own arms. The back of her wrist began to glow in the same way, grey-greens growing wide as her eyes were invaded by foreign streaks of black and red, one coming in and the other spreading out.

There was a groan of metal and snap of bone as she crushed the wrist that was making her breathing difficult. His arm gave way as she fell into the pool below. He stumbled forward with her. Selena forcing his hand and the blade away from her stomach before yanking him in hard. Her knee connected with his face as he flew backwards. Stumbling slightly as she put pressure on the oozing wound she slowly got to her feet. Her heart beat grew rapid, she could feel every thump against her bones. Deep breaths of air were sucked in as she stabilized herself. Looking down at her bloody hand she pulled it away from herself, her skin mending back together with bright red veins flowing across exposed skin.

Her right shoulder jutted forward with a snap. It garnered a grunt from the woman. Catching the pulsating lines across her arm she looked down at her stomach again, as the burning sensation followed the flow of newly forming lines. In the bloody pools reflection she caught a glimpse of herself, irises almost consumed by the darkness, horns growing at an alarming rate. This time the pain was in her left shoulder, but she fought against the force by pushing back with a growl. Muscles throbbed as pressure built up, a rapid explosive release followed by the whooshing sound of leathery, clawed extremities. She snarled towards her father's figure. He had recovered and was approaching with a sinister grin plastered across his face. Selena's second wing just forming. The final snap that signaled the completion of her new limb ricochet off the stony walls, the brunette hunched forward slightly.

Both forms rushed towards the other. Their impact was blinding, a low and deep rumbling exploding from the collision.

Shooting up with a terrified gasp and wide eyes Selena panted where she sat. Out of instinct she reached up towards her neck, her body covered in a thin layer of sweat. The fire next to her nothing but dull embers, darkness still surrounding her. The unnaturally warm woman grew freezing cold as she felt around her neck, colour draining from her skin, blood freezing in her veins. "…My necklace…" she barely whispered. Looking down she frowned with a small whimper, feeling around frantically she hoped. Her heart began to race, breaths growing shallower and rapid. This wasn't safe, this wasn't good. She'd be susceptible to any form of demonic energy, her own emotions…she'd have no control.

No control.

The words repeated in her head. She began to hyperventilate as she looked around on the ground. Palms pressing against grass and dirt. "No, no, no, no, no…" She muttered as the fear was forcing tears to well up in her eyes. Fingers dug deep into the dirt, the sudden intake of air cut short as her vision pulsated to alternate colours for a moment. All the surrounding sounds of the world fading, her interrupted breath echoing in her mind. The rapid-fire heart beats swelling in her ears as a chorus of eerie whispers grew obnoxiously loud in her mind. For a split second there was nothing, not a single sound, Selena's eyes staring at the forest beyond.

This is it…she told herself as she let a small exhale escape her, the sound carried on for a moment as it bounced into nothingness.

The tightness in her chest was sudden and excruciating as she lowered herself with a grimace of bared teeth, knit brows and tightly shut eyes. Her forehead rested on her arm, the damp grass exuding a cool sensation across burning skin. A small pained sound escaped her as she pushed herself up slightly. Her shimmering eyes flicked towards the carriage as she exhaled heavily through her mouth. Her chest convulsed as her body shuddered. Her shoulders rolled as she was forced downwards slightly. Fighting the pain she began to push herself up to her feet. If James witnessed this she wasn't sure what would happen. Calming herself and stopping this was possible, difficult but possible, but his presence only added to the boiling fear within her.

Taking a step she hunched forward as her stomach was clenched tightly, her whole body tense and trembling as she felt the familiar pressure in her shoulders. Groaning against it with heavy breaths she forced herself to carry on, stumbling towards the woods. Selena grew closer to the dense forest, her only hope for coverage in the night. Reaching for a tree to support herself, she felt her fingers dig into the bark. There was a rippling sensation that spread across her form. Her veins lighting up in a wave of energy that caused her to tense again, fingers penetrating the surface of the tree with a loud crunch. Moaning in pain against the feeling she gritted her teeth as she felt a lump of terror form in her throat. Grunting against the feeling of the pressure in her back releasing she closed her eyes. The sound of fabric tearing caused her to open her eyes wide again. The trickling warmth coming down her forehead had her free hand shakily moving towards it. Wiping it away Selena didn't need to look to know what it was.
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James took his time caring for the horses while Selena set up her own little camp near the wagon. He groomed them carefully, checking that the harness and the day's worth of effort had not harmed them in any way, before cleaning their hooves and tying them to the side of the wagon with a bucket of grain and fresh water from the river. Once the horses were tended, he distributed food for both himself and Selena, before settling into the back of the wagon for the night.

