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carpe noctem
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
Online Availability
Saturdays and Sundays.
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Transgender
Romance. Modern. Dystopian. Horror.
mobile friendly but the red font cuts off
....for some reason, this looks too simple. Eh, at least it works now
Font: Shrikhand + Lobster
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus sed mi mauris. Vivamus bibendum tristique augue eget eleifend. Ut sit amet nibh sapien. In vel rutrum nunc. Integer pellentesque dolor eu nulla porttitor ullamcorper. Sed lacinia enim a dolor ullamcorper, at sagittis leo pharetra. In iaculis sem sed nunc euismod porttitor. Pellentesque lacinia eros id fringilla auctor. Duis a dictum odio. Duis laoreet semper tempus. Nulla sed dolor nisl.

Duis vestibulum lectus convallis, fringilla magna ac, maximus magna. Ut gravida tincidunt dolor, eleifend placerat leo dictum eu. Nunc nec sem id neque ornare vehicula non a ligula. Nulla ac nisi tellus. Nulla ultrices fermentum scelerisque. Phasellus id elementum velit, nec fringilla augue. Phasellus viverra id tortor ac egestas. Cras varius, leo nec lobortis tristique, nunc dolor faucibus justo, eget venenatis tortor sem eget dolor. Duis eu congue erat. Sed ullamcorper libero sed augue varius varius. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ac magna vel urna accumsan suscipit. In vitae pulvinar elit, a condimentum lacus. Nullam quis pretium eros. Aliquam efficitur aliquet diam, quis lobortis leo suscipit vel. Curabitur elementum massa sit amet mollis tempor.
3 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus sed mi mauris. Vivamus bibendum tristique augue eget eleifend. Ut sit amet nibh sapien. In vel rutrum nunc. Integer pellentesque dolor eu nulla porttitor ullamcorper. Sed lacinia enim a dolor ullamcorper, at sagittis leo pharetra. In iaculis sem sed nunc euismod porttitor. Pellentesque lacinia eros id fringilla auctor. Duis a dictum odio. Duis laoreet semper tempus. Nulla sed dolor nisl.

Duis vestibulum lectus convallis, fringilla magna ac, maximus magna. Ut gravida tincidunt dolor, eleifend placerat leo dictum eu. Nunc nec sem id neque ornare vehicula non a ligula. Nulla ac nisi tellus. Nulla ultrices fermentum scelerisque. Phasellus id elementum velit, nec fringilla augue. Phasellus viverra id tortor ac egestas. Cras varius, leo nec lobortis tristique, nunc dolor faucibus justo, eget venenatis tortor sem eget dolor. Duis eu congue erat. Sed ullamcorper libero sed augue varius varius. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ac magna vel urna accumsan suscipit. In vitae pulvinar elit, a condimentum lacus. Nullam quis pretium eros. Aliquam efficitur aliquet diam, quis lobortis leo suscipit vel. Curabitur elementum massa sit amet mollis tempor.

Come back Sunday Morning | When you're gone | Good bye, so long, farewell.
Live in the moment !
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Pahn
Slider code is credited to darkflames13~ (click on DAKAI)
Dakai Matsushima
Chief Operating of AiCo

APPEARANCE: Dakai Matsushima is a young looking male with dark brown eyes and long soft-black hair that covers a third of his face for reasons unknown. Though he is Chief Operating, Dakai's attire and fashion-sense is messy; most of his button-up shirts go unbuttoned and he lacks a professional tie. Dakai makes up for it with professional black slacks and polished shoes. Dakai has always been bone skinny, with his ribs peeking out of his skin whenever he goes shirtless. His weight could be a result of genes and malnutrition, but Dakai prefers the look he has now and has no intentions to change. If an event or a weekly conference is just around the corner, you can see dark circles slowly starting to appear below tired hard-working eyes.

ROLE: Dakai Matsushima was the original founder of AiCo, but due to increasing obsessions towards his business partner Hun-hee Kim, Dakai willingly gave the CEO position up to his unrequited love.

