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Aerin remained still beside Nova, letting Comet do the talking. He didn't know much about the energy signal or what the Reszna could actually do, but it seemed that they held incredible power. He didn't want Nova to think she was strange, but that was already happening. The way she looked at him, she was hurt, like she expected him to be afraid. He wouldn't admit that at first, he had been, but it had been to protect him. All the pain she'd put up with, the changing, everything. She'd wanted to keep him safe, and while that hadn't exactly worked out, nothing was different.

And he said as much. "You are not... a monster to... to me." To further his thoughts, he leaned over and took her hand. Just because she was different didn't mean he couldn't still feel for her. He gave her a gentle smile before he turned back to speak to Comet.

"Jess... Jessamine said... the Illstar was inside of.. of Nova, but... it isn't... killing her like... like it did to... my father." A wince accompanied the words. He'd had three weeks to wallow in pain, but the subject still came up as often as he tried to get away from it.
Nova's hand linked with his eagerly and Comet let out his own subtle sigh of relief that the young human had accepted the hybrid. One less problem to deal with. He looked between the two with a slight smile, almost a proud one though he knew them not. He'd seen many a union between two species - hybrids involved especially - not work and he hated when it happened. He nodded to Aerin's statement and held up a hand. "Yes, we will get to that, but let's go about this in order. Less confusing that way. Nova,"

The brunette looked back at him, wary but listening. She wasn't sure what to think of this. What exactly was she? And how did this man know so much about it?

"Nova, you are a Human-Reszna hybrid. You are part alien. Your mother was human, and your father, Daniel, was of my species. Your mother never knew and your brother was not your father's, making him your half-sibling." He stopped right there, letting her digest that and Nova seemed to stare into nothing for the longest time before she took a deep, trembling breath and nodded slowly. She appeared shell-shocked, but was still listening. Comet knew that was better than most people usually did. He'd seen a great deal of screaming and freaking out in his days.

"That form you took, it is Reszna...or a humanoid version of it. I can teach you to understand that part of yourself and control the changes, so you do not need to be alarmed by it. You aren't going to lose control and kill anyone or do anything you don't want to in that form, I promise. It is just as much you as this form is." The Indian-looking alien sighed out slowly. "Now, as for the signal you were broadcasting, it was a distress call. Your mind makes it when in acute distress. Unfortunately there are not a great many Reszna on Earth and without our own technology to help advance our abilities, it is hard to pinpoint where a signal might be coming from accurately. I am sorry for that. Your second signal was to inform your own kind that your powers and your new form were matured and ready to come forward. The third signal was when you changed."

"I...I understand." Nova acknowledged quietly before she took a deep breath and some strength seemed to come to her gaze, the same strength that had gotten her through the hell of the last year in every degree of distress. "So about the father WAS working on something, wasn't he? Besides the Illstar."

"Yes, but I don't know what it was. I do know that he would have kept it safe at all costs and Nefenarasa seems to think you either know what it was or that you're harboring it in some way."

Nova grit her teeth, so freaking tired of hearing she knew what her father had been working on. "I don't know a damn thing about it!" she snapped and Comet chuckled and held up his hands. "I don't think you do. Daniel was far more clever than that. He wouldn't have told you, at least not the human side of you. I do suspect you know far more than you think you do, but until you understand the alien part of yourself, you aren't going to know anymore than you assume you do." He rested his hands back on the table easily, relaxed. "Now, as for the Illstar in your veins," He glanced to Aerin. "That isn't going to affect you. The only reason it hasn't died is because you ARE part human, but your alien biology won't let it become active. You're in no danger, though."

"My father made that virus. If he was an alien and so smart, why would he do that? And who is Nefana-whatever her name is?" Nova was anything but happy at the moment and her slightly growled tone showed it. Fortunately, Comet was rather patient.

"Your father didn't make the virus. He made the Illstar, yes, but that was to help your race. It was supposed to be a cure. A true cure to your illnesses, but it was tampered with. We...were foolish to meddle, even to help, and your species is paying the price of our pride. For that...I can not apologize enough and I will not ask for your forgiveness. We deserve none." Comet looked truly saddened, but he went on. "Nefenarasa is the Reszna impersonating your mother and the one that changed the Illstar. I am sorry, Nova, but your true mother IS dead."
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The whole world was certainly different now, even if many people didn't know about the existence of aliens. What mattered was that Aerin did. He had to take all this information as a bystander. Because he wasn't a Reszna, their ways and powers were unknown to him. He was still involved, because he'd fallen in love with one, but most of their knowledge was beyond his realm.

