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  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Julian Gomez

Original poster
My Name is Julian.
Though my account was made days ago I have yet to introduce myself to you fine bunch of people. I have been role playing for around 3-4 years. I started out small on a Habbo retro and my fondness for role playing has grown ever since. Though I feel as though I may be out of place here, feeling a bit awkward. This is the first strictly role playing site I have used and don't know where to start. I hope to make many new friends whom role play on here!

My account as of the writing of this is bland but I shall make it nice...I hope.​
Hi Julian, welcome to Iwaku!! I am F0X and we are so happy to have you here on the site!!

There are lots of places to roleplay, and checking the roleplay search section is a great place to look around for roleplays, as well as advertise your own desires!

There are also lots of chatrooms used for both hanging out and chatting, as well as roleplaying!!

If you're ever in any need of help at any time, never hesitate to ask!! I'm always here to help, as well as many other of the CV's and Staff members here on Iwaku!

Happy writing!~

Hello Julian! I'm so happy you're with us! If you ever want to role-play or world-build I'm here!
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