How long will you live?

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
I got 83.


+ 0.5
By living near caring family you could add half a year to your life

+ 0.75
You noted that you manage your stress poorly. Do a significantly better job and you could add three quarters of a year to your life expectancy


+ 0.5
Minimizing or cutting out your caffeinated coffee consumption completely could provide you with about half a year more in life expectancy

+ 1.0
If it is ok with your doctor, taking an 81 mg aspirin every day improves your hear and brain health and could help you delay or escape a heart attack or stroke. It is best to take the aspirin every day rather than your occasional habit of taking aspirin. Taking an aspirin each day, perferably in the evening, could add another year to your life expectancy.

+ 1.0
Ultraviolet rays present in sunlight and tanning beds greatly increase your risk of skin cancer, including melanoma. They also increase wrinkles. Minimizing your sun exposure could add a year to your life expectancy

+ 1.0
Risky sexual behavior and injecting drugs are powerful risk factors for AIDS, hepatitis and viruses that cause cancers; all potentially lethal illnesses. The more you partake in these activities the greater your risk. Given your reported level of participation, you could add one year to your life expectancy if you stop these behaviors.

+ 1.0
There is a clear link between the inflammation of gum disease and heart disease. Do a good job of flossing daily and you could add a year to your life expectancy.


+ 0.5
Osteoporosis (brittle bones) is a terrible disease that becomes more common with older age. Among the important ways to prevent osteoprosis, it is important to have adequate amounts of calcium in your diet. Add more dairy products to your diet or take 1500 mg of calcium a day. Doing so could add a half a year to your life expectancy.

+ 2.0
Cutting back sweets in your diet to 1-2 times per week or less could add two years to your life expectancy

+ 1.0
Iron is likely an age-accelerator and increases risk for age-related diseases. Stopping your iron supplement could add a year to your life expectancy


+ 0.5
Increasing the frequency of your bowel movements to at least once every two days could add half a year to your life expectancy.

+ 1.0
Examining yourself for cancer could add a year to your life expectancy

+ 0.5
Being in touch with your health care provider annually is very important to your strategy to screen for and prevent illness. Getting the appropriate blood tests on a regular basis could add a half a year

+ 1.5
Getting your blood pressure checked annually could add a year and a half to your life expectancy

+ 0.5
Getting your blood sugar checked could add half a year to your life expectancy

I don't expect to live past my 60s, but that's just me being pessimistic. I'll be pleasantly surprised if I can age further.
79? Fuck this, I'd rather get shot than end up blind.
I will live to 76. D:

Shoot I hope I get some kind of bionic transplants before then otherwise it probably won't be any fun at all.
95....I don't know, somehow I don't think this is accurate.

I somehow don't think I'll be living that long.
87....meh...pffft the family section I got jipped on though! D< WHATEVER WHO NEEDS TO KNOW ABOUT THEIR FAMILY!!
Apparently I died in the tsunami, because I keep getting a Japanese page when I hit the link on that page and then even if I do fill out the basic questions it has an error and I can't continue.

Why didn't anyone tell me I was a ghost writer?
I don't need a test to tell me I'll live for a long time. Long life is prominent throughout both sides of the family. I need only wait.
I think I'm going to be the oldest.... o___O ?

[ 97 years ]

  • <dl><dt class="number_years">+ 0.5</dt><dd class="years_text">Cutting back on your hours at work, approaching, if you can, 40 or fewer hours, could add half a year to your longevity</dd></dl>

  • <dl><dt class="number_years">+ 2.0</dt><dd class="years_text">If it is ok with your doctor, taking an 81 mg aspirin every day improves your hear and brain health and could help you delay or escape a heart attack or stroke. Taking an aspirin each day, perferably in the evening, could add 2 years to your life expectancy.</dd></dl><dl><dt class="number_years">+ 1.0</dt><dd class="years_text">Ultraviolet rays present in sunlight and tanning beds greatly increase your risk of skin cancer, including melanoma. They also increase wrinkles. Minimizing your sun exposure could add a year to your life expectancy</dd></dl>

  • <dl><dt class="number_years">+ 1.0</dt><dd class="years_text">The more you can get fast foods out of your diet the better. While you are already doing a pretty good job of doing so, completely removing fast oods from your diet could add a year to your life expectancy</dd></dl><dl><dt class="number_years">+ 0.5</dt><dd class="years_text">Cutting back sweets in your diet to 1-2 times per week or less could add half a year to your life expectancy</dd></dl><dl><dt class="number_years">+ 2.0</dt><dd class="years_text">Changing your daily dietary intake so that you get to and maintain a healthy weight could add two years to your life expectancy</dd></dl><dl><dt class="number_years">+ 1.0</dt><dd class="years_text">Iron is likely an age-accelerator and increases risk for age-related diseases. Stopping your iron supplement could add a year to your life expectancy</dd></dl>

  • <dl><dt class="number_years">+ 1.5</dt><dd class="years_text">Getting your blood pressure checked annually could add a year and a half to your life expectancy</dd></dl><dl><dt class="number_years">+ 0.5</dt><dd class="years_text">Getting your blood sugar checked could add half a year to your life expectancy</dd><dt>


I need to buy 8 years...
89, I'll still be able to attend Asmo's funeral!
And spend around 10 years as a widow :(

Yeah, site looks hella corny, Still interesting.