He was silent as they exchanged words. Nefenarasa had wanted what was inside Nova because she thought it was something that her father had put in her. Or maybe she had known all along that Nova was part Reszna. Aerin didn't know. There were too many names. And then Comet told them what had happened with the Illstar. Nefenarasa was the reason his father was dead and he was not. They'd meddled to help, but it didn't seem like anything had been done by them once the virus had started to spread.

Comet had only been helping by telling, but Aerin was angered. To hear that Nova's real mother was dead... It hit him. They had dead parents, and that was that. Her own brother wasn't even her brother. He was beginning to truly hate everything about the evil Reszna, Nefenarasa.

Aerin released Nova's hand quicker than he should have, irritation snapping his muscles. Shoving himself from the chair, he used the back to support himself as he moved to help himself along the wall. Grabbing the railing, he ignored the creaking protests of the wood and his bones as he made his way up the stairs. As he passed through the doorway to his room, he tripped, falling to his knees next to his bed. And that was where he stayed. He couldn't hold it in anymore. Sobs shook his body as the sheets soaked up the salty tears.

It was too much death for one artist to handle.
Nova started when Aerin pulled away and she looked after him with uncertainty and worry, but she didn't move. She had no way of knowing that she wasn't part of the problem and when he was out of sight, she curled in on herself, bringing her knees up on the chair and wrapping her arms around them. She trembled and worked not to cry as her expression blanked out. She didn't note that Comet had moved and was reaching out to touch her, concerned, until he made contact.

The brunette jumped clean out of her chair, scrambling back before her legs gave way and she fell back against the wall. "No! No! Leave me alone!" She didn't wait for a response, her mind not entirely in the present as she lurched to her feet, unbalanced and hurting as her eyes searched frantically for an escape. Comet was trying to talk her down, but she didn't hear him and Nova found the room she'd been put in before, unable to locate the exit from the house itself and it didn't take long for her to slide herself under the bed and curl up back in the far corner.

The Reszna sighed, seeing it, but he didn't make an effort to get the brunette out from her hiding spot. Their race was very animalistic, cat-like actually, and if Nova felt more secure under a bed, he wasn't about to dispute that.


Black eyes looked up the stairs and the alien climbed them quietly, peeking into Aerin's room with a sad expression. The poor human boy. He sighed and moved away from the door and went to sit on the steps of the stairs instead, ready to speak to the human when he chose to come out again.
Aerin felt like he'd sat there for hours, pouring his soul into the depths of the mattress.

In reality, it'd only been about 20 minutes.

Eventually, his tears stopped and his face drew back to its normal tanned color. His eyes stopped being red, but it took all of his strength to stand. He hadn't yet realized the damage he'd done to Nova. His crying had drowned out her shouting at Comet, and he was completely unaware of her whereabouts.

When Aerin felt strong enough to open the door, he did. Silence greeted him, and it was eerie, feeling like he was alone. It was the same feeling he'd gotten when he realized he had to go on a quest across the country to find his father. Loneliness was a powerful de-motivator, but also a motivator. It had spurred him to find Neil. It had forced him to be kind and caring to those he met, so he wouldn't be labeled as a bad guy to be shot. Loneliness had been too prevalent in his post-Illstar life, and he realized that Nova had helped that, and he'd made her go silent in the house.

Only a few steps were taken before Aerin spotted Comet. He opened his mouth to speak, but only a spastic rage of coughing came out. He was panting by the time he was done, and he had to find his voice again before he spoke. "Wh-Where did... Nova go?" he asked, leaning on the railing to support his weakened frame.
Comet had stood at the coughing fit, worried as he wasn't all that knowledgeable in the healing of humans as he was of their biology and he came closer when Aerin was done, moving to steady him a bit, not trusting the railing to do the job correctly. "Easy there, young human. You have moved too fast and too often too soon. Easy." he chided gently before looking down the steps. "She is in her room." he answered simply for the time being and then helped Aerin to the stairs...where he gently made the blond sit down on the steps.

