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Hello. My name is Drew. I got press-ganged into joining Iwaku because my best friend loves to make me remember multiple passwords on multiple accounts. Thanks a lot.

I'm weird. In the weird emotionally stunted for a grown man kind of way, not in the cute weird that everyone seems to think is so en vogue nowadays.

I also teach High School. I'm an English teacher. I don't proofread my own posts. Basically i'm a giant hypocrite.

I listen to lots of music though. So that's cool, I guess. I just thought I should introduce myself because that's what people are supposed to do, right? I'll just paint a big target on my face that reads "I'm new here, please forgive me when I get lose navigating the forums."

So yeah, that's it. Feel free to welcome me. Or ignore this whole post. We're square either way.
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Hi, Drew! Welcome. (: Don't worry about being a hypocrite, most of us are to some degree or another.
Welcome, Drew :) Nice to have you aboard! Hope you're enjoying the site so far, even if you had to remember another password ;-)

If you get a chance, you should check out our Newbie Care Package -- Just some fun goodies for the newcomers to Iwaku :)
Perhaps it would be wise to use a smaller number of passwords. But what do I know, I force people to join sites. :conicalhat:
*whispers. That's why you use a keypasss.

Anyways. Nice to meet you.
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