Hav - Faal Dragonslayer (Enter - the Dragonslayer)



Original poster
Hello there I'm your Dragonslayer here, ready to roleplay in the vast worlds that can be conquered here on Iwaku. Some random things about me:
  • I've been roleplaying for roughly five years now. I am an advanced roleplayer meaning I typically write around a 1000 words per response.
  • Technically I'm Canadian - though I like to think I'm from Tamriel.
  • I suffer from autism that prevents me from going to school. Instead I teach myself at home.
  • I'm a Pagan. My patrons are Loptr (Loki) & Anubis.
  • I'm an avid gamer, and I own too many systems to name out.
Welcome to Iwaku! We're super glad to have you!

Cool, you're Canadian, eh? What part of Canada are you technically from?

You can check out all the currently running games at the Global Signups forum!

I hope you find something you like! If you have any questions, feel free to ask :)