"I think, young Aerin, that we should talk a bit before you go down. You have questions and Nova can not answer them. I might be able to, however." He sat down beside the human but on the other of the step, putting a little distance between them so it was easier to see one another and to give Aerin space. Human were usually a bit prickly about being too near an alien he'd found. It was quite curious, but he had adapted.

"First, though, I am sorry for your grief. Would you like me to ease you emotions, calm your mind? I can do such things for a little while." he offered kindly. It was no imposition for him to do so, and besides, two distraught beings dealing with each other was never a good combination and Nova would not let him touch her.
Aerin wanted to see Nova, but he was planted on the step before he could protest. Now that he was sitting, he felt like his head was clear. Maybe it was Comet's touch. He didn't know how the man could be in touch with his emotions, regardless of how they were spilling out. His green eyes observed Comet before he hung his head. He wanted to be numb again. Not feeling had been strangely helpful, had there not been massive influxes of pain that had accompanied it.

And now Comet was offering to ease the suffering in his heart. As much as he wanted to deny the favor, he found himself nodding. "How are you... able to do this?" Hell, he wish he could speak normally. Having the voice of a smoker was awful. He turned his hands palm up, staring down at the scars lining the creases in his fingers and on the backs of his hands. His artistic hands weren't ruined, but they were damaged.

Every part of him was damaged. How could he fix himself? There seemed to be no solution for that.
Comet reached forward slowly, being sure that Aerin knew what he was doing as he touched his fingers to either side of the human's head, at his temples. A dark purple glowed at his fingers as he spoke quietly and calmly, just like always. "My kind are gifted with the ability to compartmentalize our emotions and therefore we have higher-developed minds than humans do. This has enabled us to tap into abilities your kind has not yet realized you possess. One of them is the power to transfer our own calm onto others and sometimes other emotions. It does not hurt, I assure you."

Even as he spoke, Aerin would start to feel calmer, more steady, find it easier to think. The emotions he was feeling would not go away, but they'd dampen in intensity a bit, not so overwhelming. The human's thoughts wouldn't change, his pain would not be gone, but it would be tolerable now. Comet never took more than the edge off. He'd found that human beings, they didn't like to deal with their problems so much as they liked to find ways of dulling themselves to such problems and he didn't want any being getting addicted to what he could do for them.

"There, I am done." He pulled his hands back and watched the blond for a moment before speaking again. "Nova will learn to do that as well. She's already learning to compartmentalize. It is why she is fine with your touch when she is not with mine."
Aerin flinched at the touch, but it didn't hurt. He felt a blanket of tranquility laying itself over his troubled thoughts. It was like he was being supported by a pair of invisible, but sturdy crutches. His mind was free for just a little while. He could still feel the sadness and anger beating in his heart, but they were quieter. He didn't even realize his eyes were closed until they opened up and peered at Comet. He wasn't so upset anymore, but it still lingered.

"...Thanks," he managed to say before he turned his head and looked down the stairs. He thought about what he said about Nova, how she only wanted to tolerate Aerin's touch. It wasn't just Comet. It was everyone. Nova didn't want to be touched by anyone but him. He'd thought it was her possessive feelings about him, but maybe it wasn't. The Reszna were so different from anything his mind could have conjured.

"How... How did... Nefenarasa... How did she... change the cure... into the Illstar?" Aerin really wanted to ask why they hadn't done more to help the humans out, but that was a question for another time.
Comet sighed. Well, that would be the question, wouldn't it? He shook his head. "I am afraid I don't rightly know the exact way, young human. My kind do know that she used another type of bacteria, similar but different to Daniel's own, a kind not known to us. It was kin enough that he didn't recognize the cure had been compromised until it was already distributed. The High Council of Reszna had given your father's team, myself included, enough Ilsestarin, that is the good bacteria, to make the cure for your race. It is a precious substance, however, and when it was contaminated, they could not give us more so soon and certainly not in time to save the first few millions that died."

The alien was not stupid. He knew the question that lingered in every human's mind when he told them of his people's involvement in the demise of their own. "By the time we were ready to launch an intervention, those Nefenarasa works for had launched an attack against our relief ship. We never made it to your planet and by the time the second ship was sent, it was too late."

