Hi Im New



Original poster
Hey Everyone! Dont really know what to say, but ill go off that super helpful survey thingy.

What do you prefer to be called?
Call me whatever you want, by my user or a nickname if you're creative :)

Boy, girl, or a mystery?
Mystery, cause who doesn't like a bit of mystery, right?

How old are you?

Are you new to the site but not to roleplaying?
I've roleplayed a bit before, but im not a pro

Do you like group Roleplays or just a single partner?
Depends on the story

Do you like running through grassy meadows or sitting under the cherry blossoms?

Nice to meet you :)
Hey, I'm new too. Also, Mystery, eh? I'm going to assume you're a sentient mass of tentacles, crab claws and eyeballs.
Herro Newbies :D

How are we all this morning?
Well, you both have a grand day :)

I'm off to work :)
Dang it Anri! Stop trying to spark up converations!
Welcome to Iwaku! Enjoy Playing roles here... e'en if you're a sentient mass of tentacles, crab claws and eyeballs. *shudders*
Greetings Splitty, welcome to our abode! >:3