Hello Iwaku!



Original poster
Hi there, obviously a newbie to your community and I'm looking to have some good old fashioned RPing fun. I have been RPing for a long time now (A member of Gaiaonline for about 8-9yrs), but unfortunately I haven't been as active as I once was. So, if anyone is interested in RPing just shoot me a message! I'm not too picky and I certainly don't bite!
*Crashes in though the window feet first spraying bullets everywhere*

*Action roll*

Welcome to Iwaku! Take this! *Complimentary welcome balloon* Enjoy your time here, have fun, and watch out for some of the others; they may not bite, but they may gnaw and nibble!

*Dives back out of the window into a waiting helicopter*
Hello! Welcome to Iwaku. You're gonna love it here. Hope to see you around! Perhaps we'll end up rping sometime. =)
Hello PierrePanda, welcome to Iwaku!
Thanks guys, and thank you for my balloon. xD I'm already feeling the love.
He-Hello Pierre...
*looks around awkwardly*
Um w-welcome...
Greetings Pierre! >:3 Welcome to the community.
Welcome to Iwaku!
-kisses your hand-
I hope you have a wonderful time​
Welcome to the site, PierrePanda! Hope you roleplay to your heart's content and make loads of new friends!
*Smiles at her hand being kissed* Thank you. :3 And thank you Arcadia.
Hello! welcome!

Enjoy playing roles and junk.
Haha, thanks. Yeah, Gaia. I was 13 when I first joined and I just kinda stuck around for a while...a long while.