I made this

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
My kids? I don't know, they're much cooler than I am, even though I'm still not totally convinced they're not demon spawn.
self portrait

in all seriousness I've always kind of liked this guy

and this commission I did 100 years ago but miraculously still really like
I'm stealing Nydanna's answer :-D My little kiddos!
I made a pretty decent short story at one point for school that's probably the best fictional piece I've ever written. Sadly, it's on a laptop that's quite dead and we haven't managed to get it off yet. D:

I also created some stuff for a fictional world that I'm quite pleased with. :3

Nah but I guess the coolest thing I ever made is a tie between a cosplay (which I really "put together and modified" rather than made) and an action figure.


This pencil holder:



The creature was intended to combine traits of a moth (six legs, bug eyes), bird (wings, tail), and a dog (overall pose/personality), while also having a skull-like face. I also wanted it to give off a vaguely unsettling vibe, which is exactly what I got when people described it as "...Cute?", like, with a question mark. Which is perfect, because it's exactly what I was going for. :D

I admit it would probably look cooler if I had the pencils pointed out instead of in. But then, it would probably physically injure me at some point if I tried to use it as a pencil holder with the tips jutting out like that. o_o

I regret not having more time to work on it (I can't change it now, since I've already applied the finish to the outside to prevent moisture and mold from getting in), as its sides look rather plain and undetailed. I also wish I'd made the holes a bit thicker, as they can only fit pencils, not pens...

Still, overall I'm pretty happy with it. :3

I'm also planning on making a real-life katamari over the summer. I plan on it being part of a cosplay, so I want it to be full of things that one would find at a convention, or that otherwise connect to nerd/convention culture. You know, so that it looks like I rolled everything up at the con. XD So far I haven't done much other than just gather up objects that I want to include in it, though. But that big bag full of objects does currently include: pocky boxes, old headphones, old chargers, troll horns, a TARDIS charm, old Gameboy cartridges that don't work anymore, Homestuck pins with all the trolls' and kids' signs, a triforce charm, the box for some sort of weird Pikachu candy from Japan that tasted gross but at least the box design was cool, old convention badges, anime keychains, a Bowser toy that I saw at a garage sale recently, etc... I'm tempted to throw some other Pokemon, Sonic, and MLP figurines in there, too. But like, I might also just want to keep those for myself... XD

When I'm finished, it just might eclipse my cute-but-mildly-unsettling pencil holder as my favorite thing I've created. XD We'll see...
I made a cookie once. I'm getting better.
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I... Uuuh... I wrote a 1600 word article about why the rainforests are important that I'm pretty proud of.

Better things are coming, though, so be on the lookout. If all goes well and I roll a few crits over the next years, check the newspapers. Or, like, a science journal or something.
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I couldn't decide on just one.





My collection of... uh... pictures that primarily involve slapping Omnitrix emblems on things and making their eyes green.

Here's a sample of my stuff


This the first I made - Benketsu. Haven't thought of revamping it to make it of better quality.


I'm more proud of the quantity.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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I made a guitar cabinet isolation box that I'm pretty proud of. It's for recording electric guitar at high volumes in residential settings. Not as good as having a legit sound room, but it works. It was fun to build cause It was basically like making a little house with studs and wall cavities. If I can dig up pictures I'll post them here someday.
4f8086d84a39a819ad2354668715a60f.jpg 36e5802143f64c5eb3cf3048e86c6f08.jpg cca9d5bf68b7a80938fd6e51dfe839ae.jpg

I like to create things. I make every grandchild a quilt when they are born, this whale is the latest one. I always make a pillow with their name on it too. The top picture is a twig from the back yard, some leaves off our Honey Locust tree and rocks. SO fun to make... and that last was a sawdust filled pin cushion for a friend of mine who is a professional seamstress.
In truth, this is probably the coolest thing I've ever made. Pixel art's pretty much my only other creative pursuit next to writing, since actual drawing is for actual artists... Still! I think this is badass. (⌐■_■)


「( T) /且 "This IS the drink I'm looking for."
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In truth, this is probably the coolest thing I've ever made. Pixel art's pretty much my only other creative pursuit next to writing, since actual drawing is for actual artists... Still! I think this is badass. (⌐■_■)


「( T) /且 "This IS the drink I'm looking for."

:O He's drinking out of an Iwaku mug!
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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I did this thing..that took forever. Let us play count the dots
Back from when I used to do MLP art.


I used to take part on an RP site that mixed Fallout and MLP. The above was my character and my OC.