• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3

(ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧ Heyo!



Welp. Hullo, there! I'm crystallineOwl, and I am a veteran roleplayer.

I am a certain age, and my birthday is on the 13th of this month. TT^TT I'm getting old.

My favorite color is purple, and I love cats. Currently, I have one cat who fancies herself a dog. She's weird :T

I am fluent in English and American Sign Language, and I am studying French and Romanian currently.

Homestuck and Rooster Teeth are life. Apparently, I am the love child of Xray and Vav. Nepeta is my patron. Vriska is my bae uwu<3

I am pansexual and demiromantic and I really would rather not explain those terms so just google it if you're confused.

Aaaaaaand that's about it.

welcome to iwaku
i hope you find a lot of roleplays &/or just enjoy the site overall
Heh, French. The one thing that can be complicated yet not at the same time.
Welcome to Iwaku and junk!
Have a good time here!.... I command you to.
Aye, sir! //curtsies// I shall do my best to fulfill this command :)
Your birthday is on the same day as Canadian Thanksgiving. O_O

Also, Welcome to Iwaku! :D

PS: Gamzee is the coolest.
*Jumps in to room threw window* Heyo! I am Hiroki Shoma. Welcome to Iwaku! If you are interested in having a friend or just Roleplay, let me know.
Your birthday is on the same day as Canadian Thanksgiving. O_O

Also, Welcome to Iwaku! :D

PS: Gamzee is the coolest.

Ehehehehe >:3 Canadian thanksgiving just got 20% cooler for me.

PS: I beg to differ. Nepeta is the ultimate bae.