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  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!


Original poster
Hello, I'm Andreja AKA Excision. I've been a roleplayer for a couple of years now and had my fair share of jumping through various RP sites. Due to low population and various other reasons I was never quite satisfied with them. I hope this website will different.

I enjoy music (especially metal), video games and roleplaying (obviously). I am also very bad with these introductory posts, as I'm sure you've noticed : p.
Hi and welcome to Iwaku. :) Everyone here are friendly folk who won't mind helping you out or join you in a rp. Well I hope you enjoy your stay here on this piece of cyberspace wonderland.

Best regards
Hello and Welcome! Serbia is a neat place to be from. O__O
Hello! Welcome to my favorite place to be! :D
I'm sure you'll find this place is not like the other sites you were on. It's got a wonderful population and plenty of people looking to find roleplay partners and build up groups.

I hope you enjoy your time here!
Welcome to Iwaku, server of lots of satisfied customers.
I'm Kitti, it's nice to meet you.
If you have any questions, please do ask!
Otherwise, happy roleplaying.
Welcome, Excision!
No way you can't love Iwaku.
Look at all the awesome people that just said hello!
Welcome to Iwaku. I enjoy metal too. Hope you enjoy your time here and if you need help with anything feel free to ask.

Asmodeus, Roleplay Moderator and English snob. Feel free to discuss ideas with me.

And you are hereby invited to join The Halloween Roleplay