As Selena slowly settled in for the night, James kept an eye on her. There was definitely something strange about this woman, and he couldn't pin down what. However, the faint spark of demonic magic he'd felt when she'd lit the fire had been more than enough to re-ignite his suspicions that she was a dark mage, however suicidal her attempt to visit Talindor might be if that were the case. It was only once she'd fully fallen asleep that James allowed himself to drop into a similar state.

In truth, James didn't sleep, and hadn't for a long time. Instead, he entered something like a state of deep meditation, focusing his attention on his body, and slowly shaping the countless energies that traveled through and made up his form. The maintenance took time and attention, but it did not leave him as blind to the world as true sleep would for others.

That was why, the instant he felt the surge of demonic energy, James was "awake" once more. However, for several seconds he was left disoriented, unable to grasp what he had felt with where he knew he should be. For several, long, dragging moments, James believed he was back in the demonic realm, about to face down a demon that had found him again.

However, as his memories of yesterday slowly reasserted themselves, and James remembered that he was no longer in the demonic realm, but back in the human realm, his eyes immediately snapped to Selena. Or, at least, where Selena should have been. Instead he saw the woman, folded upon the ground, demonic energy swirling around her.

James pushed himself to his feet, jumping out of the wagon at the same time as Selena stood, bent almost double as she stumbled towards the woods. He could feel the energy swirling around her, pushing its way out from within her flesh as the back of her shirt ripped open under the pressure of growing wings, and horns began to push their way out of her forehead. He recognized the situation almost immediately as the same thing that had happened to her at the attack on Tophia, but this time there was no demonic energy being generated for her to absorb.

However, as James hurried closer, he suddenly realized his mistake. No, Selena wasn't absorbing demonic energy. She was producing it. Somehow, demonic energy was pulsing out from within her body, and her flesh was greedily absorbing it, just like it had back in Tophia. But no barrier would protect her this time. Not if the energy was coming from inside her.

With a muttered curse, James quickly crossed the distance between them, one hand immediately closing on her shoulder, while the other wrapped around the back of her neck. "Don't move," James demanded, a slow glow of holy energy from his hands demanding that she follow with his request. If she turned or struck out against him, the spell would bind her in place, simultaneously consuming any demonic energy she might use to try and fight against him. "And stop whatever it is you are casting."
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Selena found herself looking at the smear of blood on her fingers regardless. Her jaw clenched tightly as she swallowed back a lump of fear. Her eyes fell shut as she exhaled heavily through her nose. There was another sickly squelch that caused her to lean forward suddenly. The tree she used as support groaning in protest to the force she exerted in the pained moment. The wings forming on her back attempting to stretch out further. The searing pain in her forehead growing.

The sounds of her changing body were loud enough that her surroundings felt non-existent. The ridges of her spine pressed against flesh, bony protrusions waiting to break through. It was in a sweat drenched moment of calm that she felt an almost burning touch on her shoulder and the back of her neck. Her heart raced as a heavy breath caught in her throat, eyes wide as she stared at the ground. Selena froze, as she was told, the only movements coming from the deep pants escaping her. Nodding in response to the first demand, if her stillness hadn't been enough, she gulped. His second demand had her clenching her jaw.

Selena wanted to shake her head but she feared for what he would do if she moved suddenly. "I c-can't." she whispered. "I'm n-" she groaned as new limbs and extremities pushed further. "I'm not casting anything." she managed to spit out quickly with a whimper as she exhaled before her body tensed up. Muscles taut, veins pulsating.

