I'll Go Anywhere

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He was surprised by the question at first, it sounded completely different than his name. "I uhm..." He thought about it for a second. Seth. Seth. "I like it! Sure, you can call me Seth if you want to." Trying to catch up with her questions he quickly backtracked "No, I am not a vegetarian, I like meat. I do enjoy an occasional fruit or vegetable, but mostly just the ones that taste good to me, like carrots, apples and strawberries." He smiled, he ate meat almost every day, and when he turned he even had a taste for raw meat, but it does leave a really bad taste in his mouth when he turns back to normal.

The full moon will be tomorrow, he could already feel a bit of a tingle in his body, the beast inside him knew it was coming soon. He will have to be careful and stay out of sight when the night comes tomorrow, he was even considering a trip somewhere outside of the city, maybe find a forest and keep driving until it's safe. His thoughts were interrupted by a twang of happiness on his heart, it decided on it's own that being called Seth is endearing and loving and it liked the idea so much it started to play on his heartstrings. His brain scrambled to shorten her name too, but not only did it not find anything it just liked her name enough to not even want to shorten or change it, it just suited her. "I think I will stay with calling you Celia, I like how it sounds." He started to blush a little, he wasn't used to talking to a girl like her.
Celia blushed as the hostess returned with their drinks. She sipped at her Campari and wrinkled her nose a little at the bitter taste. What was it about him that made her feel... almost happy again? Giddy, even? Was it jsut that she was talking to someone again, socalizing? Or was it something else, the beginning of something more? She shrugged off her thoughts, tucking them to the back of her mind to ponder at a later time.

"Cosa vuole da mangiare?" She asked him. He wasn't a vegetarian, so they'd either have to split a pizza or she'd just have to order something else, although it was unlikely she'd do that. She was craving pizza; maybe it was because they were surrounded by the smell, almost assaulted by it.

((Sorry it's so short! I wasn't feeling too well these past couple of days.))
(( Oh no! I have actually been feeling a bit weird too lately. I hope you are feeling a bit better, get well soon! :) ))

"Well if you want we can split the pizza, i wouldn't mind sharing it with you." He could start to smell her pheromones in the air hidden behind a layer of cheese and ash from the pizza oven, she really did like him. "You know, I am glad you invited me here. I haven't spent a day talking to a cute girl like you in a while now." He loved the way she blushed, it was so rewarding seeing her smile. His defence lowered and he placed the book with the old papers still hidden between the pages on the table and slid it over to her. "I want to ask you something, how much do you know about werewolves?" His eyes sharpened and he paid close attention to her body language, he was closely reading her reaction to the question, and soon the reveal of the pages. He wasn't sure what to expect, there were rumours among his kind that they are being hunted again.

After hundreds of years humans rediscovered that werewolves were in fact real and he was told to be wary, this girl might have approached him because she could be suspicious of him, maybe she is one of the new hunters, she didn't look like one, and didn't have any weapons with her as far as he could tell, and her smell indicated that she did start to have feelings for him. He was willing to see if she knows anything about him. "I am fascinated by the stories about them, recently I even found one of the oldest documentations of them. I haven't really started reading it yet, the old British accents are kinda hard to read." The paper was originally written in London in the late 16th century, he knew that back in those days his kind loved the urban areas of London. So many tight dark alleys and building rooftops tightly knitted together, they were being hunted back then, and the urban areas allowed them to start turning the tables on their persecutors. Apparently one of them has been captured and brutally dissected while in werewolf form, with the results of the autopsy and many detailed drawings of various body parts and insides marked down on paper. The first page was even in the same style of da Vinci's Vitruvian Man, with the werewolf form drawn over the human showing how the proportions of the body changes when the man turned.
Werewolves? It made sense to her now, the questions he had been asking. She took the book off the table and opened it gently, looking closely at the thick pieces of paper that smelled of must and time long passed. She had heard rumors, of course, that the Versipellis, the skin-changers, were real, but she had dismissed it as fiction. Still did. She found she wanted to talk to him directly, no language barriers that she herself had created. She sighed, and leaned forward.

