Healthy steps to a more active you!

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Original poster
They say an active body leads to an active mind, and lately I've been slacking in my goal to get more in shape. I know I'm not the only one, and I'd love to chat about health and fitness with those of you that try to get a little bit healthier and more active every day.

Tips, informative links, inspiring stories or even motivating tricks, all are welcome here!

...I have little better advice than to just force yourself out there for a jog or whatever. Which is probably easier to do in that "I can do this"-rush after getting out of bed I foolishly assume everyone gets.


MuscleWiki for workout suggestions. This is probably the most underrated site on the internet, honestly.
I hear tell that the licorice I'm eating, while technically sugar free AND vegan, isn't good for me. So, don't substitute your sugars with licorice, is what I'm saying.
Step 1. Accept no excuses

Step 2. Make achievable goals.

Step 3. Once goal achieved, make a harder goal.

Step 4. Get cut like a diamond.

Step 5. Training partners can motivate you through the first 4 steps.

Corollary 1. You don't need a fucking Fitbit.
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