Would James kill her? Selena hadn't done anything wrong, other than almost destroying this tree she had been leaning on. Had her suspicions been correct? It didn't seem so, she shook her head mentally. He thought she was casting, that wasn't the case. Surely someone coming after her would know of what she is...right? Perhaps not. Her father had made sure to keep her abilities contained and she had made sure to keep everything in check while travelling on her own. Other than the recent event in Tophia, Selena hadn't let it loose for years. "I don't-" there was another sharp inhale. "I don't want to hurt anyone." her tone was soft but sad. "Can you-" Selena's words were cut off by a low pained growl. She pushed harder against the tree, her other hand moving against James' request to stay still, only to grip the tree for more support as wings and horns pushed further out, muscles swelling slightly as her veins lit up a bright crimson glow.

How could she stop this?
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As James watched Selena freeze in place at the touch of his hands, a strange, niggling sense that something was wrong began to form in the back of his head. Even as he remained tense and ready for her to act against him, he couldn't put off the sense that he was missing something.

This was, a cynical part of James' mind had to admit, the first time he'd ever caught a black mage who followed the instructions "don't move" when someone grabbed them. Most of them acted immediately, lashing out with whatever they had prepared, and he'd been fully prepared for that. Instead, Selena came to a dead halt, the trembling under his hands due to more than just the transformation ripping through her flesh.

And as if that wasn't a clue, her words after that immediately cut through the whirl of James' thoughts. She wasn't casting. Of course she was casting. What else could she be doing? It wasn't as though demonic energy could just appear from nowhere...

But, suddenly and abruptly, James realized that wasn't entirely true. He'd seen it after all, as recently as the fight for Tophia. She wasn't casting some sort of internal spell. No, it almost perfectly mimicked the natural seepage of energy from any being that came from another realm. It was the same thing demons did, whenever they appeared in the mortal realm.

"Oh, shit."

The words hissed out past his lips almost unconsciously, but James didn't give himself a chance to think about these implications. All that mattered was that Selena wasn't an aggressor. She was a victim. And he had to help her.

"Hold on," he said softly, the holy power instantly vanishing from around his hands. Instead, his hands seemed to go almost ghostly for a moment, imperceptibly pressing into her skin. "It'll be okay."

James' eyes dropped closed, instead reaching out his senses through his hands and into Selena's body. It didn't take him more than a split second to sense the cycle that was running rampant through her body. She was producing demonic energy, which would circle once through her body, before sinking into her flesh and bones. Most of the energy was flooding to the places currently undergoing the greatest changes, near her horns and her wings, but it was obvious that it was happening all across her body as well.

And James calmly inserted himself into the middle of that process.

After the demonic energy was generated, but before it had a chance to merge with her flesh, James tugged at it gently, drawing it up out of her body towards his hands. For a moment it would circle around his own body, before sinking under his skin. Had Selena, or anyone else, seen that, it likely would have been enough to induce panic, but the brown-haired man didn't show so much as a flicker across his face as the energy entered his body. Without a convenient rift to the demonic realm, he'd simply have to hold onto it until he could find a safe was to dispose of it. He certainly wasn't going to let it run rampant.

James' efforts were enough to prevent the demonic energy from further influencing Selena, but it was nothing but a stopgap measure. Even now she was continuing to produce more, and his efforts did nothing to reverse the effects already applied to her. Without fully understanding her condition, he didn't want to try and pull out the demonic energy that had already all-but merged with her flesh. If he did it wrong, he might kill her.

"I can hold it off," James said, his voice almost eerily calm considering the situation. "But I can't stop it without risking hurting you. What do you want me to do?"
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Selena groaned in response to Jame's 'oh shit'. She was in the mindset to give him a witty remark but the pain of her changing body stopped her from doing that as she winced instead. "I'm trying my best." she growled lowly at him as her body tensed for another moment. The pain had suddenly stopped, battling eyes growing wide as she stared into the darkness of the dense forest. The brunette anticipated another jolt at any second but nothing came. The silence after James' words was filled by her panting breaths and rapid heart. How was he doing this? she pondered as she slowly turned to look over her shoulder at him. Swallowing back she clenched her jaw. "I-If you can stop it" she was hesitant for a moment "do it." She spoke simply. "I'll take the pain over causing harm to others." She explained as her demonic gaze met his, she didn't hold it for long before looking away and clearing her throat with a long exhale. Closing her eyes Selena dropped her head and waited for whatever pain was to come.
James nodded his head slightly, the gesture swallowed by the dark, but the murmur of assent that came from his throat was clear in the silence that Selena's transformation had brought upon the forest. There was still a slow but steady stream of demonic energy flowing out of her and into James, but he'd seemed to have almost forgotten about the process, his eyes locked on her back as though he could see right through her flesh.

