I love/hate you because...



Original poster

Post why you hate or love the person above you, and the next person answers to it the same way!

FOR EXAMPLE: I love you cause you have purple toes!

Well, I hate you because you never took the trash out that one time!

You are like the Cyclops of Greek myth, only you are Scottish, AND I HATE YOU.

I love you because you let Adam have a bonesaw and be a blood-crazed maniac.
I hate you because you use big words where big words confuse me.
I'm a Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad Space marine
I hate you because you kicked me out and left me to die in the streets. Bitch....
I love you because you're a force of evil!
I hate you because you stole my apple juice that one time.
I love you because I have low standards.
I hate you because you haven't paid me back for getting you Taco Bell last week.
I love you because you gave me that ring that belonged to your wife. Thank you.