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Hitomi Forsyth

While I do have Writer's Block I was wanting to start something with someone to see if I can fix it, so I would prefer someone who has an idea of what they want to do...I've got a creative mind it's just a little stubbed up at the moment, so please...if you could help me I would love it. If you've got an idea PM me, please? Hope to chat at you later.
I'm full up on roleplays, but here's a resource for helping get rid of writer's block! Sucks, but you're on the right track out; the best way to kill a block is to write your way out!
If you're still looking for a partner I have a few ideas that I could form into a cohesive plot.

I have a cool Cerberus plot I would love to try, well a character, and an idea...

I also have this cool fallen angel plot... If either of those sounds interesting to discuss (I have yet to figure out how to message on here... or else I'd send you the plots)... I am cool with coming up with others too! :D
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