He was truly grieved by this and hung his head a little. "The rest of my people withdrew. They have given up Earth as a grievous lost cause, but some of us have stayed. We have seen how resilient your kind are and we believe you can rebuild your world, that you can survive. We are trying to find the solution of the Illstar itself and reverse engineer it to collect to the Ilsestarin from the serum. If we can gather enough, we can start curing people."
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More names. But with this explanation, it was mentioned why and how certain things had or had not been done. It didn't rightly settle Aerin's concerns, but at least he understood the situation they'd been in. Dire resources had been needed, ones that couldn't have been provided, much like Earth's own. While the Reszna were incredible and different, their situation sounded the same.

Many things still troubled him though. "Do you... know who... Nefenarasa is... is working for?" The woman seemed to have her own agenda, and it was hard to believe she was doing it for someone else. She had desired Nova's secrets for herself, right? Aerin wanted to shake his head and disprove Comet, but he had no right. After all, he didn't know.

"How does... Ilsestarin work?" he asked, realizing that he kept asking questions that were going all over the place, even if they had everything to do with the Reszna and nothing to do with Nova, who he really wanted to ask about.
"Well, 'working for' is not technically the right term. She is involved with a sect of species called Bocnors, but she uses them just as much as they do everyone else to get what they want. As for what Nefenarasa wants...we are not sure yet. The High Council is still investigating her activities, but they must be cautious not to alert the Bocnors to this fact. The Bocnors are a widespread and dangerous race. One does not get involved with them unless one is desperate for something."

As Nefenarasa must be. They just didn't know what it was - or rather they didn't know what Daniel had been working on or what it could do. That was obviously what the female Reszna wanted, though.

The second question made Comet tilt his head a bit with a slight smile. This was a rather curious human...and yet he could sense that Aerin wasn't speaking about what was really on his mind. He looked rather distracted and a bit over his head with this topic, like he was trying to avoid something or debating a choice or a thought. "Ilsestarin is a bacteria, a rare kind that grows on volcanic worlds. It is hard to come by, but it is incredibly versatile. Depending on what elements you take from it, it can be used as a cure to illnesses, a healing agent, an ability enhancer and a few less legal uses. It activates when exposed to heat, be it fire or blood, so it is perfect for serums. It targets the genetic make-up of a specie and changes the things that make them prone to illness without changing the specie themselves. That is how it is supposed to work."

Comet smiled kindly. "I do not think this interests you as much as you are pretending, though, young Aerin. What is it you would really ask of me?"
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It was all interesting, had Aerin been in his right mind. As it was, he couldn't focus as well as he wanted to. He could feel his fingers itching, but this time, they wanted touch, not paper. It was strange to feel that way, the absolute un-urge to draw. The desire to touch something, or rather a certain someone, was overwhelming. It wasn't a bad feeling though, so it didn't really fall under Comet's helpful, calm blanket.

"I... I just... wanted to see... Nova." He took a deep breath, as deep as he could manage with his weak lungs. "I... I can't get her off... of my mind. Is... that normal when... Reszna meet someone they... they love?" He breathed the last word, as if his mind still couldn't comprehend that he loved her. That he loved an alien.

It made her stranger, and yet, more beautiful at the same time. Maybe it was the exotic feeling that came with her, or that the colors of her Reszna form were so vibrant and appealed to his sense as an artist. Or maybe it was just the way her body pressed up to his so wonderfully, the various parts of her soft and something he could curl up beside and fall asleep with. Naturally, his mind wandered down less-clothed paths, but he scattered the thoughts with the shake of his head.

In time, Aerin, in time.
Comet chuckled, genuinely amused and he smiled a bit wider than he usually did. "Well, no. See, humans tend to form strong connections all on their own. That has nothing to do with Nova being a hybrid. That is your own emotion." he confided to Aerin before he moved to help the human up. They could talk as they walked and if Aerin had a question, they could pause. Comet knew for a fact that Nova wasn't going anywhere. Poor little sister.

"Now, as for a Reszna, we are different. I shall only tell you about hybrids, though, as that pertains to Nova. A hybrid is very possessive of their life-mate. That would be you. When they fall in love with them, the hybrid will protect them to the exclusion of all else, even life-threatening injury to themselves. They are highly sensitive to what their mate feels and how their mate treats them. Nova will never harm you. She can't. It is against her biological make-up and it would drive her insane in time to see anyone else doing so."

