Hello there!

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!


Original poster
Hello, I'm Sora_Sigunda, a college student studying art education and life sciences. I enjoy fiction, science fiction, and fantasy. I do not write very well, please forgive me. This is not my first ever forum role play thing.
Welcome to the community, Sora!

Don't worry, we can helps on writing and stuffs. We don't expect you to be a Shakespeare, thats for sure.

Have a look around the forums and such! If you need help getting into roleplays, let me know and I'll be all too happy to help!
Salutations to a new member!

I am Hejin, and though I still can't help but feel new myself, but I figured I could at least welcome another new person.

Don't worry about your skill level. I imagine role-playing and writing more just helps to make us all exponentially better. :D
Welcome Girlie!
It's a pleasure to you have you in Iwaku; Hope ya' have fun, tons of unique people here. Lol.

Hi Sora! 8D It looks like you can write a sentence, so I think you'll be just fine! Welcome to the community! <3
Welcome to the forum!
Hello and welcome to Iwaku, Sora!
I'm Kitti and it's good to meet you.
Out of curiosity, how did you find our site? :D

Oh, but since you're new to us, I would like to show you some useful places:
This is where you can sign up for the roleplays found in Modern, Scifi, Fantasy, and sometimes Mature. Generally, they will have you post a character sheet in their thread, a new sheet for each roleplay! You can also start signups for a roleplay of your own here.

This is where you can find jump in games, which typically have no sign up thread. You just start posting!

These links aren't nearly a full scope of the site, so you should definitely look around for yourself, too!
If you need any help, please feel free to ask. :]
welcome to the site sora. im new too but i wish you good luck
Sora_Segunda! You'll be fine. :] Just have fun. Art education and life sciences are such a very Renaissance combination! That's cool. Welcome to Iwaku and be sure to poke around and have fun!