


Original poster
hey guys ^^; I got invited here by a friend. I'm not sure if creative roleplaying works for me just yet, but my friend has a lot of fun with it, so I thought I'd give it a try as well. Maybe I could hop into something MAID-RPG ish for now? and maybe shift into something more free form... I'll figure it out im time I'm sure!

my first experiences with roleplaying was tabletop games, so I like a little contest and action sometimes. but that doesn't mean I'm a stranger to romances and stuff! As a matter of fact I used to do that when I was in a dorm.

If you guys have any reccomendations for me, I'd love to hear them! :D So anyways yeah HI!

Hmm... so there's like a limit of posts I have to make before I can join the roleplaying proper or something? ?_?
You have to make ten posts before you're able to access the chatbox, but as far as roleplays, feel free to put in a character sheet for any of them at any time! The only restriction concerning roleplay is that you have to be a certain age to participate in the mature section.