
  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!


Original poster
Hi there. :D This site is quite awesome! I'm glad Ive found it.

Umm... I really would like to RP again, I've been rping since I was pretty young. I'm a girl despite the username and I'm 18.
You can call me Silas, Hannah- whatever you want. I'm pretty laid back but I'm also pretty shy. Trying to ease myself into this.
Phew. I'm a little nervous.
Aww, don't be nervous. Everyone here is really nice ^^ You'll see soon enough.
My name is Crona, or you can call me Kiddo. Let me know if you wanna do a roleplay together. I'll be more than happy too. (As long as it isn't yaoi or mechas)
Welcome to Iwaku! I was nervous too, but soon enough I learned that everyone here is welcoming and nice. Feel free to contact me if you want to roleplay. I'm up for anything! ^.^
Thank you both! It's really quite a wonderful community here. The site is so well put together.... *q*
Welcome to Iwaku, Silas.
I'm Kitti and it's good to meet you.
There's no need to be nervous, dear. We don't bite unless you ask us to do so~
I hope that you've had a chance to take a look around - most of our sections are self-explanatory but if you need any help, please feel free to ask.
Yay! The site is well put together! :D

Welcome to Iwaku!
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO EIGHTEEN -highfives in the face rather obnoxiously.-

I am Staci.
You are not.
-gives a small carnivorous creature.-
Hello, Silas. I'm October, nice to meet you.

Welcome to Iwaku, if you have questions about anything don't hesitate to ask.
@Staci /HI5

@everyone else

Thank you for the welcome! :3 It's a pleasure to meet all of you.
Welcome. I'm not Staci either. :D