Golden Nevaria

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カンザキイオリ - 不器用な男
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. 1-3 posts per week
  4. One post per week
  5. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Female
Horror, Scifi, Fantasy

If Merene had been able to speak, she would've called out to the man. Instead she was stopped suddenly by Kir digging his feet into the ground. Since it was impossible for her to move him, she let go of his hand and put her own on her hips. From his description this "Noyon" seemed to be of similar rank of an ambassador back on Nevaria, so she could understand his apprehension. Still, it wasn't enough to deter her. Not today, at least.

Kir you're blocking someone inside the shop.

Wait here.

I'll go talk to him myself.

She took off running after the Noyon, not giving Kir time to voice his protests. She slowed to match the man's pace once she caught up to him, walking next to and observing him, with no regard to how it might make him feel. He was handsome and tall, though not as tall as Kir. She could've guessed from his was that he was someone with a position of power, even without Kir telling her. It was written over him from the way he looked at her, to the way he walked and dressed. Pompous, and arrogant, just like those from Nevaria. Surprisingly, he had a scar on his face and Merene had no doubt he bragged to those who would listen the extravagant tale of how he happened to get it. All at once, she decided she was no longer interested in him, and abruptly turned to make her way back towards Kir.
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The word was devoid of authority, wisdom, and any other sort of presence. It was spoken with the kind of casual appraisal that a child would have when pointing at a piece of fruit, a bench, or nothing at all. But it summoned the warrior with all haste; no, he was there before the single syllable of his name had finished vibrating on the Noyon's mouth, at full attention and his staff already driven three hand lengths into the ground so he could place that hand on his chest.

"Who is that woman?"

"She is my companion."

The Noyon scrutinized some chocolates in the shop window. The truffles comprised concentric, nested spheres, each one intricately carved and coated with gold dust so the shells could spin within each other, aided by a gentle stream of air from a nearly invisible opening in the base of the display.

"And what is this place?"

Kir stiffened more, if that was possible. The tendons in his neck drew taut for a moment as he prepared his half-truth.

"It is a place beyond the Golden Horde. Beyond my ordu."

"That much is obvious!" Noyon Yisu tucked a tuft of his white sideburn behind his ear and looked up to frown at Kir. "Yet that doesn't explain why you have been the only one to show, and suddenly at that, since I arrived here!"

"Noyon, the explanation will take some time."

"I wasn't doing anything, anyways! Come, and take that woman with you!"

Yisu entered the shop, and Kir looked at Merene helplessly as he withdrew his staff from the cobblestone and held the door open for her.
It was a mistake to talk to this man. The two should have strolled past and gone on with their night. Merene took one doleful look at the illuminated mansions up the road, mouthed an apology to Kir, and then followed the Noyon into the shop. A shop keeper immediately jumped up to greet them, his eyes fixed on the Noyon's expensive golden jewelry.

"Welcome, please, come in!" He gestured to a counter in the middle of the store, "Good sir, would you and your lovely lady and..." He looked at Kir's gigantic form and powerstaff, "...bodyguard be interested in a chocolate tasting? We offer the best you can find in the Estate, and even offer appropriate wine pairings. I promise you won't regret it."

I'm not "his lady."

Both the Noyon and the shopkeeper ignored her as they walked over to the counter. Merene moved to sit next to Kir, but the Noyon cut between them and pulled out a chair for her. She looked past him at Kir, but he was either still too anxious because of the Noyon's presence or simply did not care. With an irritated huff, Merene sat in the offered chair.

The shop keeper placed three wine glasses on the counter and began filling them with a white wine. "Thank you for joining me here today!" He served the glasses. "Now, tell me, what kind of chocolate do you usually prefer? Do you like it with fruit or nuts? If you give me an idea of your preference I can cater the tasting to you and make sure you have the best possible experience." He looked at Merene expectantly.

I've never had it.

In fact, Merene had only heard the word once in the Estate in passing. She hadn't even known it was a food until now.

I haven't had the opportunity to eat most things.