Home is Where the Heart is

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Original poster
Anthony took a deep breath. This was it, he was going to try and get this job no matter the cost. He needed to get away from the city and all the chaos that went on in his life. If it hadn't been for the fight that he had gotten into a week previous, he would not have ever thought of moving, but his life could be in danger if he didn't try to straighten his life out.
Anthony tested his breath and straightened out the only suit he had ever owned. It hung on him well, and made him look like he was much richer than he was. Anthony took a deep breath and knocked on the door, and waited for someone to come to the door.
He heard some voices inside yelling at each other. And than someone stomping down the stairs. The door swung open reveal the most beautiful person he had ever seen, and somehow he felt like this was going to be a whole new world for him.
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