I'm just yuno...a RP guy!

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Original poster
Well, I'm not good at introductions, but here goes.

I'm Sharak and that's just the name I go by in the internet. I'm a boy and I'm 14. But I'm a huge RP fan! 'Been doing it for some time now. I don't have a personal preference when it comes to RP as long as the story has a solid structure and the character is well built. Plus, I'm an indoor type a guy....

So, that's pretty much me!
You sound just like me. My parents get on me about rping at 1am. But I don't care! Hi sound interesting!
I remember when my parents used to yell at me about staying online forever. Long long ago... t____t

Welcome to the site! :D
Welcome sharak ^^
Hope you find an rp that fits, maybe even one of mine xD
Enjoy your time at iwaku ;)
Welcome to iwaku! ^_^
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