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Heylo there! I'm shylarah, also known as Shy, though I'm really not shy at all. ^.^ If you find a shylarah on the web, it's probably me. I've been rping since I was a little kid and begged my dad to teach me Dungeons and Dragons, which he still plays weekly to this day. I am an adult now, though I don't often choose to act like one. I grew up in a suburb of Chicago, but have since moved away. I am a voracious reader and love books. I often listen to music, and I like a variety of genre, including Jpop, symphonic metal, classical, folk, rock, and oldies. I sing in a local choir, and on my own at home. I am an complete and utter geek, and more than a bit crazy. I enjoy games of many types: video, card, board, dice. I follow a handful of TV shows and am catching up on many anime. I like making art, and once a year I try to write a novel in thirty days, though I usually fail spectacularly at the latter. I did succeed twice though, and am very proud of one of the results (the other is horrible, but the goal is 50K words, not a good story). If you want to know more about this, ask me about NaNoWriMo! I have a minor obsession with dragons.
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Welcome to the site! Jeez, I cannot find the inspiration to write a sentence by hand, let alone a novel, glad to meet you! Rainbow power! I find you amazing for writing so much!
@Krnon Hey there! I don't succeed very often. I like it for the community as much as for the writing.
begged my dad to teach me Dungeons and Dragons, a voracious reader and love books. I often listen to music, and I like a variety of genre, including Jpop, symphonic metal, classical, folk, rock, and oldies. I am an complete and utter geek, and more than a bit crazy. I enjoy games of many types: video, card, board, dice. I follow a handful of TV shows and am catching up on many anime. I like making art, and once a year I try to write a novel in thirty days, though I usually fail spectacularly at the latter. I did succeed twice though, and am very proud of one of the results (the other is horrible, but the goal is 50K words, not a good story). If you want to know more about this, ask me about NaNoWriMo! I have a minor obsession with dragons.
You. I like you. I shall keep you.
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Hi there SHy! :D Welcome to the site!
[BCOLOR=#000000]It's not the failures that you measure, but the times you persevere through them to keep going on.[/BCOLOR]