


Original poster
Hey there, I'm generally pretty stumped when having to post these introductions but I figured i may as well give it a go.

Name's Matt, I'm from New Zealand and have been roleplaying for roughly around five years now. I started off on Facebook and got into bigger and better things. I am generally a Mirror Roleplayer (Meaning, I like to Mirror my length off other's posts). When put to the test though, at most, I can pump out a good fifteen to twenty paragraphs.

I don't really know what else to write, But I hope I get to meet some amazing individuals and get some good roleplays going!

What do you prefer to be called? Matt or Pride, Either, doesn't really bother me.

Boy, girl, or a mystery? Male

How old are you? Eighteen

Are you new to the site but not to roleplaying? Indeed I am~!

Do you like group Roleplays or just a single partner? Single for the most part, but I will do group.

On a rainy day do you like jumping in puddles, or curling up on the sofa? A bit of both.

SING IT OUT LOUD! What song is tormenting your mind? Hostage by the Dangerkids~!
New Zealand!
I'vent been there, yet.
Welcome to Iwaku, Mr. Pride! Please, enjoy your stay.
[BCOLOR=rgb(8, 8, 8)]*Waves* Heyo! I am Hiroki Shoma. Welcome to Iwaku! *gives you a golden card with my name and information on it. * if you wanna roleplay or be buddies, let me know.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=rgb(8, 8, 8)]tumblr_ncbg9dYqLW1ts7fm7o1_500.gif [/BCOLOR]
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Buddies it is Mr.Shoma!
Hallo there Matt, welcome to the site!
Welcome to Iwaku Matt, enjoy your stay.