OTHER: Dakai is the current Chief Operating Officer (COO) and the former Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of AiCo. He frequently shows up during the patients' monthly appointment and is the only highest authority that can be physically interacted with inside the facility.

Dakai's personality is ambiguous. For the most part he is reclusive, effeminate, and gentle when around his employees. Dakai is known around the corporation to also be humble, stoic, quiet, and obedient, his traits making him a total pushover when it comes to his one-sided lover Mal. Some say that his looks match his gentle charm and he is quite the pleasing man, however, this bashful facade masks his dark and debauched side—an antisocial, vile and unprincipled voyeur who has little, if any, problem in using others for his sexual hunger.

Dakai wasn't always this way. His morbid personality is the result of abuse and assault inflicted by his girlfriend, which finally ended with her unknown cause of death two years prior to the foundation of AiCo. Her death was the catalyst for Dakai's perverted changes, as he later became quite lonely, depressed, and sorrowful without a dominating presence in his life. This is shown in his somewhat morbid habits of talking to his self-harm scars, a picture of his deceased ex-girlfriend, or in some extreme cases, his genitals. Half of these conversations have Dakai speaking about his day, his feelings, and claiming that he will make his company the most influential conglomerate in the nation.

Another reason for his sexual quirk comes from the growing support and monetary backing for IMF at its beginning stages. Dakai, wanting to get his new product more attention, had struggles trying to find new ways to promote the IMF. Dakai then came to the "brilliant" conclusion that sex sells, and as a result he spent weeks on end researching pornographic content to the point that fantasies plague his brain for the entirety of his career as the COO of AiCo. At the end of the day, Dakai will never really act out on his lewd fantasies, though the creepy comment does comes out once in a while.

With all this fame and reputation, it is very clear that Dakai has a knowledge for medication, whilst his marketing side all coming from his business partner Mal. Dakai's intelligent nature comes from an education in anesthesiology, intensive care medication, and pain management, which always shows whenever he holds weekly conferences and events showcasing his products.

A hidden quirk that consumes him, Dakai devotes his life and work towards two things: Mal, his business partner, and the corporation he founded. He will protect these two by performing outrageous acts unnamed in hopes that it would give him the attention he desperately thinks he deserves. In any case, Dakai is always sincere and thinks his actions are of good intent, making him a little outcasted by some.

Wine | Dress shirts/Button-up blouses | Chandeliers | Ramen | Disco music | Mal | Sour flavored candy | Spicy chicken wings | AiCo | Late night walks | Organization and cleanliness | Stationary | Pornography | Sex | Scented lotion or perfume/cologne | Alcohol | Beautiful looking people

Bitter medicine and foods | Insomnia | Threats and/or insults towards the CEO or AiCo | Bugs | Pudding | Cold weather | Simple sadness | Hot foods (temperature wise) | Terrible work ethic | Monotone attitudes

aka biography


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I still need to figure out how to fit all the content into the background. Maybe smaller dimensions?
Love is painful.

Hun-hee Mal Kim
lorem ipsum dolor si amet
please forgive me.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In tincidunt justo ac mi tempus, sit amet congue erat vehicula. Sed consequat efficitur fermentum. Vivamus eget mollis diam, at tincidunt magna. Duis porta fermentum est ut rhoncus. Nunc vel justo pulvinar enim dignissim eleifend eu ac lectus. Donec rutrum, magna a hendrerit suscipit, nulla ante convallis nulla, sit amet rutrum nisi nunc in ipsum. Quisque ultricies vel sem vel pretium. Ut tristique dui et nisi dictum iaculis. Nullam faucibus augue vitae aliquam varius. Pellentesque ultrices ipsum felis, non tincidunt augue elementum ut. Quisque urna turpis, aliquet non commodo nec, fermentum at tortor. Praesent accumsan mi ac urna sodales egestas. Donec pretium ac sapien quis faucibus.

