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Original poster
First things to say? Not much- I don't like to introduce myself, which is ironic since I much prefer introducing characters, but apart from that I'm pretty easy going and although I have been described as insane mad a numerous few amount of times I'd like to just call it eccentric and a dry sense of humor- I haven't role played for a while but would love to start again and would appreciate being sent RP requests- so yes, that's all really, until next time.
Welcome to Iwaku, Azura! Eccentric and dry sense of humor should fit right in around here, I believe! I'm bad at sending rp requests though x_X
Greetings Azura. >:3 We're happy to have you come and join us!
Welcome to Iwaku ^^

Hope you find some great stories to partake in, and of course Enjoy your stay :D
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