


Original poster
What do you prefer to be called?


Boy, girl, or a mystery?


How old are you?

I'd prefer to keep this one a secret.

Are you new to the site but not to roleplaying?

Aha, I am definitely not new to roleplaying. Just the site.

Do you like group Roleplays or just a single partner?

Single partner.

On a rainy day do you like jumping in puddles, or curling up on the sofa?

Jumping in puddles. I love rain!

SING IT OUT LOUD! What song is tormenting your mind?

Gravity Falls (Made Me Realize) (Brad Breeck)
It's a remix ^.^

Soo, my name is LolzCookie. Hopefully. I am (as it says above) definitely not new to roleplaying. This site is very intimidating, I must say, but I'm hanging on. I don't promise that I'll be on often, I have another site that I'm frequently on because I know members there and such.
So.. Yeah, hi. I exist. >.>
(im only doing this because i was told to)
Hi there little Cookie! >:3 Dun be scared! We are big, but we are friiiiendly.
Hallo! Iwaku may seem a little intimidating at first, but it really isn't once you get to look around a bit ^^