"The..." she started hesitantly, her accent thick. "The shape-changers are a legend, a... a myth. I do not know more than... than the stories." Her lips stumbled over the awkward language, but she was proud of herself for doing so. But a tear slipped down her face, and she knew she had gone too far. It had been almost physically painful to speak to him like that, the memories that were tied to that language still too raw, even after all this time. She closed her eyes briefly as her mind insisted she remember. The jolt, the screaming, the blood-

Her brother. She stood abruptly. "Chiedo scusa," she muttered, and left, letting her feet carry her. Stupid, stupid, stupid... She meets a stranger, a boy, and suddenly breaks her vow? Because she was lonely and he could barely understand her anyway? Stupid. Too late, she realized she'd left her sketchbook back with Seth, on the table. Her breath broke in a quiet sob.
A hand touched the shoulder of the sobbing girl "Hey, hey, hey... what's wrong?" His voice was filled with concern, he could sense the fear, the disgust and terror in the girl when she spoke. The way she said it, she knew something, does she know? "Calm down, you are trembling! Just breathe." another hand came out from her left side holding a sketchbook "You left this on the table, what's wrong? You look like you saw a ghost!" He waited patiently for her to turn around when she felt up for it, he didn't want to push the girl, she seemed pleasant to talk to, but something really seemed to bother her.
Celia startled when she felt Seth's hand on her shoulder. Of course he'd follow her. She took a breath and dabbed the tears from her face. Maybe he felt it was his fault that she got upset, but she couldn't help it. She'd made a stupid mistake, breaking a five-year-old vow so she could be understood. But she wanted to be understood, she realized. It didn't matter what language she was speaking or who she was with. Celia felt the overwhelming need to be understood, to be known as more than just a face in the crowd. "Chiedo scusa," she said quietly. She turned to him.

She hesitated, almost unsure of herself. "Troppi ricordi... nella tua lingua." She told him. Too many... memories in your language. She shook her head at herself and took the offered sketchbook. "Difficile da sopportare." Hard to bear. She opened her sketchbook, thumbing through the pages. She tapped a drawing, showing it to him. It was him, when she'd sketched him only a short time before. "Disegno aiuta." Drawing helps. She bit her lip and apologized again.
"Hey, it's ok. You have nothing to apologise for, just stay calm." He looked at her drawings, he could recognise himself in the one she showed him "Oh hey, this is really good!" He held the notebook still with one hand to be able to look at the drawing better "If drawing does help then keep on drawing, you are really good at it already." His other hand stayed on her shoulder he didn't want her to be upset so he was still trying to comfort her. "You don't have to talk in English if it's too painful for you." He did however want to learn more about what she knew about his kind "Tell me about the stories you know about werewolves, it might help you calm down if you just talk and I listen." His hand went from her shoulder to her back, encouraging her to go back into the restaurant, the food was about to come anyway and it might help for her to eat too.
Celia allowed Seth to guide her back into the resturaunt, slightly embarassed at her reaction. She didn't like people to see her weak like that, almost broken. He seemed extremely interested in what she had to say about werewolves. She thought about it more as they sat down. "Ci sono state storie di uomini che potrebbero cambiare forma." She began. "Non solo lupi, ma anche orsi- Lupu mannaro e panaru Ursu." There have been stories of men who could change shape. Not only wolves, but bears- Wolf man and Bear man. "Sono stati chiamati anche berserkers, o una Berserkr, a causa della loro ferocia." They were also called Berserkers or a Berserkr, due to their ferocity.

"Hanno minacciato di mangiare tutto il bestiame, prendere le donne." They threatened to eat all the livestock, take the women. "Ecco come i cacciatori è venuto per essere. Il luparo; quelli che i lupi cacciano. C'erano generazioni di loro, ma a parte questo mi sanno molto poco." This is how the hunters came to be. The luparo, those who hunt wolves. There were generations of them, but other than that I know very little.

She exhaled as their pizza arrived- half with meat, half without. She smiled at their hostess and thanked her.
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