I Was Never Really There

  • Thread starter SlamifiedBuddafied
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Original poster

It's been quite some time since I've visited this site. I remember enjoying my time here, but for some reason or another I fell out of regularly visiting and then almost forgot about it. Occasionally I'd notice it pinned near the top of my bookmarks list in my browser. The thoughts of this place would be pushed to the front of my mind for a moment, only to fade back into the jumbled and cluttered shelves of my mind. But, I had something of an experience and I needed to put it somewhere. Not sure why, but I had to share it. A dream that was unusual. I know that's vague, but it was out of the ordinary. Normally my dreams, as with anyone else, are very abstract if not nonsense. A compilation of random thoughts from the day or week being pushed through my deep sleep. Anywho.

I was never really there.

I found myself drifting through this beautiful Gothic architecture. Fractal in it's design, repeating patterns that infinitely fell into one another with ease. There was no sky here, no stars to speak of, not a cloud to be seen. No sun or moon ever came into view and yet, a soft light bounded across this void from a source that was so far away. However this light seemed to pour into everything in a subtle way. As if the structures themselves chose just the right amount of light to gleam across their exteriors. It was quite peaceful. Shades of golden brown, rusty details and brick latticework blended seamlessly into towering spires, domes and impossible roofs. I was awestruck. This city expanded in all directions, speaking of the thousands of people who worked tirelessly to bring this place to life. But not in some analogous way, but living and breathing. I could see the brickwork streets swell and recede. Columns of dark marble would flex with the ever growing monolithic structures. Somehow they had poured their very lives into the inanimate, giving it a sense of self so that it may too observe it's own majesty. I could hear them speak, but not to me. It was as if they always speaking to anything or anyone who'd listen. It was strange though. There were no other people here and yet, I felt surrounded by an immense crowd which swelled like tides. With each phase, the thoughts, desires, needs and everything else that makes up the sense of self would expand like a firm pair of lungs.

It was about this time I became aware of myself. I knew I was me in this place and not just observing through a non corporeal lens. I suddenly felt the many textures of grand cathedral doors and the haunting foreign grains of wood. I felt the sensation of smooth stone beneath my naked feet. It was cool to the touch. It was a pleasing feeling. And yet I continued drifting. From around every corner I caught an alien scent that I couldn't identify, even though I knew for an absolute fact I'd encountered this pleasing scent so many times before. I was reminded momentarily of the places where I was raised as a child. I half hoped I'd see Mom for a moment, only to be reminded she wouldn't be there anymore.

Finally I was set down by an unknown force. The ground was a ruby colored marble, if such a thing could exist. Burial mounds littered the landscape for miles before me now. Elegant headstones and statues stood as reminders of lives that once were. I approached the nearest mound which had a family of simple headstones settled neatly around what I could only describe as an angelic statue. A gleaming androgynous figure with hands held up to the void sky. Every crease of the skin perfectly etched into it's nude body. Hair that could have only been shaped by the erosion of the breeze in this strange place. Each headstone contained not a summary, but the entire story of the life that now rest beneath it. I could feel them. Not the people, but their words pouring into the air, begging to be heard but in a language I couldn't understand, but with an emotion that felt all to familiar. I then noticed below the angelic statue a small wooden cabinet of spotted white wood. It's doors held two glass panes which displayed a small collection of figures that almost looked like toys. They appeared to be made of glass that has a prism like quality. The light they captured softly projected around them. I felt a sudden heave of happiness weigh onto my chest, my feet planting themselves still and their story somehow presented themselves. It wasn't that I didn't understand, 'nor was there to much being told. Only just enough to know they had lived. Not the best of lives, not the worst of lives. But instead, they knew for a fact they had truly lived before they came here.

I then opened my eyes to my pillow and for the first time in awhile, I felt at ease. I felt calm. In the moments before most of the dream faded, I fought to hold onto what I could and took solace in knowing that one day, so many years from now, I could visit this place again. I would know, that I was really and truly there.