How do you motivate yourself?

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Memento Mori
Original poster
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  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
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My timezone is PST
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  1. Intermediate
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  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Futanari
Homosexual, Romance, Fantasy, Scifi, Magic, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Angels/Demons, Superhero, Zombies
In life, we all go through phases where we feel unmotived or burned out, and even the simplest tasks just feel impossible to do. During those times, what do you do to help motivate yourself?
My therapist has me on a 'reward system' type of chore schedule thing that sometimes helps. My ADHD makes doing things feel impossible, and even more so if I'm burned out or depressed. I have a system in place where I can reward myself with something I enjoy after I've completed a task. Usually, I have the activity match up with the time it took to do the tasks. 1 load of laundry done = 1 movie I can watch, 1 room dusted = 1 hour of audiobook or creative writing, 1 cat groomed = I get to watch an episode of my show. During those times, I'm always listening to music to help keep me stimulated and motivated. It helps and is a reward in and of itself. "Time to clean something which means it's time to ROCK OUT, woo!"
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My motivation comes from the emotional damage my inner voice does to me from years of exposure to Asian parents.

Other than that I usually access how much time said task takes and how grateful future me will be if I have done it. If I can't convince myself of future me's gratefulness it is gonna be future me's problem.
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I give myself snacks as rewards
If I'm feeling unmotivated to do something, lazy or procrastinating or it just sounds like too massive or too tough of a chore that I just can't deal with, I usually try to find some way to make it fun so it's not a chore anymore so much as it is a good time!
Depending on what I'm trying to motivate myself to do, I can either turn it into some kind of game or play some music that I can sing along and dance to while I work, or just hyping myself up before hand by playing with my dogs or something... something that gets blood pumping and energy flowing so I'm not lying on the couch like a useless potato.
In life, we all go through phases where we feel unmotived or burned out, and even the simplest tasks just feel impossible to do. During those times, what do you do to help motivate yourself?

I retreat into my soul, for there is no quieter sancturary. I reflect on not what I wish I had but what I have. And remind myself daily how I would crave them if they should vanish.
Usually I just listen to music and space out, but if I'm working on writing, I do what's called a writing ritual. Basically, you set yourself up the same way everything you write. Get the same snack or drink any time you want to write, and sit in the same place with a similar music playlist if you want that. It really helps! It gets you into a habit of writing and such.
I gotta admit I came here for the answers.
I'm taking a creative writing class and I had a paper due tonight so I wrote it and it was like a bunch of questions about you and your writing style and it got me thinking maybe it's a terrible idea and where is my creativity. Like... Idk I gotta push through it but it's nerve wracking to think of dreams I let die because I felt like my writing wasn't special and everyone has written anything I want to write.
When I need motivation I tend to think positive thoughts. And go over the pros and cons. And I will also pray to give me strength. And that's what usually helps me.