Hotelin' to the 8th Dimension!

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"Skeleton pun number ten thousand, four hundred, and eighty seven..."




Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door

Strait forward and usually expressing her opinions very bluntly, Jolene comes off as a very work-focused individual. She tries to keep everything in order, and becomes annoyed when things tend to go wrong, often having to fix the problems herself because Sans is too lazy to do so. On top of that, Sans is also too lazy to do any of the paperwork necessary for the things he wants to do, and aside from his brother Papyrus, Jolene handled hiring the rest of the staff... With Sans of course not allowing her to actually refuse possible employees, even if she thought they'd be trouble. Jolene often appears uneasy due to being concerned the staff will tear the hotel apart, but manages to stay calm and keep her professional appearance.

While she remains professional during work hours, Jolene tends to spend her time off more relaxed, even changing her appearance to the point of her fellow workers being unable to tell it's actually her. Though nobody from the hotel usually sees her like this, as she prefers to keep things professional in the workplace.

Tall Glasses of Wine
Battle Arenas
Organized Work Spaces
Organized... Everything else, pretty much.

Anything Disorganized
Being Flirted With
Sans, to a degree.

Former manager and referee of the Glitz Pit in Glitzville, Jolene grew tired of the constant fights and loud noise of attraction, and decided she needed a change in scenery. Leaving her brother, former champion Prince Mush, in charge of the Glitz Pit, Jolene left to seek out different job opportunities. During her long and grueling search, she found something she thought would work perfectly: A hotel, in desperate need of staff. Jolene had kept up the Glitz Pit, so how difficult could a hotel be?

Apparently, very difficult.

Her work history with the Glitz Pit slammed her into the secretary position under the manager, and now he seems to expect her to do everything while he sat around, making puns, eating ketchup, and making tiny quips and demands she had to follow, even if it led the hotel towards a path of ruin. Having helped hire the staff, she knew she'd be very busy in the future, attempting to keep them all in line so the hotel didn't end up going under faster than her brother when he first drank.

Manager's Secretary

-Reason for Employment-
Jolene was simply looking for something different than the loudness of the Glitz Pit. She's disappointed with the results.


Jolene, when she's not working:



So, yeah. Since we're probably going to be starting over, and since Garde is gone, I'm gonna switch Undyne out and get in on that secretary position.

R.I.P Best Fish​

Name: Bazett Fraga McRemitz

Gender: Female

Age: Appears to be in mid 20s

Series:Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya

Personality: Bazett is a very serious about her work, caring little else for anything other than completing it. While she attempts to show mercy, she will go all out on anyone who refuses to yield to her even if they should be children. Even without money, she remains steadfast in working a temporary job and will resort to eating roadside grass if it were necessary.

Likes: Board Games

Dislikes: Sudden Vacations

Backstory: Bazett is a Mage's Association First-Combat Specialist: Sealing Designation Enforcer originally sent to retrieve the Class Cards by the Mage's Association. She easily defeated Archer and Lancer, obtaining their two Class Cards, but Zelretch intervened by relieving her of her duty and replacing her with Rin Tohsaka and Luviagelita Edelfelt. They were given the two Class Cards and all rights to the mission. Due to a power game in the Association, she later set out to return and claim the seven Class Cards from them. She first targets Luvia in her mansion easily dispacting Luvia and August, along with Illya, Rin, and Miyu who came to assist Luvia. After the battle the mansion is in ruins and Luvia's influence cause Bazett to be personally billed for the damage, leaving her credit maxed out and her travel expenses being her only available funds.

Occupation: Bouncer

Reason for Employment: After being charged for the damages to Luvia's mansion Bazett was left with very little money and needed to take jobs whenever possible.

Bazett is extremely physically strong, casually tossing furniture with a single hand, causing great collateral damage from the force of her physical strikes, and easily uprooting large sections of the ground. She also has a very high pain tolerance and is sometimes called "Berserker Woman".

Still thinking of a second character to add or if im just going to stick to this one.
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This thread lacks life!

We need more Jontron and shitty memes.​
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