They were down the stairs now and Comet paused there at the bottom, looking to the room and then to Aerin again. "She will not fear you, nor anything you do now that she loves you. She will trust you and her entire mind will keep anything negative she associates with other people from affecting how she feels about you and how she takes care of you. Compartmentalizing to an extreme basically."

The alien smiled a bit. "And despite how it might sound, it's not unhealthy for her to do so, but rather normal. Just as it is normal for her to want to tear apart anyone who might pose a threat to you. She's very animalistic the more upset she gets and you will see that animal nature even when she's content. After the first change, most hybrids are allowed to hunt, to run, to exert that energy and learn about their bodies and abilities. Nova did not get the luxury and therefore her new form might be difficult for her to master at first, but I assure you, she will never harm you. You are the one person completely safe from her."

Black eyes looked to green, patient. "Do you have any questions?"
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His explanation revealed the reason why Nova had almost gone crazy during their time apart. How she wanted to see him no matter what and she grew nervous when he wasn't around. He was her life-mate, and he was going to be that for the rest of his days. The thought didn't scare him. Nova would never desire to harm him. He was the one thing safe from her, and he could keep her safe as well, and she would let him. Despite everything, he smiled.

"Is she... going to be okay?" he inquired, releasing Comet and bracing one hand on the wall. "After she changed... they kept me... from her... for a week... Nefenarasa told her... I was dead...."

That still hurt. Nova had been under the impression that he'd been permanently gone for... He didn't even know how long she'd thought that. The pain wasn't so strong, but it was there. "What will she do... when I die? Do Reszna... live longer?" With the damage to his body, Aerin was sure he was going to die much sooner than he hoped, but he couldn't really help that now. There was no way to give him his years back. The thought didn't sober him as much as he thought it would. Maybe it was just the suppression of his darker feelings that helped ease the image.
The first question was rather general and had brought a bit of confusion to Comet's face, but then he understood as the rest came out and the alien's expression suddenly darkened drastically, a purple hue to his skin as his voice grew cold and deadly, but it wasn't aimed toward the human and he didn't make any sudden movements, didn't move toward Aerin at all as he hissed out his words in absolutely disgust. "Nefenaras is as cruel as she is smart. To tell a Reszna, even a hybrid, their mate is dead without providing proof, it would have driven her mad without killing her. It would have made Nova far more susceptible to Nefenarasa's own power and I suspect that was her aim."

He sighed and with the sound, the alien seemed to release the anger he felt, his demeanor returning back to normal, skin fading back to brown and only brown. He ran a hand back through his hair. "Reszna do not have set life-spans. I know an Elder who has lived for nearly eight thousand years and yet Daniel only lived into his hundreds. He died the day Jessamine did. That is what happens. When we find our life-mate, we die when they die. We can't live without them and we enjoy every moment of our life with them." It was just how they were.

Comet beckoned to the room then. "Come now, young Aerin. I think there is someone who needs you."

He got Aerin to the room then...that appeared rather empty, and then Comet pointed to the bed. "She went under and I did not have the heart to pull her out. I do not wish to harm her mind anymore than it already is, but she will trust you." He put a gentle on Aerin's hand before leaving as quietly as he'd come. He'd be outside if they needed him.

Under the bed, Nova watched the feet that entered and she pressed further back into the wall with a whimper. Her eyes were glowing in the darkness, wide and dilated to slits. A faint smattering of blue was splattered over her skin, but Nova shook. Memories, too fresh and vivid to effectively push away, circled around her and the only thing she could think of was that Jenson had found her. She'd tried to hide and he'd found her.

It was enough to create growing terror that she'd been trying to fight off.
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They would die together. That was something humans only dreamed of, if they believed they had a strong enough bond. But the day that Aerin died would be the very same day Nova did. It was another strange thought. He didn't have time to think about it, however, as Comet helped him into the room. It was very quiet and empty. He didn't think Comet had taken him to the wrong spot, or maybe Nova had turned invisible with her alien powers. At the mention of his life-mate under the bed, Aerin looked down. There was a very faint reflection of an oozing green on the hardwood, so she was there. Even with his presence, she didn't want to come out.

So Aerin would have to go to her. He used the bedside table to lower himself to the ground, sitting cross-legged as he had a knack for doing. He turned his palms up, balancing his elbows on his knees, arms angled so that she could see his fingers from under the bed. "Nova?" he asked, voice soft despite the hoarse whisper. "Will you... come out... please?" He waited for a second before continuing. "You know... that I am not... not here to hurt you. I... I just want... to see you."

