Harry Potter Romance Ideas (1x1)

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Mae Renea

Original poster
First, I would like to point out any OC x OC RP is welcome. I will take ideas in consideration.
Please, I would love to double up!

Idea One:
George Weasley x OC (Me.)
The Golden Trio had to go to Hogwarts to finish off their last year, considering the war and missing so much they had to re-do it, Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley decided to meddle into two peoples life. Both who where in mourn. George of course missed Fred and Lilac McKinnon-Black (Sirius Black and Marlene McKinnon's daughter) missed her father, God father (Remus), and many friends.

Idea Two:
OC x OC (Obviously one of them is me.)
Victore Weasley x Teddy Lupin (Me.)
Teddy and his (OC) twin sister in their last year.

Pairings: (I don't mind which character I get.)
Hermione x Harry
Hermione x Draco
Harry x Draco
Teddy x Victore
James (the second) x OC
Albus x Scorpius
Scorpius x Rose

Crazy Idea:
Cross-Over Harry Potter and Disney.... Canon pairings.​
Would you want to RP Dramione [Draco x Hermione] with me?
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