Guilty Pleasure Songs



Original poster

[size=+1]What is your NUMBER ONE guilty pleasure song? Something that you feel embarrassed for liking but for some reason, you still like it![/size]
This is the STUPIDEST song in the universe.

But I love it.

Because it's so stupid. XD I laugh every time I listen to it.

I'm probably going to go with saying, Caramelldansen. It just springs up in random conversation with the woman.

and then goes rapidly downhill from there ;;_;;.
Here We Go Again by one of those family channel kids (I don't know her name lol) ....I have no idea why I like it, but it fit a duration of my life and I frequently still listen to the damn song -.-

And also Best Friends by Toybox xD
Oh my GOD!!!! I don't want to do this but I have to be honest about it. >__<

Here is the song I'm embarassed to admit I like:

P.s Will be using this in RPs

Not sure why but I find this song hilarious.
Maybe just because Mitchell Davis rapping.