The subject of love has always confused me. Or rather, romantic love has always confused me. I love lots of people. I love my family, I love my friends, I love the people that bring something meaningful to my day (even if they don't know it). Sometimes I even love complete strangers. But we are, I assume, speaking of romantic love. What is the difference between romantic love and just love? Does it have to be shared between only two people? Is romantic love defined by any specific terms? The problem, for some (like me), is that romantic love is not properly defined. What is love? (baby don't hurt me: sorry, I had to) What is romantic love?
I don't really have an answer. But from personal experience I can say this: there has to be a mental, emotional, and physical connection. You have a similar way of thinking, or ways of thinking that compliment each other well. You draw meaning from similar places and connect on issues that are important. And, of course, you are physically attracted and drawn to one-another. Often called chemistry, a word which I like. People say it's a feeling you get, and I won't disagree, but your mind is also doing a lot of quick work because it's making all the right connections. I don't think love is exclusive, but if two people have chemistry in all areas and are with each other for a long time it might evolve into something, something called love maybe?
My own experiences have been a bit odd, but my situation is a bit different from the norm so that's to be expected. I won't say much about the romantic love I've experienced, but I will say one weird thing that I have experienced. When I was in love with someone I knew they really wanted me to say I loved them, but I never could. Nothing really dramatic about it, just that it isn't my word. I love you is the phrase of someone else. It isn't mine. I also find it pops the bubble. There's this unspoken intimacy I find which happens in those situations and when you're forced to define it, this imaginary bubble breaks and just kills everything. Maybe that's why the definition of romantic love is so vague? Maybe it isn't defined because it shouldn't be defined? Who knows. Just don't ask me to say it *laughs*.