That was all he ever wanted, and he figured that was all he was going to ever want now. His fingers twitched again with the desire to touch her hair and face and everywhere else. But he had no mind to try and drag her out from under there. The bed was a hiding place for a reason. She didn't want anyone to find her. People had hurt her far beyond what anyone should have ever endured, and he wanted to soothe that pain. But he couldn't unless she was there.
It was his voice that made the terror break up and scatter and Nova lifted her head slightly, looking out. She saw Aerin - AERIN, not Jenson - clearly in that moment and her body nearly flew from underneath the bed and into his. She didn't actually make a hard impact as the pain that streaked through her own body at her abrupt movements reminded her that she was injured and so was Aerin and she curled into him. Her body was trembling terribly as she clung to the blond and she drew in several shuddering breaths before speech even seemed possible.

"I'm sorry. I'm s-sorry." She kept repeating it, completely unsure what she'd done to upset him, only knowing that he'd been upset and that he'd pulled away so quickly and had left without a word. She couldn't help but feel she was the one responsible for whatever had made him so distressed and she wanted desperately to be forgiven for it. She didn't want him to leave again. Her mind did such horrible things when he left and it scared her on a new level. She had no control this time. Not like she had after those three months in the beginning. She'd been able to push the trauma back, learn to tolerate the fear she'd felt and then she'd met Aerin and her walls had started to come down...and then more torture, things she'd not been able to handle this time around.

Now she couldn't be alone without being thrust right back into that terror and she hated it.

So Nova stayed curled against the one person who took that fear away and her skin fluctuated in mottled spatters between human-hued and blue, unstable as she was. There was one thing that had appeared in a rather stable manner and that was the whip-like tail, blue as could be and taking it upon itself to wrap around Aerin's arm even as Nova's hands had wrapped up in his shirt.
Aerin did his best to quiet her with his hands by stroking the top of her head and whispering against her ear. When he felt like she was calm enough to intake his answer, he spoke. "It was... not your... doing, my Nova," he said, his chin brushing her hair, though occasionally sticking with the stubble that had grown along his jaw. "I was... angry... about my... my father again. I... I was not... thinking of how... how you would feel." It was a fault and he was forced to admit it.

"I should... be the sorry one." Aerin glanced down at the tail that had slithered and curled around his forearm. It rendered his limb incapable of moving very far, lest Aerin wanted to tug on her lower back. He let the tail be, resting his arm on her leg. His free hand pet down her hair along her back.

"You are... not a monster... to me...," he said, repeating his words from earlier. "And you... you never will be." Despite his broken voice, he sounded confident that it was going to stay that way. He'd fallen for Nova, and he certainly couldn't leave her in her time of need.
His words absolved her guilt and it could be seen clearly in Nova's body as it relaxed against him and her breathing evened out. She didn't yet know enough about her alien side to know most of these reactions came from there. Her extreme desire to make him happy, to see him safe, to heal the damage done to him, that was all part of being a Reszna - and a human, but the intensity was alien - and she couldn't change it. Nova wasn't entirely sure how to deal with it, though, either. Not yet at least. But Aerin was doing a good job - more than good on occasion - of balancing her out and he could be commended for that seeing as this was all new to him as well.

The brunette felt a smile pull at her lips at his last words of reassurance and she nodded against Aerin's chest before taking another breath, her mind settling and her body doing the same. The tremors were sporadic now, residual and Nova moved her head to look up at the blond, her own voice quiet. "Thank you. I am so sorry you are sad." Her fingers had moved up to brush at his cheek, but even Nova started when her tail moved to do the same. She nearly jumped in his arms and then her brown eyes stared at it, blinking several times as if that might make it disappear.

That...that was a tail.

That was her tail.

She had a tail.

Slender fingers reached out to touch the long thing as it stayed quivering in the air, reacting to her emotions just like everything else did, more-so seeing as it was mostly subconscious though that controlled this extra appendage. The tail was scaled like a lizard, smooth, somewhat soft and yet coiling with muscle beneath. That's what it was, moving muscle with some bone at the very end, nerves everywhere and Nova looked up at Aerin after a moment, eyes wide, comically so in her face. She seemed more amazed than startled.

"I.. I have a tail."
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