
Shaking his head, Nick laughed. It was good to laugh again, to smile. Hell...he hadn't done enough of that lately. Some professor used to say laughter was the best medicine...when did that stop being true for him? Catching himself in a frown, he fished some cash from one of the few wallets he kept with his gear and held up the waving bills emphatically.

"This'll buy you everything on the menu and THEN some...I'll see what I can do about your munchy case...fries, you still like the fish sandwich?" Lost for a moment in his own memories, Nick tried to think back to the late night Mickey D runs. Was it Selena that liked the fish? Or Donnie...or...or was that him? Nick shook his head, the thoughts were confusing and he was starting to feel her hunger.

It practically shook the room.

A hand on the handle, Nick turned for the last time to make sure he'd caught everything. Spread out on the bed, she was a mirror image of her sister...almost frighteningly similar. It was jarring enough to force his eyes away and to the curtained window.

"Err...I'll just grab us a few things and we can deal out who gets what. Don't leave, I'll be back in a bit." Not waiting for an answer, Nick slipped out the door and closed it in one fluid move. He hadn't the time to be sidetracked by memories and the lack of sleep wasn't helping his flashbacks any.

"God..." he muttered, starting for the golden arches beckoning in the night. "This mirror image thing is gonna be a bitch."



Clunk? Who ever heard of a good car going 'Clunk'?

Vampires, evidently. Apparently reconstituting your body in the engine is terrible for a vehicle's longevity. Who would have known? Pushing upon the hood of the car, Artemis tumbled out and onto the pavement with more of a plop then a dignified bump. Disgraceful...absolutely inexcusable. Dusting oil and gravel from his coat, the irate vamp re-tilted the somewhat worse-for-wear hat on his least now he looked a tad more jaunty.

Presentable, he told himself, it was all in the appearance. Honestly, who remembered vampires without a sense of showmanship? Dracula? Camera whore and general ham...but look where it got him! The Silver Screen! Lunchboxes! Toys! If the vampire community bothered to come clean to the humans, they'd be sitting on a neat pile of royalties all tied with a bow. Arty could see it now. No more of this bullshit skulk by night, hunker in a pine box by day...He could travel in style...actually in the seat of a car rather then its engine. No need to go out to find gamey food in a city of suspicious mortals. NO SIR! He'd truck em in by the dozens. Licks and blood cows, the lowest of the low. Sluts for the vamp drain...get a bit of the frenzy in em and they didn't stop poppin their necks to exposed fangs.

Ah...the life, so to say...or rather UNlife.

Oh but wasn't he a clever fellow?

Nicky had gone off to...somewhere. By the looks of it, he had an eye for the glowing prize of low priced him just enough time to make his quaint introductions...get in, get out...profit.

Now this wasn't strictly in the gameplan. Princey would have him watch and wait and wait and watch. Bump around in a gearshift another hundred miles and Arty might as WELL have been torched by the spazzy human....honestly, the things he was asked to if a few centuries wasn't more then dust between the ears.

Sighing, Artemis did as Artemis was like to do in the case of showy entrances.

Seep in through the door in the form of mist and reform in the most dramatic pose he could muster...given the circumstances. This one had his arms up and hands angled at the end of the wrists, making makeshift claws as his cherubic face parted in an almost cute vampiric grimace. He might have made it to...but the fan was on and his damn hat was sent careening over his left eye...ruining the moment completely. Stupid humans and their stupid need to be comfortable.

"Blah, good evening, and all that jazz," Adrian muttered, straightening his hat absently with a hint of embarrassment in his frown. "You must be Selene...we need to talk."

Selene had been comfortable. More comfortable than she had been in a long time. Almost having fell asleep, she was confused to hear Nick back so soon.

But it wasn't Nick's voice.

Selene rolled, tumbling on to the floor between the two beds. The gun that had been in her jacket pocket was out in an instant and aimed for his head while she stayed mostly hidden behind the mattress. It wasn't loaded, but the vampire didn't have to know that. She just knew he was a vampire. So many of them looked perfectly normal, but she always knew when she saw one.

"I don't want to talk." the short phrase was hard for her to get out. Selene could hardly breathe. "Leave before I shoot your fangy head off!"