Sed eget dictum ante. Morbi cursus tempor scelerisque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam non neque est. Vivamus molestie elit at erat pharetra, id luctus orci pellentesque. Donec non dolor sed nunc pellentesque vehicula. Proin vel nunc vitae urna sodales scelerisque et id odio. Sed varius posuere volutpat. Nunc rhoncus massa magna, ut placerat felis dictum at. Curabitur posuere laoreet felis vel dignissim.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In tincidunt justo ac mi tempus, sit amet congue erat vehicula. Sed consequat efficitur fermentum. Vivamus eget mollis diam, at tincidunt magna. Duis porta fermentum est ut rhoncus. Nunc vel justo pulvinar enim dignissim eleifend eu ac lectus. Donec rutrum, magna a hendrerit suscipit, nulla ante convallis nulla, sit amet rutrum nisi nunc in ipsum. Quisque ultricies vel sem vel pretium. Ut tristique dui et nisi dictum iaculis. Nullam faucibus augue vitae aliquam varius. Pellentesque ultrices ipsum felis, non tincidunt augue elementum ut. Quisque urna turpis, aliquet non commodo nec, fermentum at tortor. Praesent accumsan mi ac urna sodales egestas. Donec pretium ac sapien quis faucibus.

Sed eget dictum ante. Morbi cursus tempor scelerisque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam non neque est. Vivamus molestie elit at erat pharetra, id luctus orci pellentesque. Donec non dolor sed nunc pellentesque vehicula. Proin vel nunc vitae urna sodales scelerisque et id odio. Sed varius posuere volutpat. Nunc rhoncus massa magna, ut placerat felis dictum at. Curabitur posuere laoreet felis vel dignissim.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In tincidunt justo ac mi tempus, sit amet congue erat vehicula. Sed consequat efficitur fermentum. Vivamus eget mollis diam, at tincidunt magna. Duis porta fermentum est ut rhoncus. Nunc vel justo pulvinar enim dignissim eleifend eu ac lectus. Donec rutrum, magna a hendrerit suscipit, nulla ante convallis nulla, sit amet rutrum nisi nunc in ipsum. Quisque ultricies vel sem vel pretium. Ut tristique dui et nisi dictum iaculis. Nullam faucibus augue vitae aliquam varius. Pellentesque ultrices ipsum felis, non tincidunt augue elementum ut. Quisque urna turpis, aliquet non commodo nec, fermentum at tortor. Praesent accumsan mi ac urna sodales egestas. Donec pretium ac sapien quis faucibus.

Sed eget dictum ante. Morbi cursus tempor scelerisque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam non neque est. Vivamus molestie elit at erat pharetra, id luctus orci pellentesque. Donec non dolor sed nunc pellentesque vehicula. Proin vel nunc vitae urna sodales scelerisque et id odio. Sed varius posuere volutpat. Nunc rhoncus massa magna, ut placerat felis dictum at. Curabitur posuere laoreet felis vel dignissim.

Integer vulputate lorem eu turpis aliquet vestibulum. Sed condimentum, lectus sollicitudin aliquet hendrerit, ipsum sem laoreet tortor, quis sollicitudin mi lacus sed velit. Nulla eu arcu at purus vehicula posuere vitae non dui. Integer gravida nibh erat. Etiam eget maximus quam. Pellentesque et tincidunt elit, ac dictum enim. Aliquam urna ante, euismod sit amet purus vitae, feugiat dictum ligula. Donec quis scelerisque mi. Suspendisse vehicula lorem quam, ac laoreet dolor vulputate quis. Morbi metus mauris, porta tincidunt semper luctus, pulvinar id lorem.

Quisque tincidunt volutpat ornare. Cras tincidunt, urna ut tincidunt volutpat, lacus justo porttitor odio, eu porttitor dui orci non elit. Duis eget est ornare, rhoncus nulla in, aliquam velit. Suspendisse ultricies nunc sed maximus imperdiet. Aenean et suscipit nunc. Quisque tincidunt, ante quis congue imperdiet, dolor elit finibus erat, eu mollis nisi metus a lectus. Phasellus eget cursus odio.

