How do you do on long road trips and vacations?

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My dad and brother are going on a road trip at the beginning of July to go see family in Alabama and Georgia. I kind of really want to go, but I have so much anxiety and sensory issues that I'm afraid I'll spend the whole trip being miserable instead of enjoying the experience. 😂

So I am still debating >:[

Travelling always makes me anxious! I hate airports most of all, I just feel like I can't relax and I'm stuck in there forever... And the constant worry that I'm forgetting something important or I'm gonna lose something important makes me so exhausted by the time I get to my destination. I usually feel better once I've settled in to the vacation a little though, but the worries never go away completely 😔
So I actually get very anxious and nervous on plane flights. I'm not so much scared of them as I just find them immensely long, boring, and uncomfortable. And I had a REALLY bad experience the last time I came back from Florida on vacation. I don't know what happened, but I had a massive headache and my ears were killing me the whole time and it hurt so damn much... which... only worsened my mood and opinion on plane rides.

HOWEVER. Long road trips in a car or an RV, I absolutely loooove! I love camping, I love hanging out in campers and RVs, even tents are fun! I get excited about summer every year for going on camping trips! Sometimes I get more excited about the ride there than the destination, depending on where it is. Watching the scenery out the window is great! Especially here where I live where there's tons of beautiful forests and waterfalls and old mining towns that just have such a cool atmosphere to explore.

I tend to love making music playlists for the road and packing snacks, playing fun car ride games with the family to keep everyone engaged. It's just one of my favorite things to do. It's all about that journey! (And the destination is always fun after, too)
I can't handle traveling very well. It's too draining because of yeah, sensory things, and just other stressors that like to activate. Airports terrify me, I need to be sedated before I get on airplanes, cars make me scared of car crashes (and I get car sick in them)... And when when I reach the destination, I'm too exhausted to really enjoy myself. Plus there's the stress of not being home where it's familiar and safe. 😂 I don't spend a lot of time going out to explore, I prefer to stay in a room until it's time to go again.

You know what I do like, though? Trains. I miss being able to travel places by train. It feels so comfy and safe, and I actually enjoy myself because it's not as hard on my senses. I can just wear my headset or Loops and enjoy the views as they pass. I have a lot more energy to spend, too, when I make it to my destination.
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I'm a solo traveller. Or at least, I gotta travel where I know everyone can be independent and know how to stay chill. Having company with me that are either not independent or stress quickly just brings out the chagrin in me to the max. The amount of times I have thought of abandoning my brother in the airport isn't something to be proud of, and neither the amount of times I have kindly told someone to 'stfu if nothing intelligent is coming out'. Idk, the idea of having to look after someone constantly, or repeatedly tell someone that 'yes we are gonna make the flight' or what gate we need to be at or that we are still waiting for the gate announcement just drives me bonkers. Chill. Sit. Enjoy. It will be fiiiiiineeee. And even if it doesn't end up the way we want it there is always a solution.

Otherwise I'm a golden traveller, albeit a terrible sleeper. I love to travel and I love just sightseeing and the thrill of not knowing exactly where I will end up or what I will do. Usually I pop in my earphones to cut the noise out but otherwise it is also fun to creepy people watch and maybe listen in on conversations or two of what the couple next to me is planning.
I hate roadtrips. I am always unreasonably terrified of getting into a car accident, even when I'm not on a roadtrip.

Flying though? No problem. I love being in planes and lift off and seeing all the cars turn into little ants. It's also just nice to see a bird eye's view of the country you're about to visit just before the plane lands.

Everything's (usually) organized and systematic in an airport, and I can trust that the pilot knows what they're doing. On a public road? Everything is hell and I trust nobody.
whenever we went to my sister who lives 5 hours cardrive away, I slept for most of it. I feel ill in cars, I dun like it. Its only meant to take you from spot A to spot B, the drive is not the enjoyable part D:

Nowadays I'm for some reason unable to fall asleep, so I just close my eyes and listen to music or an audiobook. As long as i'm not looking its fine, tho i do get very restless after a while so I dun wanna sit in there for too long.
I can't handle traveling very well. It's too draining because of yeah, sensory things, and just other stressors that like to activate. Airports terrify me, I need to be sedated before I get on airplanes, cars make me scared of car crashes (and I get car sick in them)... And when when I reach the destination, I'm too exhausted to really enjoy myself. Plus there's the stress of not being home where it's familiar and safe. 😂 I don't spend a lot of time going out to explore, I prefer to stay in a room until it's time to go again.

You know what I do like, though? Trains. I miss being able to travel places by train. It feels so comfy and safe, and I actually enjoy myself because it's not as hard on my senses. I can just wear my headset or Loops and enjoy the views as they pass. I have a lot more energy to spend, too, when I make it to my destination.
*Hides all documentaries on crashing trains*

I don't mind trains for most parts, but I hate it when going through tunnels cause that weird feeling in the ear ToT I also don't like trains cause I never figure out which cart I'm allowed to sit in TuT THEY'RE CONFUSING ME!!! Once I'm seated its fine tho.
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