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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Original poster
Hello there, just thought I'd fill in the recommended survey and introduce myself :3

What do you prefer to be called?
I like C or Cee no real name just yet maybe someday... :)

Boy, girl, or a mystery?
I have lady parts. I'm genderfluid so whether I feel like wearing a dress or trousers... well that depends on how I feel and hormones etc. I can feel both masculine and feminine depending... so both leaning toward masculine right now though :D

How old are you?
I am the grand old age of 17, I remember the days of the PS1 and a time before apple devices were everywhere and wifi wasn't that common and you had to use dial-up XD

Are you new to the site but not to roleplaying?
I started out on My Candy Love on a whim but took a break in Year 11 and now returned and want to get back into it. Yeah GCSEs happened and then Year 12 happened...

Do you like group Roleplays or just a single partner?
I haven't roleplayed one to one so I can't say on that front, I do enjoy middle ranged group roleplays of between 8 and 15 characters. It's a comfotable number of characters for me to work with :) Not that I have anything againt one on ones I just haven't had the chance...

On a rainy day do you like jumping in puddles, or curling up on the sofa?
I like to read while listening to it pitter patter as it hits the ground... especially at night :3 It is very soothing for the soul.

SING IT OUT LOUD! What song is tormenting your mind?
Burn by Ellie Goulding ever since it came on the radio :P It could be worse though so I'm not complaining...

I'm going to hunt for an avatar now :D
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Welcome to Iwaku! Cee =^,^= I hope you enjoy your time here and get into lots of RolePlays!
Howdy Cee! Welcome to the site!