How do you pronounce "meme"?

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It's a weird word, meme. Half the time I don't even know what the word means!

Memes are:
- An element of a culture or behavior that may be passed from one individual to another by nongenetic means, esp. imitation.
- An image, video, etc. that is passed electronically from one Internet user to another.

Anyway, I've heard people pronounce the word in different ways. XD I'm sure there is a "right" way to say it... but how do YOU say it?
I've been told that I pronounce it wrong >(
But I used to say "maymay".
Until I was mocked for it >>;
I hear it in my head the same way that Fluffy thinks it's pronounced.

Also, see The World Ends With You for the first definition of meme in action.
I pronounce it like Fluffers. "Meem".
I read somewhere it rhymes with 'dream', so pronouncing it "meem" would be correct.
*mocks Kitti*

It's meeeem.

*closes the thread*