In a way, that was what he was doing, but he wasn't using his eyes for the effort. Something moved out of his hand and into Selena's body, silent and formless and invisible, far different from the brightly colored energy of the planes. It was a pure manifestation of human will, the same innate thing that allowed mages to tap into the other planes, and draw over the magical energies. However, James' will extended beyond his body, slowly spreading through Selena's body. It targeted the scraps of demonic energy that had wormed their way into her flesh. At first it grabbed at the loosely attached pieces, neatly tugging them out of her body and drawing them away into James.

Focused on the process, eyes blind to the outside world, James didn't notice that effort had already been enough to return her to the human form he was familiar with. Instead, his power began to push deeper, targeting the energy that had woven itself deep into her very being. His will gathered around the energy, grabbing and pulling, tearing it free from where it had taken purchase inside of her with a sharp tug, peeling it off in the equivalent of a quick movement, and all but taking pieces of her with it.

And his will prepared to dig deeper.
Although the pain of her form changing was still existent, Selena gasped slightly as she watched glowing veins fade, her body slowly shifting back to her human self. She did her best to keep the sounds of pain to a minimum. James had been disturbingly silent and if his focus on this process was something she didn't want to break with some sort of cry or whimper. Clenching her jaw she closed her eyes, heavy breaths escaping her nostrils as the muffled grunts continued.

As the sounds that typically signaled her change halted, Selena opened her eyes and looked into the forest's darkness once again. A thin layer of sweat covered her skin, exposed or not. Open wounds momentarily stung until they healed over, a subtle smile coming across her lips. He did it! She didn't know how but in the moment she didn't care to question it.

Lifting her head and moving to stand up fully, Selena felt a sickly crunch at the core of her being. Her body tensing at the sensation. The pressure, along with the pain grew as she keeled forward slightly. A pained moan escaped her as she clutched at her stomach with her right. The feeling continued as it felt like he was yanking on her spine from within. "James…" she muttered. Coughing as she felt another pull, Selena grunted. The splatter of blood from her mouth not registering until she tasted it. "James." she spoke bluntly from behind set teeth. "Stop." she demanded with a raspy huff. Her eyes began to storm, black smoke and crimson fire consuming her gaze.

"I said stop!" she had felt her life being threatened and instinct was quick to kick in. Selena's actions were fast as she reached over to him in a flash. Whipping him towards the trees with a roar she glared at his form as it crashed through the thick forest before her. Selena panted as slick hair clung to her face, head lowered, glowing red irises shining through drenched strands. As she stepped forward while maintaining her offensive posture she stumbled. Out of instinct she reached out to stop herself from hitting the ground, the already weakened tree within her reach finally giving way and snapping as it came crashing down to the ground. The stumble hadn't fully been avoided as the brunette had dropped to her knees. Panting as she stared at the ground, she slowly pushed herself up with a few grunts. Staying on her knees as she scowled in the direction she had thrown James, she felt a sudden bust of burning pain run across her back and spread to every part of her being. Baring her teeth groaned once again as her body tensed. Veins pulsating a bright crimson once more.

Her movements were stiff as she fought against the invisible vice grip that almost held her in place. Forcing herself up to her feet with jagged movements and fire boiling in her blood she finally managed to stand. Her posture was hunched, arms close to her body, knuckles white as her fingernails dug into the palms of her hands. Her breaths were haggard, spittle flying out from behind exposed fangs. Her right shoulder jerked forward, her left joining just a moment after as she forced her trembling body to straighten. The pulsating crimson beneath her flesh grew brighter and brighter, the pressure within and around her body almost felt like she was being crushed.

As she took in one final breath, Selena gasped. Silence consumed her for a fraction of a second, eyes growing wide as she felt an internal shift of energy implode. The sensation caused her to step forward just slightly, her foot unknowingly crashing into the ground. As wide eyes stared down towards torn pants and boots with her mouth falling agape. The pressure was gone, something she hadn't noticed until she looked up from the cracked and cratered ground.