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If your phone can switch to landscape mode. :)
click to interact
lmao it's not mobile friendly i tried (try again later)
still can't get over this last name lol


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ac mauris dignissim, volutpat ex a, rhoncus leo. In convallis mi vel turpis lobortis, eu consequat mi iaculis. Cras ac risus vel massa semper sagittis et vitae sapien. Integer ut turpis lectus. Phasellus maximus lacus sem, sit amet auctor purus porta eget. Integer at massa id metus posuere aliquet. Cras finibus ex non purus consequat egestas. Morbi tellus nisi, interdum at massa quis, interdum pellentesque urna. Aenean eu eros lobortis, tristique diam sed, porttitor nulla. Nam semper, urna nec pretium dapibus, magna nulla efficitur velit, at condimentum diam ex in magna. In risus tellus, scelerisque at risus vitae, blandit eleifend orci. Curabitur et justo congue, vehicula turpis eu, mattis dolor.

Nullam dictum viverra convallis. Proin massa nisl, malesuada eget mi a, consectetur consequat mi. Nunc id sapien luctus, faucibus neque sit amet, sagittis leo. Sed pharetra, velit eget pretium fringilla, ex diam placerat arcu, eu semper diam nulla sed velit. Maecenas a mattis eros, a sollicitudin lacus. Aenean at viverra libero, ut aliquet massa. Aenean enim elit, molestie ut sollicitudin condimentum, laoreet non lectus. Fusce semper pulvinar lectus.

Nulla sodales cursus ornare. Proin ut arcu ornare, imperdiet sem vel, pulvinar justo. Aliquam blandit ipsum ante, et dignissim augue vehicula tempus. Suspendisse potenti. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis quis mauris euismod, venenatis mi et, luctus erat. Sed eu porta augue. Phasellus malesuada, magna eget posuere fermentum, turpis mauris convallis ex, nec tristique nibh enim vitae ante. Pellentesque a pretium tortor. Morbi tristique lorem quis condimentum convallis. Ut tincidunt, tellus in scelerisque ultricies, enim diam luctus sem, at tincidunt ligula elit et eros. Duis tincidunt turpis quis venenatis tincidunt. Morbi scelerisque est vitae justo placerat congue. Fusce congue elit ac neque varius euismod. Etiam sed magna ut ipsum tristique hendrerit. Nulla pulvinar ipsum metus, vel feugiat lectus pulvinar vitae.



finish thebasics content
finish socialconnections content
fill in all the info
edit shortbio to match cs
add theme song to bottom div box
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font: Palanquin Dark.
tbh I don't know what this is even for. I mean, it was supposed to be part of an rp idea but I'm brain scattered.
this should be 100% mobile friendly. for sure. there's no doubt about it. if it isn't omg
inspiration: 9 (movie) | Phantom Paradise (webtoon) | Human+ art exhibit
Negative Confessions
1. I have not sinned against man.
2. I have not wronged my kinsfolk.
3. I have not committed evil in the Place of Truth.
4. I have not known worthless men.
5. I have not committed acts of abomination.
6. I have not caused my name to appear for honors.
7. I have not thought scorn of the God.
8. I have not defrauded the poor man of his goods.
9. I have not done things which the God(s) abominate.
10. I have not caused man to suffer.
11. I have not allowed man to go hungry.
12. I have not made man weep.
13. I have not slain man.
14. I have not given order of man to be slain.
15. I have not caused pain to the multitude.
16. I have not stolen the offerings of the Spirits.
17. I have not cheated with justice.
18. I have not taken away milk from babes.
19. I have not driven away beasts from their pastures.
20. I have not repulsed the god in his manifestations. I am pure. I am pure. I am pure. I am pure. I am pure.
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