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Chapter One: Trouble Every Day
Central Dispatch Station
Central Dispatch Station
They've been in this makeshift interrogation room, even though Agent Barnes keeps insisting that it's an 'interview room,' for well over three hours, now. Drake and Gands can't tell this by simply looking at the clock, Agent Barnes took it off the wall and threw it into the hallway. But they have developed an almost fail proof system for keeping track of the time.
Agent Barnes lights a new cigarette every five minutes, give or take. They simply have to keep count.
"Let's go back to the part where you blew up the Ishmael," Agent Barnes blows a fat, lazy smoke ring. He looks like he came out of his momma's secret place knowing how to blow smoke rings. His free hand flips through the pages of his notebook, old fashioned, but that's the way he likes to do things. Agent Barnes is what one might call a 'classicist,' if one were willing to broaden their definition of classicist.
"You say you were on a collision course with the vessel." He looks up from Gands to Drake, pausing every so often to allow them to concur.
"But your Keeper was at the helm, attempting to evade the Ishmael," before Gands or Drake can supply a correction, he continues.
"That's right, you didn't know that at the time, excuse me." There's a small tugging at the corners of his mouth, now.
Agent Barnes leans back in his chair, the contented smile no longer hidden.
"So far, the two of you have given me all kinds of wild tales about strange equipment failure and an unknown, killer alien-and by the way, we've already searched the Hesperos top to bottom and no sign of this alien corpse."
"Now, you two seem like reasonable, intelligent men, so I don't have to tell you that your story won't hold any kind of water in a court of law, without this alien corpse you spoke of."
"So either you two tell me a different story, the real one this time, or habeas alien corpus."