grammar help

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


lets weave soulless threads
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
evening on thur , fri, and sat
Writing Levels
  1. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Nonbinary
dragon age series, asoiaf series, erotic, dark fantasy, high fantasy, suspense, adventure
To cut straight to the chase, I would appreciate it if someone PMed me with a revised version of the grammar (I'm having trouble keeping consistent pronouns throughout the thing) and (if needed) should there be any weird wording, I would love to get feedback on that as well.

Rules for Games We Play

1. Please be polite and courteous to one another. Refrain from speaking about sensitive subjects alluding to real life matters; fictional matters are okay, so long as you don't go into gratuitous detail. We want this to be a positive environment.

2. We encourage you to be racially diverse in your character creation. You may have up to two characters. Each prince was once human, so biological DNA doesn't matter. As for the girls, none of them know each other at the beginning, so please don't feel limited in creation.

3. Please understand that your post must be of advanced level or above. Quality over quantity plays a huge part in this roleplay, as well as setting up atmosphere and tone. We would prefer to see details in at least two paragraphs every post. We would also appreciate it if grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes are minimal, per the advanced writing level description.

4. The posting speed I've marked down for this roleplay is weekly. We will harp down on those who don't make it, should they fail to provide a reason for possible absence ahead of time. We want to keep this roleplay going. If a member fails to post without a reason why they couldn't, tough luck. We will give our members two chances. After that second time, we will drop the member who failed to comply to our fourth rule.

5. We encourage you to have fun! This is supposed to be an exciting experience, no matter how dreadful the roleplay itself actually is. One thing we want our members to remember is that GM word is final. We will kick out anyone who is being disruptive or unfair to this environment. Last but not least, if any member thinks we're being assholes, please PM us privately and politely explain the situation.

Some things to note:

  • We have mobile users and people who have trouble reading posts with fancy bbcodes. Please be considerate of those members and place any CS or IC post in spoilerbb codes unformatted. The code is as follows:
    [spoilerbb] testing [/spoilerbb]
  • This roleplay is of a dark nature. It is dark fantasy. With that being said, I can't guarantee that any situational aspects detailing or alluding to sensitive subjects such as rape, abuse, and mental illness, won't take place.
I really only found two errors in this.

We would prefer to see details in at least two paragraphs every post.
The syntax of this sentence doesn't really make any sense to me. Are you just trying to say that you want people to post at least two paragraphs per post? At least two detailed paragraphs?

One thing we want our members to remember is that GM's word is final.
Bolded the correction.

Other than that? I really don't see any issues. Any grammatical issues that remain would be subtle enough that I doubt your average RPer would notice.
  • Thank You
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@Kagayours Oh, wow. Thank you so much for the quick response! Two detailed paragraphs is correct. I wasn't sure how to word what I was going for. Again, thank you so much for stopping by and clearing up anything that seemed off, etc. :)
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