Hello There.

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Original poster
What nicknames do you like to be called?
Angie, or Fauxe

Are you a boy or a girl, and how old are ya?
Of the female variety; 15

What's your favorite genres to roleplay?
Fantasy, Horror, Medieval

What kind of characters do you usually play?
Male & Female; All different types of personalities

Would you prefer Space Kittens, Angry Marines, Sparkling Vampires or Wolf Packs?
Space Wolf Angry Marine Pack Kittens?

Give us your favorite song of the moment and SING IT LOUD AND PROUD~!

Graveyard Dancing;
"It's been watching you, your slips and slurs and play on words
All fall from your mouth, each mutter, rolling dripping from your tongue.
My plague's begun."

Hello and welcome to the forum. I hope to see a cornucopia of creative works from you, your chalice runneth over with great inspiration!
Welcome to Iwaku! Hope you love the site!