Dawn Bringer Invictus
Original poster
I've only started RPing recently, but with the help of a certain October Knight, I've found this site. The one I'm on is a bit...slow now, but based on what I can see, this site seems more explosive in its content.
Like Mr. October, 100% pure headbanging sepulchral metal maniac. Big fan of the heavy sound; bands like The Chasm, Phantasm (from Wisconsin), Order From Chaos (my name is actually taken from their stellar debut album, one of the elite of death/black metal), Manticora, Manilla Road, Doomsword, old Forbidden, Artillery (Nld), Imprecation (USA), Sortilege, High Power, Battleroar, Oracle (USA), Negative Plane, old Bathory and various others.
I'm going to be attempting to "reincarnate" some of my others RP's here, as due to the higher activity levels here (along with the fact that a quick skim seems to reveal that you're all talented writers) should mean that they turn out differently and hopefully better.
Ha, guess that makes me a deserter!
Like Mr. October, 100% pure headbanging sepulchral metal maniac. Big fan of the heavy sound; bands like The Chasm, Phantasm (from Wisconsin), Order From Chaos (my name is actually taken from their stellar debut album, one of the elite of death/black metal), Manticora, Manilla Road, Doomsword, old Forbidden, Artillery (Nld), Imprecation (USA), Sortilege, High Power, Battleroar, Oracle (USA), Negative Plane, old Bathory and various others.
I'm going to be attempting to "reincarnate" some of my others RP's here, as due to the higher activity levels here (along with the fact that a quick skim seems to reveal that you're all talented writers) should mean that they turn out differently and hopefully better.
Ha, guess that makes me a deserter!