I still trick or treat.
I don't even really eat the candy now. I just like to dress up and do my makeup. >:D
I'll give the candy either to my best friend Lana, a candy fiend, or I will add it to the pile at home to give out to kiddies, or I hold onto it to give to the closest nephew/niece like figures in my life.
I do enjoy handing out candy though, while I'm dressed up. We use this bowl at home that has a creepy hand the side closest to when I'm holding it. Fill it with candies, the kid reaches in, the hand snaps down on them gently, and says something like "Trick me or Treat me" or "BWAHAHAHA Thank you very much" or "Happy Halloweeeeeeen -insert snake voice here-". It scares the crap out of little kids. But when I see they're too little, I hold back the hand and let them pick more than one piece. Little kids get more than one piece from me. Big kids who are smart asses get like one. xD
Ooooh. Also, mom and I always cover the bushes in the front with spider web stuff, and throw on plastic spiders. I strategically place them, being the artist I am. xD and I usually give up with the webs and am like MOOOOOOOM cuz I'm a derp when it comes to the webby stretchy apparatus material thingy. we also put out this Ghost thing, that it looks like a little kid in a ghost costume. and when you walk past it, it shakes around, and is like "BOO -giggle- did I scare you? ahahahaha" or "Trick or treat trick or treat give me something good to eat, -giggles.-" It's freaking adorable. And freaking annoying. xD
I won't keep ranting, but we have A LOT of halloween decorations. A LOT. I'm sad I won't be home for it this year. /: . . . -now is thinking I should go home for halloween.- o.o if it's on a weekend..
Anyways! Yes. That's what we do.
And I bake a lot. Pumpkin pie is the shit. <3